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Old 16th April 2017, 08:02 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 557
New Forum: Cruising History

I added a new Forum "Cruising History" which I think will interest some of the guys who read "Aging and Cruising for Sex."

The first post there comes from an article I read today about cruising in Milwaukee and a truly horrendous crackdown with instances of what today we call "excessive force" by police. Take a look.

~ Bob S., Manager Editor
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Old 18th April 2017, 10:16 AM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886

I like the idea of "Cruising History" - with the Internet things have changed so much in just a few years... the next generation may have no idea what it is like to cruise in person rather than on their phone!
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Old 19th April 2017, 04:41 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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Originally Posted by jonn3 View Post
I like the idea of "Cruising History" - with the Internet things have changed so much in just a few years... the next generation may have no idea what it is like to cruise in person rather than on their phone!
I remarked to a friend the other day (in not quite these words) that the ratio of time spent in endless looking and endless chat vs. actually hooking up with a guy has increased vastly.

When you have thousands of choices at your fingertips, depending on the App and your filters, you still have an embarrassment of riches. It's like dashing into the grocery for cereal and seeing fifty varieties on the same aisle. If you're choosy - maybe more guys on Apps aren't? I don't know - it can be hard to find the one you're looking for.

Even in a bar back then, so much easier to scan the room for the body language, the face, the look in the eyes and you knew your target by how he responded. Same thing in a park or a beach, some you'd approach (or vice versa), others pass up.

I sound old. Please don't tell me I'm about to say, "Get off my lawn!" I don't even have a lawn anymore, so that would be a metaphor.

Regardless, it's so important to remember our collective and individual history before all the men who lived it are gone. Keith had a huge role both collecting history - he may not have seen it that way - and even more in living it!

Thus, we still are here on CFS.

~ Bob S.
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Old 25th April 2017, 09:27 AM
Join Date: Feb 2001
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Originally Posted by infopop View Post
I remarked to a friend the other day (in not quite these words) that the ratio of time spent in endless looking and endless chat vs. actually hooking up with a guy has increased vastly.
That's for sure - it seems like people always feel there is a better option "on the next screen" or maybe they just get off on the thrill of the hunt...

I have not had the courage yet to download one of the cruising apps (I know they don't care but somehow the idea of Apple having a database of everyone who gets the app and is into cock seems weird) but I notice online how many people initiate contact and when you reply you never hear from them again.
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Old 5th May 2017, 10:22 PM
Join Date: May 2004
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Even though I have always been terrible at cruising in bars, I find online cruising to be even more tedious and less successful. Partly I think because there are many guys who are on the DL and really have no intention of meeting. At least where you are physically present you present a level of accountablility.

I really have always enjoyed the baths more than bars for hookups. Less posturing (well, some interesting postures sometimes . But I live in the sticks, so sex is sort of an irregular part of my recreation.
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Old 16th June 2017, 08:45 AM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886

You have a good point when you say "Partly I think because there are many guys who are on the DL and really have no intention of meeting. At least where you are physically present you present a level of accountablility."

When cruising online there are a lot of guys who I think use them as a "chat room" and just get off sitting at their computer. If you go to a bar or a club you have made much more of a commitment to it.

Mind you that is all theoretical from my point of view - although I have gone to the ABS for years I have always been too far in the closet to go to a bar. As for the baths I wish when I was younger and in better shape I had the courage to try it - but I didn't. And here in Los Angeles I see posts from people complaining out the "old trolls in their 40's" at the baths - so in my 50's and overweight I don't think that is the answer for me!
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