Originally Posted by KewlDewd66
Mind can and will justify almost anything that it perceives as a vital self-interest.
Frankly, I sorta understand a college dude, hormones raging and all, who is willing to have his logic undertake any leap needed, so that he gets his rocks off, and carries on with this life as usual.
At that age logic goes out the window - guys are often just looking for a "justification" for their actions other that saying "I like sex with guys" - that would mean they were (oh my god) gay!
I had one buddy that I think every time we ever fooled around he would preface it with "Damn I am so horny! I wish there were some girls around...." I knew that within 10 minutes I would be getting my dick sucked - but it was not gay because he would have rather had a girl....
Originally Posted by KewlDewd66
It takes a lot more empathy  to understand a grown up, married dude, fully aware of the risks involved still believing that it is not cheating because he is not doing with a female??!
And it takes even more empathy and quite some good will to understand the wives who were promised absolute monogamy but shrug with their shoulders and say, 'it's the boys' thing... he is a good provider, takes care of me and the kids, so it does not matter.'
It is a strange leap of logic - but I have seen comments from more than one guy who has said his wife is not into sex anymore and does not care if he fools around as long as it is physical not emotional - so she is ok with him getting off with a guy because he will not fall in love - just sex.