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Old 28th December 2005, 03:06 PM
ScruffyCub's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 400
Same Time, Next Year

I recounted my recent non-encounter with a guy I met last winter while visiting here in New York in the "Gay" forum. I saw him in a bookstore and didn't have a chance to hook up with him as he dived into a booth with a tranny instead! At first I was peeved, but managed to get over it. I was, however, determined to make sure he and I hooked up in the very near future.

Got my wish last night and have to admit: I could not be happier.

I seriously dig this guy -- a LOT. In fact, as we were fucking around last night, I couldn't help but think that if I were faced with having only one dick for the rest of my life, his would do very nicely indeed. I think he's got a great face and a I prefer men of his build and stature: meaty, thick and stocky. To be honest, it would be beneficial to him if he lost thirty pounds, maybe -- but he carries his weight very well all the same. And it's difficult to care much about a beer belly when you look at this guy's soft, blue-grey eyes.

I met him last winter and we continued to hook up repeatedly until early spring. The scene was pretty much the same, right down to both of us using the same booths in the ABS (far back, most private, most room). Sometimes we'd see each other first and know who was on the other side of the buddy window -- sometimes we would just enter the appropriate booth and HOPE the other one happened to be there. Since he always goes to the bookstore at about the same time on the same evenings, it was a good bet we'd run into each other. It also helps that we both know each others vehicle and can plan on a hot time as soon as we pull into the parking lot!

He's a shy dude, probably deep in the closet, maybe married, maybe bi, maybe has a girlfriend -- I don't know. No ring on his finger, but that doesn't say much. He rarely looks anyone in the eye when he cruises around the bookstore. He keeps to himself, much as I do, and it's easy to tell he's polite and understands the etiquette of the bookstore scene, such as it is. He's got short, mostly buzzed dark hair, those gorgeous blue eyes, a sexy, handsome baby-face with some late-night stubble: not a hint of "queer" about him -- no one would ever guess this guy is an expert dicksucker if they met him in a casual setting. It's easy to picture him kicked back on the sofa in a pair of boxer shorts watching football on a Sunday afternoon -- that kind of dude.

When we met last winter, I was pleased the he chose ME over and over and pretty much ignored anyone else who was cruising. Frankly, I did the same: if HE was there, I had no interest in anyone else. So I was bummed out when he hooked up with the tranny a couple nights ago, but I am WELL over it now, having had a fucking HOT time with him last night.

Previously when we'd meet, we'd both simply enjoy a few minutes of looking at each others hard dick through the buddy window. We both KNEW we'd get together, but it was a lot of fun to build up the anticipation for a few minutes by just watching. We didn't need much of a signal to hook up; after some mutual admiration, one of us would just go over to the other.

So last night I noticed his car in the parking lot, as I suspected it would be: right day, right time. He was in the theater section at first, but he always goes back and forth between the theater and the arcade. I caught a glimpse of him for a moment about ten minutes after I arrived, but he seemed maybe a little nervous after having not really seen me in a long time, or maybe he just wanted to wait until a few other guys left so we could have a bit more privacy. He vanished for a short time -- I waited around, knowing he'd be back. In my pocket I carried five bucks in tokens which I'd not used from a previous evening, plus another five I had to purchase for entry last night. I wanted to hang on to all of them to use with him. I don't care much if the light in the booth comes on and the movies stop, but I remembered that he seems to like a little sound from the speaker to help keep things as private as they can be in a bookstore.

Finally he returned, walked by me and looked me right in the eye, which is a little unusual for him. I nodded just a bit, let him know I was interested and hadn't forgotten him. He entered a booth, but it wasn't our "usual" booth. Well, no problem, of course! I went into the other side and we did our little mutual penis admiration routine, which was STILL fucking hot as hell. Didn't take him very long to exit his booth and come over to mine!

I plugged a shitload of tokens into the machine as he locked the door and dropped his pants. We both grabbed each others hard dick and enjoyed feeling our erections swelling more and more.

The first couple times we met, HE blew ME and didn't seem to care much about getting sucked himself, though I rather assumed he would NOT turn it down. And since he had such a gorgeous dick, I WANTED to blow him in return. I got my chance about the third time we met, and from then on, we'd both keep taking turns going down on each other. He always took my cum into his mouth and it was clear he loved doing it. He'd spit it out, but I don't care much about that. I can tell he's thinking about safer sex and I admire that. I had never tasted his cum, though: he always shot a huge load onto the floor, which was thrilling to watch. His cum pours out of him in a slow, sensual and highly erotic way, steadily oozing from his huge dickhead.

Some of you guys know that I generally can last a very long time when being sucked -- ten minutes is a warm up for me; I can cum after forty-five minutes or an hour, though I can also go for five hours if the guy is into it. Very few men can get me close to cumming in a short time, but this guy's mouth is something special. I always had to keep backing off a bit and pulling my dick out of his mouth because his technique is so fucking hot. Our dicks are almost identical in size and appearance and shape and he likes to be sucked in the same way that I do, so he knows what gets me off. I think I also can cum quickly with him because it is fucking hot as hell to look down at his beautiful face and the back of his head with his short-cropped hair as he's taking me inside his mouth. The visual is pretty intense. And he certainly doesn't just pump up and down on my dick -- he goes at it unabashedly, sometimes using his hands a little bit, licking with his tongue, turning his head to the side and stroking down the shaft with his lips -- all that good stuff.

So he entered my booth last night, dropped his pants, then got right down on his knees, a sight which never fails to thrill me. While it seemed that my dick was awfully hard as it was, it didn't take long for his soft, warm, wet, expert mouth to make me even harder. Every stroke and movement this guys makes seems almost carefully planned but at the same time, spontaneous, if that makes any sense. I guess the best way to put it is that he clearly knows how to treat a man's dick. I'm always turned on by a big-ass bruiser type of guy who gently makes love to my dick. The whole bookstore scene seems to melt away and, at least for me, the focus shifts to him and me and two hard dicks and little else. I never look at the videos; don't care and would rather watch his face as he takes care of my dick. He, on the other hand, sometimes glances at the videos, which doesn't bother me much, though I've certainly seen him close his eyes and just relax and enjoy himself.

He sucked me for a good ten minutes and had me close to cumming at least three or four times. We traded places and I was happy to get a nice taste of his fat dick. I am sometimes out of practice with sucking dick since most of the time I'm the one being sucked by a guy who isn't much interested in reciprocation. I hope I did a good job for dude. I think so; he sure didn't have any complaints and his dick just kept getting harder.

Previous encounters with him didn't include much touching or talking and I never wanted to push any of his boundaries or limits. He held onto my legs as he sucked me and he got into eating my balls, so I thought I'd explore his legs with my hands when I was sucking on him, too. Also as he sucked me, I put my hands on his upper arms but mostly just squeezed a little. I thought maybe if I stroked him in too gentle or tender a fashion that he might get nervous. He gives the impression of being one of those guys who might advertise online that he loves sucking dick but isn't into too much sensuality. Yet at times, his demeanor seems to indicate the opposite, so I am having trouble figuring him out still. I don't want to do anything to freak him out or cause him to decline future encounters. Last winter, when we'd finish up and part company, I'd maybe say a few words, thank him or whatever, tell him I enjoyed it, say when I might be back, that sort of thing. He'd respond a little, but never said much, though his expression clearly was that of a satisfied guy -- and he never turned me down on subsequent meetings.

He loves poppers, which works out great for me. As soon as he entered my booth, he simply held out his hand for the bottle. It was kind of cute, too: he made sure to read the label to see if I was still using Jungle Juice, which I believe he likes best! He doesn't get overly obnoxious with his cocksucking when he does poppers. Instead, he gets more like me, more sensual, more slow, more erotic. Gotta love that. He's got some good control over his own, dick, cumming when we both agree to it.

We kept switching positions several times, each of us thoroughly enjoying the others hot dick. I pulled all the tokens out of my pocket and slammed them onto the seat of the booth, gesturing to him. I thought he'd just go ahead and use them, which is what I wanted, but he was too polite for that. I rather admired this, too. So I just kept periodically dumping them all into the machine. I put the poppers on the bench, too, but he wasn't shy about helping himself to them anytime he wanted. There is even something highly erotic about him handing the bottle back to me: he's got big hands with thick fingers and nicely manicured nails. Strong hands, but it's obvious he takes good care of himself.

The last time he knelt down to suck me off, he had me ready to cum several times, rather quickly. I backed off but he seemed eager to taste my load. "You want to cum?" he asked.

"Not until I get another taste of that dick of yours," I told him.

So he sat back down on the bench while I thoroughly enjoyed his hard cock. I know I got him close to cumming a few times and I could taste a little of his semen in my mouth as he got harder and harder.

Since I'd never taken his cum into my mouth before, he politely asked me if I wanted him to cum. I let him know it was cool with me, but it was kind of obvious I had made the decision at that very moment. I rarely take cum in my mouth, maybe once a year, if that. The guy has to be just right, has to be just my type, and I really have to want it. This dude -- he fits the bill. And, I thought, after all the times he tasted my cum, it would be nice to return the favor for him. So he used his fingers on his dick, along with my mouth, keeping him wet and slick and hard. About three seconds before I knew he was going to cum, I blasted a huge load onto the floor myself. I'm pretty sure this sent him over the edge and he started to cum as he always does: slow and steady, pouring out of his dick. I sucked it right out of his swollen head and I have to admit -- his sperm tasted terrific. Lots of guys have told me how good MY cum is, and I'll tell ya -- if my cum is anything like this guy's -- I'd be happy with that!

Since he always spits out my cum, I did the same, knowing it wouldn't bother him at all. I wouldn't have had any problem eating it, but sometimes a load of cum makes me gag and I wanted to be able to say a few words to him without rudely choking on the guy's load!

"Fucking hot, dude," I said. "That was really fucking nice. Seven months, I haven't seen you..."

I certainly know he remembers me, that much is obvious, but I think he might have thought it a bit odd that I knew how long it was since we last met. Of course I only know because I have been out of town for that long. "Long time, " he said, agreeably.

"Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, dude," I said. "I'll be around."

He nodded. "I'll look for you," he told me.

And I know he will.

Of all the guys I've met here in NY and on the road, and even many of my buddies back in Florida, this guy is one of my top three favorites -- he even takes top honors for ALL TIME favorites. He's just got that look about him that I like -- a REAL man. Whatever his issues might be, real or imagined by me, I don't care. He's a hell of a lot of fun and I will enjoy meeting up with him as often as I can while I am here. It's pretty rare to find a dude who has an almost identical dick to your own, and even more rare to find a guy who is equally at home sucking or getting sucked -- and still more rare to run into a dude who likes being sucked the same way that he himself sucks dick.

A few times last season, it was just him and me in the store. He arrives late and I know when he shows up. He also seems to have time off on the more quiet cruising nights of the week. That can make for a pretty hot scene. A dead bookstore can be damn boring, but not when two guys who get along so well are the only ones in the place!

I expect during the deep, dark, cold and bitter nights of January, I'll pull up to the bookstore and see his car there, with no one else in the parking lot. My dick is gonna get hard just seeing his vehicle, knowing I can walk inside this place and find him there, needing relief as much as I do.

If the dude ever kisses or hugs me, I think I may have to get some chloroform and pack him up in my luggage, bring him back to Florida and keep him. I'll feed him well and give him a nice bed to sleep in. He would be easy to care for, I think: probably he's OK with Hamburger Helper for dinner and a nightly mutual blowjob session just before bed.

I won't hold my breath, though. But I will certainly enjoy him while I can.

Now, I also get to meet up with Joe probably in a week or two, but Joe is another story entirely. If you want, maybe I'll share that in the near future, too.

Oh, and then there's a guy I call "Ron," even though that's not his name. He just LOOKS like a "Ron" to me. I managed to give him his first male to male kiss last winter. I'm very curious to see if he's progressed any since then. I know he drives a Jeep Cherokee and I know half his license plate number, so I'll be stopping by a different bookstore anytime I see him parked in the lot.

It's going to be an interesting six weeks, I think.
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