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Old 18th October 2016, 01:04 PM
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Straight men watching gay porn...

I just read an interesting article on how more "straight" guys admit to having watched gay porn in the last 6 months than the researches expected (21%).

How many straight guys are watching gay porn? More than you'd think

And if that is the percentage that admits it - who knows what the real number is...

It appears to be more of the growing trend of accepting that male sexuality is more fluid than used to be believed and that to some degree most guys are bisexual.

I have even seen stories where "bro-jobs" are not considered gay - just helping each other out. I know for years we never considered what we were doing sexually as "gay" and avoided ever talking about it being gay or romantic - it was just sex and we were horny.

But I find it interesting that more guys are now willing to admit having watched gay porn - just another step in growing the acceptance of gays.
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Old 19th October 2016, 03:32 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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It would be interesting to see the stats broken down further by age and geography. I suspect that older str8 men and those in the US South would be less likely to say on a survey that they watch gay porn.
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Old 19th October 2016, 05:04 PM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
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I agree with Bob here. Older, possibly conservative men see no point in admitting to their little gay porn related 'vices'.

For the rest of the developed world, the matter has been largely if not completely settled. It seems to boil down to the logical fact that your sexuality is really your own business for as long as consenting adults are involved and no one really gets seriously hurt.

The whole gay-or-not issue probably had to do with the element of scandal it used to create once someone was outed one way or the other. With that scandalous bit gone, the whole matter is just not worth any serious gossiping effort, is it?

Many of us agree that there is both a practical and substantial difference between men who choose to live openly as gay men and those who go for the down-on-the-low bro jobs. We still need to take time and develop the sense of acceptance of both life styles.

A DL, bro-job dude is who he is. He may or may not have valid reasons for keeping it down on the low. Yet, it is for all of us to recognize that it is HIS life ultimately, and hence, he should be calling the shots. Just as much as it OK for someone to say, 'Nope, I do not want to spend my life hiding', it is OK for someone else to choose a very different path.

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Old 20th October 2016, 12:52 PM
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Originally Posted by infopop View Post
It would be interesting to see the stats broken down further by age and geography. I suspect that older str8 men and those in the US South would be less likely to say on a survey that they watch gay porn.
I am positive you are right.

Growing up in school a number of times they did "anonymous" surveys on our activities and attitudes - asking about mostly about sex and drugs. These were the surveys that went on to say "23% of 9th grade students have had a beer"...

Well being paranoid enough to be safely in the closet I never told the whole truth - what if the teacher recognized my hand writing? They said no one would ever know - but I was not going to take that risk.

I am sure a lot of the people would never admit to watching gay porn - even if they were watching it while filling out the survey.
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Old 20th October 2016, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by jonn3 View Post
I am positive you are right.

Growing up in school a number of times they did "anonymous" surveys on our activities and attitudes - asking about mostly about sex and drugs. These were the surveys that went on to say "23% of 9th grade students have had a beer"...

Well being paranoid enough to be safely in the closet I never told the whole truth - what if the teacher recognized my hand writing? They said no one would ever know - but I was not going to take that risk.

I am sure a lot of the people would never admit to watching gay porn - even if they were watching it while filling out the survey.
I always ask myself, 'what's in it for me?'

John rightly says that there is always some residual risk, no matter what they say and what they promise. Besides, we all know how people view truth these days, don't we?

Hence, the chances are that the numbers are higher than stated.

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Old 21st October 2016, 11:35 AM
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Originally Posted by KewlDewd66 View Post
Many of us agree that there is both a practical and substantial difference between men who choose to live openly as gay men and those who go for the down-on-the-low bro jobs. We still need to take time and develop the sense of acceptance of both life styles.

A DL, bro-job dude is who he is. He may or may not have valid reasons for keeping it down on the low. Yet, it is for all of us to recognize that it is HIS life ultimately, and hence, he should be calling the shots.

I agree 100%!!

There are many in the gay community that feel you HAVE to be "out" and open - and some that will even try and force people out. Some of them may be doing it with good intentions - but it is not their place to do or to lecture you on how you choose to live.

As far as I am concerned who I have sex with and what I do is between me and the person I am doing it with. I don't need to march in a parade or wear a pin or do anything else to publicly state my interests - because unless we are having sex it has nothing to do with you.

Unfortunately there are many gays who can not accept that a person can be gay or bi but does not need the entire world to know. They may have a reason (safety, society, family, work) or it may just be a personal choice - but it is THEIR choice to make.
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Old 25th October 2016, 03:18 PM
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I firmly believe that every man will dabble. Whether it is gay porn, taking a look at the urinals/showers, masturbating to gay fantasies or whatever. I also believe that were that question be reversed and asked in a gay venue, there would probably be a similar finding. Gay, bi or straight, I think men are hardwired to enjoy porn (or any type) and will if given the right circumstances have sex outside of their general preference. A man's dick will always over-ride his brain and he will justify that momentary "lapse".

The worst sex with the worst partner I ever had, was still pretty damn good.
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Old 26th October 2016, 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by jonn3 View Post
I just read an interesting article on how more "straight" guys admit to having watched gay porn in the last 6 months than the researches expected (21%).

How many straight guys are watching gay porn? More than you'd think

And if that is the percentage that admits it - who knows what the real number is...

It appears to be more of the growing trend of accepting that male sexuality is more fluid than used to be believed and that to some degree most guys are bisexual.

I have even seen stories where "bro-jobs" are not considered gay - just helping each other out. I know for years we never considered what we were doing sexually as "gay" and avoided ever talking about it being gay or romantic - it was just sex and we were horny.

But I find it interesting that more guys are now willing to admit having watched gay porn - just another step in growing the acceptance of gays.
More than admit..I want it now.I find myself jerkin off to twinks jerkin off
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Old 26th October 2016, 11:31 AM
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Originally Posted by wateriswet View Post
More than admit..I want it now.I find myself jerkin off to twinks jerkin off
I think there are a lot of guys who grew up during a more homophobic time who had suppressed their interest in guys and now that society is more open / accepting (not totally - but more) are feeling they can explore some of that curiosity....
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Old 4th November 2016, 11:47 PM
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Many older "straight" married men are coming to realize their closet door handle is in their hands. Just open it. 'Bi' label works for more in society than I would have believed. Kids are grown and wife doesn't put out after so long. Men are sexed up especially with meds Cialis & Viagra etc and need relief from a buddy or some one from the 'net
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Old 4th November 2016, 11:52 PM
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Many employers still fire gays or perceived being gay. DL encounters can relieve the fear of social branding by the ignorant & intolerant. Children can be just as intolerant as grownups!
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Old 5th November 2016, 11:53 AM
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Although there is a lot more acceptance now than when I was younger there is still a lot of bias out there...
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Old 5th November 2016, 11:26 PM
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Originally Posted by jack4888 View Post
Many employers still fire gays or perceived being gay. DL encounters can relieve the fear of social branding by the ignorant & intolerant. Children can be just as intolerant as grownups!
Jack makes a very good point here.

Each and everyone of us lives in his particular environment and navigates his waters to the best of his abilities.

True, many societies have become more tolerable. And many people have become more tolerable, too.

Sadly, this does not go on to say, that each and every man out there each and every time benefits from this change.

If a guy wants to go DL, remember that it is HIS life, his decisions and his responsibilities. More likely than not, he knows better.

And even if his reasons are not valid in your and my world, it is still HIS life, and he is calling the shots!

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Old 6th November 2016, 09:55 AM
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Originally Posted by KewlDewd66 View Post
If a guy wants to go DL, remember that it is HIS life, his decisions and his responsibilities. More likely than not, he knows better.
Well said.

I have never felt anyone should be kept in or forced out of the closet. We all have to do what is right for ourselves.
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