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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - Riverside & San Bernardino Co's.   TBT (Total Body Therapy Spa) how do they stay in business?

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Old 14th June 2008, 03:16 AM
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TBT (Total Body Therapy Spa) how do they stay in business?

I went this past Friday afternoon and there was no more than maybe 7 people at anyone time between 2pm and 7pm in which it died completely until about 10:30pm and it built back up again to a whopping 5 people. Also to mention half of the A/C no longer works and there is no hot water in the showers. I wonder how long this has been going on. I haven't been there since oct 2006. Doesn't seem they are doing too well. On top of that they raised their rates, $55.00 for a room and $1.00 per each towel exchange?
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Old 15th June 2008, 11:36 AM
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 25

If you are a member it won't be more than $25 for a room ($30 on Fri and Sat). I'm a regular there and have never seen a lack of hot water in the shower but they do need to get something done about the AC. Until they do, I would not recommend going on a hot day. I have always seen much more than 7 guys on a weekend night but the number of cars in the lot can give you a good idea of the crowd inside before you decide to go in. Saturdays seem to be better nights. You can expect the place to be nearly empty during the day. Also, I have never seen anyone being charged the dollar for a towel exchange. The manager that so many people didn't like no longer works there so maybe that will bring some of the business back.
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