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CRUISING for SEX - View Single Post - Growing Up Now vs. Then....
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Old 8th January 2020, 12:27 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886

I sometimes wonder if the growth of gay rights and acceptance of gays might have something to do with it.

Growing up you saw most of your buddies naked - no big deal. A number of them at some point you saw hard - sometimes leading to jacking off together.

With a few it went even farther.

But what was never talked about is that what we were doing was gay sex. We were just horny and looking for an outlet. With a few there were even comments about "practicing for when we get girls".

The sex was there - and it was great - and we loved it. But we never addressed that maybe it was more than something we would grow out of one day.

Now being gay is open, talked about and gays are an everyday part of life. And that is a good thing. BUT that puts a lot more pressure on those casual "no big deal" fooling around situations at a sleepover.

Even if it wasn't "just a phase" we could think that it was and enjoy ourselves without making a life choice.
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