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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - Los Angeles Co.   1350

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Old 19th December 2006, 10:01 AM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 47

I'll be at 1350 on Wednesday morning from 8:30a to 10:30a. Looking to hook up for some water sports fun. Let me know if anyone is going and would like to hook up. I'm into other stuff too.
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Old 19th December 2006, 01:33 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 87
Exclamation FYI

Wednesdays are the 1350 CLUB's 1/2-price rooms day. Club should be a full-house by late morning and stay that way all day.

1/2 price rooms - or a printable coupon from their web site for a free locker: "Wilmington".

Never been before? Landmark will be a drive through dairy on the corner with the club right next to it. A paid parking lot run by the club directly across the street from the club. They will add the parking fee when you check in.

Look for Fucko laying on the showers floor and give him a good pissing on.
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Old 19th December 2006, 09:20 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 20
Hey rf90254

Hey rf90254,

You're a fountin of information and photo's. But I'm left wondering why you do this and don't bother filling in your personal profile??? I think the people that come here don't need a photo of a place, just the address and that they can get from the "Sex Listings" part of this site. But thatks all the same for your effort in trying to help.
44, 5' 8", 185, brown hair and eyes . Open minded.
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Old 20th December 2006, 06:46 AM
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Last time I was there they weren't working at all. Have they done something about that?
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Old 20th December 2006, 08:16 AM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 47

Thanks for the info. Hopefully the showers will be working. I'm thinking about going Friday in the morning as well in case I don't get my shower of gold today. I'll also have more time on Friday. Lemmie know if anyone is interested.
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Old 20th December 2006, 10:05 AM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 25

Bi-phill, no one "needs" a photo but it was nice of rf90254 to provide one. Many of these places have no visible sign and it's easy to miss the address when you are driving down a busy street with impatient drivers behind you and trying to search for an address at the same time, especially in the dark. I really had to look closely and drive by twice before I found the 1350 the first time. If I had a photo of the place then, it would have been a tremendous help.

As of ten days ago, one section of the shower area was still under construction and the other half was done and open.
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Old 20th December 2006, 12:07 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 87

Hey, bi-phill-

I filled out my profile 3 times, and then it didn't save any of the information. So I gave up. What difference would it make anyway to the information I have left on the board about the club???

Knew a young man once who had a hard time figuring out addresses (his mother was a drinker during her pregencies - his brother even more dumb) - so a detailed description of the area such as the landmark of the dairy on the corner along with a pic of the club will be of help to some not-as-smart as you and me. Being that dumb - they possibly didn't even know a "Sex Lisitngs" part was on this site too. Of course the address and map of the club could be gotten on the web link to the club - that's why I had left that too in my posting.

Think of someone new trying to find the club at night for the first time along that stretch of Anaheim Blvd - trying to locate the address numbers on the buildings. Now they looking for the building with the river rock across the bottom of it. Then most wouldn't even know there is a parking lot run by the club.

Was either leaving the posting blank and being a BORING message board - or adding a bit of information. So I decided to add 2 cents worth of information. Those can skip over it if not wishing to read what I have posted.

Kevdawg, Fucko-

AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE WERE NO SHOWERS???? How did those rinse off after a steam, suana, and/or sex???? How long have they been broken??? They didn't have a plumber out right away?? THAT'S WRONG!

Dudes, I would call the club before heading there to see if they are working. Phonenumber on the web site. Boycot the place if NO SHOWERS!!!!!!
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Old 20th December 2006, 02:33 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 87
Here's the dairy on the corner

Dairy on the corner as one's landmark to finding the 1350 CLUB - can see the back part of the club in the right of the pic.
(in my files I also have pics of FUBAR, SLAMMERS, when STUD THEATERS was called TOMKAT, ROMAN HOLIDAY - Van Nuys, and ROMAN HOLIDAY - Venice Blvd)
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Old 20th December 2006, 04:38 PM
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Posts: 87

I was writing my responce as kwps was leaving his. Mine posted 2 minutes after his, but mine set to another time zone (didn't see his until mine went up .... does repeat the address looking issue).

Good minds do think alike.
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Old 20th December 2006, 08:41 PM
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Posts: 25

From what I have noticed on previous visits, there has always been at least one section of the showers open while other parts were being worked on. There is a large right and left shower areas with a small single shower section between the two, meant for the handicapped I think. If both the larger areas were closed at the same time then the middle shower was probably available, (and easily overlooked). Correct me if I am wrong about that.
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Old 21st December 2006, 09:23 AM
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Posts: 25

For some reason it sometimes takes hours before my posts appear on the site. At other times it's almost instant.

(Keep up the good work rf90254, there's no such thing as providing too much info).
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Old 21st December 2006, 10:58 AM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 87

That started to happen to me yesterday with the posts not coming up right away .... one post took an hour or so .... then 2 didn't appear until this morning.

I find Message Boards to be fun - the exchange of information. Of course sexual in nature I am a bit more interested in and I tend to leave information. lol

The showers had looked very new to me on my visit to 1350 - bummer that they needed to be re-done so soon. That visit I checked in at 11am on a Wed - I got the last room available. The 2 right behind me were put into lockers until a room became vacant & cleaned. I had quite "the wild" time - everyone seemed eager to play. I checked out at 3pm "very spent". The club stayed a full-house the entire time. That is when I saw the start of this series of postings and decided to add the information about the 1/2 price rooms on Wednesdays.

On the way home I used to stop at a coffee shop in old downtown San Pedro - coffee shop had a 1/2 chicken plate special on Wednesdays - but on that last visit to the 1350 the coffee shop was no longer there.
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Old 21st December 2006, 02:41 PM
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Sorry about that guys, there could be a temporary, small delay in messages being posted to the forum. I'm trying to stay on top of it, so I'm sorry if there's a bit of a lag in your posting time, and the message showing up in the forum.
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Old 27th December 2006, 02:08 PM
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 18
1350 tomorow

Yo studs
This hard horny uncut 7n cock is looking to play at 1350 tomorrow. Are the showers working uh? Any one Will I have studs to play with
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Old 28th December 2006, 01:10 AM
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Posts: 25

I went in there last Sunday night. The shower construction is done and it looks a lot better but the new design gives you no privacy at all. Some may like that, others will hate it. Crowd was very light, not a lot of guys there.

Another recommendation for that late night or early morning food craving when leaving the club and everything is closed: just five blocks west of the 1350 on the right side at Wilmington Blvd. is a donut shop open 24 hours, even on holidays. Coffee and a big selection of donuts that are very, very cheap, too. Very friendly and appreciative hard-working Asian family that runs it. Too bad that I never noticed it before now.
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