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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Straight men watching gay porn...
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Old 19th October 2016, 05:04 PM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 400

I agree with Bob here. Older, possibly conservative men see no point in admitting to their little gay porn related 'vices'.

For the rest of the developed world, the matter has been largely if not completely settled. It seems to boil down to the logical fact that your sexuality is really your own business for as long as consenting adults are involved and no one really gets seriously hurt.

The whole gay-or-not issue probably had to do with the element of scandal it used to create once someone was outed one way or the other. With that scandalous bit gone, the whole matter is just not worth any serious gossiping effort, is it?

Many of us agree that there is both a practical and substantial difference between men who choose to live openly as gay men and those who go for the down-on-the-low bro jobs. We still need to take time and develop the sense of acceptance of both life styles.

A DL, bro-job dude is who he is. He may or may not have valid reasons for keeping it down on the low. Yet, it is for all of us to recognize that it is HIS life ultimately, and hence, he should be calling the shots. Just as much as it OK for someone to say, 'Nope, I do not want to spend my life hiding', it is OK for someone else to choose a very different path.

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