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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Growing Up Now vs. Then....
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Old 6th January 2020, 07:11 PM
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 158

The old days - Open gang showers., gym was mandatory (dr note required to skip, not a note from mommy) as was taking a shower afterwards from 4th grade all the way thru 12. No private showers in college either.

(just us guys) Down by the river? take a swim!, who cared if you didn't have a bathingsuit., you didn't go in the water in your underwear, what would you wear leaving?!
Bathroom break - why close the door?
We also had fun (general & naughty) in the woods., and woods were all around. (recently was back where I grew up- all the woody playgrounds were gone or so much smaller as to be risking view. All replaced or encroached by housing developments, condos, & businesses.)

Most of us went all over town, The parental supervision was basically- you better be where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be somewhere. Other than that, don't get into trouble., or it will get worse when you get home. lol

[The other thing that internet did to all of us was to devalue human contact, and to some extent even respect we have towards our fellow humans. ]
Not just the internet- These SmartPhones too.
Today, it amazes me how casually rude the younger crowd is. Its becoming almost standard behavior. They believe they deserve a great deal of 'respect' and entitled to a lot. At the same time they don't seem to think they need to respect anyone. The in-person interactions are instantly dismissed by a bing on their smartphone. Even a stray thought during interaction causes them to whip out the phone, and put who they are with, on hold. Then there is a lot of chatter while saying next to nothing.
I work with a lot of 17-20somethings and it regularly surprises me their poor command of basic English/basic math/basic history/basic biology., and yet they supposedly did (or do) well in school.

Last edited by Lupine56; 6th January 2020 at 07:17 PM. Reason: fixin
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