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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - Riverside & San Bernardino Co's.   Cardio Fit Closed..

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Old 30th June 2006, 06:41 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 62
Cardio Fit Closed..

Just found out that the Cardio Fit health club in Victorville has closed. Awhile back used to be some action in the Mens Sauna. Anyway..I dont want to be out of line and toot my horn too much...BUT if SOMEBODY wanted to open a gay mens health club at that location what an IDEAL LOCATION! I mean its right up against the I-15 Frwy. so obviously would pick up ALOT of Las Vegas traffic etc. Another factor to consider is that TONS of people are moving up here from San Bernardino for cheap housing and rent. If this continues there wont hardly be anyone left in San Bernardino! O.k. just a thought..I'm done now. ;-)
But I have to say...for all the people that are moving up here..there really isn't much up here in regards to entertainment and this is just plain WEIRD for a CITY of this size.
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Old 30th June 2006, 09:39 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 8
just a thought

the only people I know that live in V-ville are a bunch of bible bangers and rednecks
6-1, 190, clean, discreet, handsome
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Old 30th June 2006, 11:30 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 87

What's the rent on the building? Share the property with any other business(es)?

Take it that there are both a men's lockerroom and women's lockerroom. Just a sauna in each? Showers, I take it? Steam or whirlpool?

Swimming pool? Outdoor area?
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Old 1st July 2006, 09:32 AM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 167

Cockboy, you have been trying to tout Victorville for years. Anyone heading to Las Vegas sure as hell won't be stopping in Victorville.
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Old 1st July 2006, 09:35 AM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 62

Really dont know what the rent of the building is..but can easily be found out by calling the city of Victorville. Yes it does have a separate mens and womens lockeroom with a Sauna, jacuzzi, & showers in each. Its a fairly LARGE building with TWO LEVELS and ALOT of potential. The roof is flat so probably could be used as a sundeck? I would say probably the best feature is the location..its butted right up against the I-15 frwy with ALOT of exposure to all the traffic in BOTH directions.
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Old 1st July 2006, 09:48 AM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 62

Reply: To heres-jack cruiser,
Yes..I agree you're probably right about that one..and Victorville isn't exactly the Shangri-la of the high desert! To ALOT of people its just a place to take a piss or crap and then leave..and rightly so. ;-) What else is there to do here?? BUT...things do change. Infact there are plans to open an Indian Casino in Hesperia and actually TWO Casinos in nearby Barstow!
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Old 1st July 2006, 11:26 AM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 87

I am not from Victorvillbe but was passing by and was getting tired. Was the afternoon and I stopped at the HoJo Motel. Then went into the adjacent WESTSIDE 15 bar, I actually had a very good time and ended spending several hours there. A very friendly crowd of guys and gals. One thing I didn't like was they allowed smoking later in the evening ... being a non-tobacco smoker I prefer not to be in it, afterall there is a state law against such. Nothing worse than your clothes smelling like a stale ashtray, let alone the health risks of second hand smoke. No clue if law enforcement has cracked down on that issue of smoking at that bar.

Guess being the "new face" I had a couple offers for sex but being very tired I walked back to the room to just sleep. If passing by again, maybe on a Fri or Sat night, I was planning to stay at the motel again and go to the bar. This time bring someone back to the room.

One guy I talked to was from Barstow and another from Crestline
..... so they come from all over the deserts/mountains to be social somewhere.
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