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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Straight men watching gay porn...
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Old 20th October 2016, 12:52 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 882

Originally Posted by infopop View Post
It would be interesting to see the stats broken down further by age and geography. I suspect that older str8 men and those in the US South would be less likely to say on a survey that they watch gay porn.
I am positive you are right.

Growing up in school a number of times they did "anonymous" surveys on our activities and attitudes - asking about mostly about sex and drugs. These were the surveys that went on to say "23% of 9th grade students have had a beer"...

Well being paranoid enough to be safely in the closet I never told the whole truth - what if the teacher recognized my hand writing? They said no one would ever know - but I was not going to take that risk.

I am sure a lot of the people would never admit to watching gay porn - even if they were watching it while filling out the survey.
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