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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > China   Bkk vs Shenzhen

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Old 30th August 2010, 03:47 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 149

Khun Sxtl
You beat me to the mark.

As this just 'up the road' for me, addresses or web addresses would be great. As a self-appointed connoiseur of BKK steams it would be interesting to compare.

As I have said before in previous posts, the saunas here in HK are throbbin' and pulsin'!! While I am a regular visitor 'over the border' I haven't yet ventured into the Shnzhn steam scene... but forever the adventurer!
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Old 30th August 2010, 07:39 AM
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Originally Posted by KhunTST View Post
... .
As this just 'up the road' for me, addresses or web addresses would be great. As a self-appointed connoiseur of BKK steams it would be interesting to compare.
... .

-- Khun TST.,
- Khun Gweilo will give us all his usual & unbiased reports, I'm sure.

-- I know that this is long term planning but I'm thinking of fleeing the Kingdom for next year's Songkran Fest'l. - enough is enough:
- An American acquaintance, who spends most of his time in RI. and speaks the language, has spoken highly of MEDAN, Sumatra, but looking-at reports via search-engine Google I've become a bit dubious about that place. Hence I'm casting my net wider.
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Old 30th August 2010, 01:28 PM
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Posts: 71

the main sauna is called yang gang, it's located not far from the park called lizhi. exact address found on the net: 2033 Middle Hong Lin Lu 3/F @ Nan Chong Hotel
阳刚桑拿 深圳市福田区 红岭中路2033. the place is extremely busy on weekends and operates 24 hours.

another one is called KK. it's close to kexueguang metro station (exit C; but it's not helpful as the place is hard to find). pix of the sauna, address and the tel number here: KKͬ־ɣÄûáËù >> µç»°£º0755-83651839 it's also 24-hour place

the third one is called XO. address here:
operates 24 hours

KK and XO attract smaller crowd, but it's easier to connect where guys have lesser choice. facilities are almost identical in all saunas (read: very basic). hygiene level problematic (towels actually stink and look positively grey; so don't smell them). not much to do if u had sex or cannot get it. u could use the pc with the internet (about 2 pcs in each sauna, but always occupied) or watch Chinese tv in a big sleeping room.

very few cubicles for sex (in all venues),but guys don't tend to stay in the rooms for ever (rooms are very basic and rather unwelcoming) so u should have no problems finding a place when the need arises.

condoms provided at the counter. but maybe it's easier to bring your own.

as i said before, chinese guys in shenzhen seem to be largely colour blind when it comes to sex (in fact, all seemed fascinated by my white skin and shaved pubes), but because of it, they are not automatically into any white guys. still, i believe that a big cock could win everyone a few or many fans.

chinese guys seem to be into fucking, rather than just sucking. there are many tops and many bottoms. they are not ashamed of being upfront about their favorite sexual position. simply ask and they will tell u. in most cases, they will ask u.

those speaking english will definitely find u.
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Old 30th August 2010, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Gweilo View Post
the main sauna is called yang gang,). ... .
... .

-- Khun Gweilo,
- Many thanks for yr. comprehensive & model reports - greatly appreciated and will make many peoples' efforts at finding these places LESS stressful.

-- As for XO SAUNA. my Google Translator manged it after a couple of attempts; for those lacking that device here are some salient points, (as translated.) -

1.- Address.: East Gate rd., SHENZEN, Orient Hse., 19fl., Green Tree Inn;
2.- Contact.: XOMen's Sauna Club;
3.- Tel........: 0758-222 3393.;
4.- E-mail ...: > <
5.- Facilities: shower, sauna, fitness, recreational chess, Internet as a break!

-- E&OE., corr'ns. requested.
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Old 31st August 2010, 03:50 AM
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Chess! Now we're talking!
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Old 2nd September 2010, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- I know that this is long term planning but I'm thinking of fleeing the Kingdom for next year's Songkran Fest'l. - enough is enough:
... ... ...
Hence I'm casting my net wider.

A most interesting & welcum development...
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Old 5th September 2010, 06:34 AM
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I was in HK this past wkd .. haven't been in almost 8 years and went to the saunas there for the 1st time. Both are in the TST area:

Galaxy: $56 HK ... a not so clean, old sauna with a VERY wide mix of guys .. I paid when I got there which is not the usual practice I guess as the front desk guy (later shift) started screaming at me for not paying when I left.

ABC: $130. Pricey but clean and small place. Less than 10 guys when I came but managed to hook up with 2 cute muscle btms
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Old 6th September 2010, 01:17 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
... .
-- I know that this is long term planning but I'm thinking of fleeing the Kingdom for next year's Songkran Fest'l. - enough is enough:
- ... . Hence I'm casting my net wider.

-- Further to my a/m. posting: I'm looking-at say *** acc'n. in SHENZHEN on behalf of my Enthusiastic & American Friend & of myself.
- I've availed of Search-engine Google, (entered; SHENZHEN - for gay visitors.), and continued-on for some half-a-dozen pages. Plenty of hotels but few if any worthwhile first hand reports.
- I've looked-at, too,:
> China hotels – Find & book cheap China hotels on China Travel <
> <

-- Would any Gentle Reader who has stayed o'night. in any of SHENZHEN's hotels care to give us his own & fist hand rpts. of hotel acc'n. there?
- Thanks in advance.
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Old 6th September 2010, 03:02 AM
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I've been to Shenzhen (on business) and the place has almost no redeeming features whatsoever. It is ugly, crowded, polluted, unfriendly, and has zero history or culture.

I can't really see traveling there for a couple dingy saunas and massage parlors...but I may be in the minority!
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Old 6th September 2010, 03:12 AM
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
I've been to Shenzhen (on business) and the place has almost no redeeming features whatsoever. It is ugly, crowded, polluted, unfriendly, and has zero history or culture.

I can't really see traveling there for a couple dingy saunas and massage parlors...but I may be in the minority!
Whilst I haven't done the sex venues, I agree with comments re Shenzen city. Hotels would be cheap c/f HK, but language/ communication would be a REAL problem. KL or Singapore are better alternatives to BKK if you need to escape the Songkran mayhem
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Old 6th September 2010, 06:19 AM
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-- Khun Icon & Biggles thank you for yr. replies; as there remains plenty of time before next year's Songkran fest'l. we'll see if any MORE replies will be forthcuming?
- But would tend to think, from having read what you've written, that SHENZHEN might be better for just a day's visit? In wch. case we'll have to look-at the cost of the req'd. visas and so on, and then decide on viability?
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Old 6th September 2010, 06:25 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Khun Icon & Biggles thank you for yr. replies; as there remains plenty of time before next year's Songkran fest'l. we'll see if any MORE replies will be forthcuming?
- But would tend to think, from having read what you've written, that SHENZHEN might be better for just a day's visit? In wch. case we'll have to look-at the cost of the req'd. visas and so on, and then decide on viability?
I think the main cost (for a day visit) would be the hotels in HK !! The train to Shenzen takes 40 mins and costs next to nothing. When you exit the chinese end of the train station, you are right in the middle of the city which then stretches in either direction clinging to the border. Not sure about visa cost - I have an APEC card so travel throughout Asia Pacific (inc Thailand) visa free
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Old 15th September 2010, 08:05 PM
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Originally Posted by biggles69 View Post
... . KL or Singapore are better alternatives to BKK if you need to escape the Songkran mayhem.

-- Is KL. all that good? It must be a dozen or MORE yrs. since I visited.

-- I enquire as my elderly & WYSIWYG. American Friend has a middle-aged, Malay & professional friend visiting from KL. right now and staying for several days
- I asked my American friend why so-and-so was visiting when surely there must be plenty of opportunities for cruising, visiting massage-parlors, going to saunas and so? Apparently not so; although there was a suggestion that the Malay g'man. prefers not to take any chances of being recognised on his home-ground - hence his preference for visiting BKK. twice or thrice per annum: preferably places like that well-known cinema in SAPHAN KWAI.
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Old 17th September 2010, 06:42 AM
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KL is a personal best for me - whether its Blue Boy Bar, local gay sauna or Gay Romeo, I find more cock than I can handle - and it never costs me a cent. Blue Boy is a unique combined bar, disco, H.N. and pick up venue where GWM are swooped on and either escorted to the H.N. for perving or action, or asked to go "some-where private." My personal bests are
- walking in alone , being approached and leaving with a new friend for the night 5 minutes later. (19 y.o. btm not money boy)
- walking in alone chatting up 2 19 & 20 y.o. friends, & taking them, and a 3rd cutie back to my hotel for the most amazing night I can remember,

Moslem boys in particular are horny as hell and always up for the chance to have discrete sex with a visiting farang.
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Old 6th September 2010, 09:37 PM
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
I've been to Shenzhen (on business) and the place has almost no redeeming features whatsoever. It is ugly, crowded, polluted, unfriendly, and has zero history or culture.
I dare say that this is a somewhat outdated view of shenzhen. the city's certainly not ugly if one likes modern cities. it has little history. agree. afterall, it didn't exist 30 years ago! lots of moneyed class people from hk now travel to shenzhen on a regular basis (which they didn't do just a few years back). on my recent trip, my companion spotted a second (or third or whatever) wife of one of hk's very prominent businessman.

it makes no sense to visit shenzhen just to go to saunas. but it's a great place for a day or two. food is good (and priced at the same level as food in bkk). shopping is good too. regular massage is cheaper than in bkk.

people are in general friendly and many really want to practice english.
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