Originally Posted by TravelinBi
I'm very verbal ("Oh yah, just like that." "Harder, slam it in harder!") and like my tops verbal too ("Like that, bitch?" "Tell me you like my cock in your ass."). When I'm suckin' I like the top to be verbal too although its hard to reply with a hard cock fillin' my mouth.
Just wondering if other bottoms are verbal too and if their tops like it and...
If tops are verbal and their bottoms like it.
I am a bottom and I am verbal. Especially when I’m being watched. I ask him if he loves the way I suck his dick. Or if I’m being watched I ask if they wish I had my lips around his dick too. I used to complain when I am sucking a guy and he just lay there quiet like a dead corpse. Hello??? Am I sucking ok. U awake?
Even when I Jack off, I make noise not only w my lube but also some verbal jerk off talk.