Originally Posted by infopop
I honestly can't deal with the Apps and the loss of personality in most interactions. Even the web sites, prior to Apps, were rarely a good venue for me. Nothing's quite like face to face or at least seeing something tangible and interested.
~ Bob
Indeed, there is quite some loss of personality in those interactions.
People who are willing to make the effort, dress up or down, walk or drive to a specific cruising venue are effectively investing their time and energy and possibly even some money to hook up, see other dudes, etc.
Like it or not, such guys have a vested interest in hooking up, or at least treating everyone as real people whose advances they are free to accept or reject as the case may be.
Now, the apps/sites are taking away much of that minimal investment. People feel free to post fake pictures, fake stats, and they feel free to waste everybody's time if they choose to. They did not invest anything into their attempt to hook up, cruise whatever.
If is is for 'free' it ain't usually good either