Originally Posted by jonn3
I have also had one guy tell me how if he was growing up today - with the current level of acceptance - he would probably be gay - but when he was young that "was not an option".
I was having precisely the same conversation couple of months ago with a guy whom I have known purely as a service supplier all these years. Since we have known each other for some 12 years now, we are trying to be sort of 'friends' not because we really are but because we think that this creates a good impression on the others.

. I admit, I was taken aback by his informal confession over drinks before a business dinner.
Strange enough, he was perfectly comfortable with openly admitting that he was a conformist, and had really no regrets about it whatsoever. Those were the different times... These days he would be doing it very differently...
It would be cool to get a a few more first-person stories here for those of us who simply are curious/inquisitive, and would love to know. None of us here is running any scientific study, and all we can hope for are observational findings, as John pointed out.