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Old 20th August 2005, 10:00 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 203

What was your most unexpected time cumming?

I remember playing in a friends swimming pool and sticking my little boy cock into the suckion end of the pool filter, as I did my friend said, hey what are you doing, I pulled it out real fast ,not thinking he was watching,and the vibration just shot thru my body and this white stuff started floating in the pool, WOW !! That was my first time cumming.

I remember another time crusing the rest area, this one guy had me real hot. He suddenly came up to my car door and asked if he could get in, I really wasn't sure why.He got in and without notice reached over to touch my crotch, I just let lose in my pants, I was so embarred I just said sorry but I gotta go, don't think he ever knew I blew in my shorts
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Old 21st August 2005, 05:57 AM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 53
Careful ...

Lest anyone get any dumb ideas ... I'm sure that you know how dangerous an amorous interlude with a pool filter can be.

I live in Florida and every couple of years a drunk tourist will get the bright idea of a pool-filter blowjob in the hotel pool. Typical scenario: a trip to the emergency room. Worst case scenario: enough damage to the penis to cause lifelong erectile dysfunction.

Oh, and it always makes the news.

P.S. Don't try sticking your asshole up to the suction either, that can kill you (your intestines get pulled out ... it's lovely).

P.P.S Back on topic, though ... when I was an underage kid going to Adult Theaters, all it would take would be for someone to touch me for a moment though my pants and I'd instantly cream. Much to my embarassment.
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Old 21st August 2005, 06:21 AM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 59
Pool Filter BJ

Bayshore --

Your cautionary note is right on the mark in most instances.

If, however, you have your own pool and the outake pipe for the filter has a diameter larger than your dick, you can go into the filter room and partially close the valve to create just enough suction to do a fantastic job.

Unless the width of you ass is shorter than the diameter of the outake pipe, never back into it.

Finally, never put your asshole against the intake pipe. Going for a chlorinated enema can have serious medical consequences.
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Old 21st August 2005, 07:11 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 203
Should have said

This was in the day, when pools had one hose that went over the edge into the pool to suck the water or more and another hose that returned the water to the pool, not very powerful, wish they had a larger diam. I out grew the hose MUCH too soon.
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Old 21st August 2005, 02:24 PM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 8
Talking Pool Jets

I first discovered pool jets and the intense orgasms that they give you when i was about 12 or 13 years old. I never stuck my dick into the intake valves in the pool, but rather the jets blowing water out. I found that if you took out your dick in the pool and put it level with the jet blowing water out at your dick it feels AMAZING and give you one intense orgasm. Fortunately for me my family loved to travel so we stayed in a lot of hotels when I was growing up! :-) I made sure my parents made reservations at hotels that had pools so that I could enjoy myself as much as possible. Still to this day whenever I stay in a hotel I have to go down to the pool and go for a swim to get my rocks off. I just love the intense orgasms that it gives you. It's also fun to be sneaky about what you are doing and try and make sure people don't suspect what you are doing hanging on the edge of the pool......or see me with my dick out of my suit. haha. Man, just thinking about all that fun has got me thinking about heading over to a hotel and going in for a dip and leaving. LOL.
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Old 21st August 2005, 03:00 PM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 53
Oh, yeah!

Yes, I've made love to the return jets in my pool many, many times. I found that it makes my dick ROCK hard, and I used to hang on the edge of the pool and talk to my neighbor while cumming ... he had no idea (I hope!). I've done the same thing on cruise ships with 100 people lazing around ... mmmm!

I'll admit to a chlorine enema or two also, although it's tough because you don't really realize how much you are taking up the butt. Don't do this in mixed company, trust me.
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