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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Asia   Yogya-Indonesia-a massage treatment.

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Old 26th December 2010, 06:59 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 459
Yogya-Indonesia-a massage treatment.

As I promised my friends on the Thailand section-this is a shoirt report on a massage in Yogyakarta, a famous Indonesian tourist town.
I visited Java and other Indo isles a few times in the 90ies. This was in may/june 2010 and a kind of remembrance. Tourism was way down compared to those years. However, there were many ore domestik turis.
Yogya has always been known for its available young men. For ent you can find them in the evenings along the main street-Malioboro, and also in many of the new shopping centres.
I stayed in the Sosro area, near the trainstation. I had a foot+neck/shoulder masage in the afternoon-a bit like tai style In the past there were no real massageshops overthere-it was done, local style, but more as therapeutic treatment for old people.
Refresehed from the good service I took a longer walk around the block-jln. Sutrapto. Passed another massageshp in what looked like an old hotel. Just when I passed a nice young man was letting a customer out-the rst of the waiting crew were ladies. was it the gaydar? Anyway-I made an appointment for next afternoon-and made it clear for with him.
Javanese style massage is more intimate and warmer as Thai style, with some herbs or balm. The room was indeed an old hotel-room (but Indo hotels lack privacy-they all open into an inner court). As I chat some bahasa and he was eager to practice the ingrris). It soon transpired the gaydar was right.
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