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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - Los Angeles Co.   Poolside Advice for Palm Springs w/e

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Old 1st November 2006, 01:51 PM
Join Date: Oct 1999
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Poolside Advice for Palm Springs w/e

Hey, can somebody advise me on which clothing-optional place I should head for a weekend in Palm Springs? Looking for action but in an upscale place. Does that combination exist? Pics of CCBC online look so cheesy, but some say it's the hottest scene. Any advice based on experience? Thanks, man.
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Old 2nd November 2006, 09:58 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
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PS Resorts

When you say you are looking for action, do you want a place where there is sex going on around the pool all the time? Or just a place where you can meet guys and have sex in the rooms. I have had my dick sucked on the lawn at Warm Sands. And there is plenty of hooking up and fun in the pool. That's where I usually stay. The columns isn't the most attractive place but I got several BJ's by the pool. If you want the hard raunchy sex around the pool all day I think you'll have to go to a place like CCBC. Around Warm Sands Drive every night there are tons of guys in cars and on foot looking for something. If you have a window looking out on the street it is not uncommon to have guys wanting to climb in your window to service you. Just stay away from the tweekers. They usually just want a place to stay. The place next door Inn Exile is very nice but they are no for having drug problems.
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Old 4th November 2006, 06:41 AM
Join Date: Jan 2000
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I'd try the Vista Grande. It's a good combination of both worlds. You're in the Warm Sands area, so you can go out on foot and cruise the streets around all of the resorts. Inside the resort (which is actually four different areas with different names), it's not exactly upscale, but kept up and has a reasonably nice environment. There's lots of cruising on the premises as well. Action around the pools and rooms as well as in the steam room and whirlpools.

I've stayed at both Vista Grande/Mirage and CCBC, as well as a couple of the less known resorts. I'd have to be honest and say that the crowd/attitude at CCBC is a little raunchier and a little older. Vista Grande has a mixed crowd, but you'll still find some younger hotties. Plus, either place is likely to have a larger crowd than some of the smaller, less popular resorts, so you have a better chance of hooking up with someone that fits your type.

Inn Exile (which I've only visited and never stayed at) tends toward the WeHo crowd. More attitude than I like, but it works for some. It's definitely more of a party-circuit-gym-chem group, in my opinion.
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Old 4th November 2006, 12:11 PM
Join Date: Oct 1999
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Thanks for both of these posts--exactly what I wanted to know. It all sounds hot, but now I have a better idea where to find hot and sane. CCBC sounds like fun for a day pass, though.
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