On one hand the societal stigma associated with being gay has largely disappeared in many of the first world countries, to mention the few...
On the other hand, legal ban on discrimination, marriage equality, etc., have all contributed to the notion that you do not have to be gay forever, fit into any of the stereotypes (in order to be accepted), and yet have sex with other men if you choose to do so. The prevailing concept of masculinity has changed. The previously uncontested notion that if you went 'gay' once or for several times, you CANNOT be str8 anymore is continuously losing ground.
At least one other major change has probably influenced this new attitude. The latest financial global meltdown has dealt a very serious blow to the traditional structures that seem to be unable to offer stability and security in exchange for the adherence to their values. The 'golden boy' syndrome is largely the matter of the past.
The fact is that relatively very few people these days will refuse to be your friends just because you are openly gay, or because someone is spreading the gossip that you may be gay. Very few companies will fire you for being gay. And, yes, at many places you can have a happy and fulfilled life being anywhere between openly gay to being DL.
There seems to be a growing acceptance of situational homosexuality, too. A few guys do not make it much of a secret that they did have sex with other men when the circumstances offered no other practical alternative. Such guys still perceive themselves as mostly str8 but are open-minded and will cut the chase short if in mood to do so, or if believing that this is the best they can do under the given circumstances.