I don't know if it has been put up in the listings section yet, but watch out anyone going to the Bi-Lo at Alderly. I was actually there the other week - for legitimate business actually (latenight shopping - had to stop and use the facilities) and while I was in there along came a cop car and it flashed it's light and then one got out and said to leave - anyway another person in the other cubical did. I finished my 'business' and left... the cop stopped me as well. He took details of both of us. (Is he right to do this) and I asked what was going on and he said "There had been reports of homosexual activity" - is that illegal?
It's obvious from the graffiti on the back of the doors that this toilet must get a bit of action. Anyway after he had written down my name etc. from looking at my lisence (All that for using the facilities as a regular customer) I asked if everything was fine - and said "can I go back to the shop" And he went "Errr What shop?" I was shopping at the Alderly shops on Thursday night shopping - what does he think? Anyway - anyone else been hassled by police - while doing anything or not doing anything as it seems - (considering I had walked in to relieve myself!!)?
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