All Islam people are not terrorists.....just some. Now we are bogged down in Iraq........with no end in sight. Things just keep getting worse....because Bush has no vision beyond 2 weeks time.
Sadam was bad, but so are the leaders of about 15 other countries in the world. Bush from day one knew that he wanted to go after Sadam. After all, they tried to murder his father when he was president. Iraq had nothing to do with the world trade center. This is my last message on this post. Some of you guys will never be convinced that Bush made an error. He is your God. If he shot you at your front'd still say it was ok. If he fucked your teenage would be ok. If your brother was in Iraq and got would be fine. I don't think an atomic bomb........would convince some of you buttheads otherwise. |
Guys, everyone here knows that no one is going to convince anyone else here that their point is best, wisest, or most correct -- not the dyed-in-the-wool lib Dems hanging out here, not the dogmatic Bush followers, nor us libertarians. So with that, on one point -- and ONLY one -- will I agree with the last writer: this is MY last post in this thread, as well.
To return to the original thread topic. I hope the wild life in Atlanta hasn't breathed its last gasp. It'll be great when consenting adults will once again be able to party on without the city nannies or the police busting down doors and peeking under everyone's sheets. See ya, dudes... |
You folks are funny
How did this topic go from Atlanta being dead to GWB and Iraq? Lordhammercyjesus I don't get it. I am not for or agains GWB, nor do I think the city leaders of Atl are anything other than trying to do what they can in a very crazy economy and a very real global economy shift. Yeah, I truly think Bush is a very real idiot, but not one person here can do anything about it, so..... CAN WE FREAKING MOVE ON AND JUST WAIT OUT THE TERM? I am so sick of people blaming him for everyfuckinlittle bitch and gripe they got. I didn't vote for him but for the love of everything holy GET THE FUCK OVER IT OR GO AWAY. It's annoying as hell. It's as if you bitched and complained about the weather--what can you do about it?
Now, on to the TOPIC. Why is Atlanta dead for sex?'s not for me, and it really never went away--it simply changed. It's called gentrification. A lot of young folks look at it differently than us older folk do. Honestly--who cares that the T-rooms and toilets are not cruisey? The thought of sex in a public toilet never really tickled me, and it must not do that for a lot of others, as it's down all over. the country. The religious right didn't kill it. YOU DID. You did when you didn't care who walked in, or thought anybody in there was fair game and stroked your dick for anybody in there. NEWSFLASH: Straight folk are offended by that. Net result: Police crackdowns. Thanks. So the sex clubs closed. Did they? You think Flex is buying the city leaders? HA! They follow the rules. They don't flaunt them, they follow them. Their facility is up to all safety codes, and it's irrelevant if a club is a "private" club or not, it's still subject to building safety codes. I have represented some of the owners of the clubs that shut down. I still represent a few in other cities. I can tell you that in Atlanta, it's common for them to run the place like an ATM for their drug habits. Getting sloppy will get you killed, or destroy your business. Running a club like this is a low cost, low overhead easy avenue to make money (cold hard cash, if you know what I mean), so long as it's run as a business and not as a Meth Habit Machine, or as a personal kingdom for the owners insatiable appetite for sex. I know at least two clubs that went out of buisiness becuase they went backrupt and did so with *a full, cash paying crowd* every night. Think how that could be possible. Don't blame Shirley, or the CEO of Dekalb county, or the Scarecrow or the guy next door who never opens his shades, or the cop on the street. These owners are at fault, plain and simple for the clubs, and morons like us are responsible for the public areas getting more attention. |
How did we get here? Simple. Atlanta IS dead! Slaughtered by self rightgeous, bible thumping, I feel your pain LIBBERALS of it democratic persuasion! It may be politically incorrect to EVER acuse anyone of color of having an evil thought, but goddamit, those fucken faggot, hammersexuhls have wrecked this citty. Well, to be fair, us faggots screwin in the bushes of Piedmont Park or elsewhere do tend to scare the women, small dogs, and children. But the reality is, the dem/libs have set themselves up as the icon of self righteousness, and in reality, they are as ugly as the ugliest of the anti black, anti Jew, anti northerner, anti gay, bible thumpen baptists out there. Its just that most of us faggots cannot see through the smoke screen. Takes too much time, effort, and thinking to do so, so let CBS do the thinking for us
So, Shirley clamps down on the Belvedere theater, and trashes that nice Phillapina (sp?) owner, and the Emory/Twink crowd screams Bush lied on this BB. Even if there was a modicum of truth in the statement, that foaming at the mouth twink is still gonna get his head busted by some black cop who voted for Kerry, for jacken off with another guy in a semi public place. So: Reality check. Bush didn't lie, and you are one hell of a lot safer living here in these evil US of A than in Europe. And the people you have been voting for, those ass holes who "feel your pain" ain't gonna come to your aid if a cop busts into your bedroom while your sucking Bruce's cock. They are the same garbage as the Cobb Co. bible thumping Baptists (Methodists ain't much better, but they can read). Wake up boys. It's a nasty world out there. Fuck a guy in the ass without a rubber, you're AIDS meat, and it isn't W or Cheny's fault, it's your own. Dump some sperm on the floor at the porno flix, you get your picture on the sex offender web page, thank you Shirley and Campbell. Nuff said, I need to beat off. THAT is how we got here. Dr Danny |
Is the Belevedere within Atlanta city limits?
No the Belvedere is not in the city limits even though it is awful damn close!
That gets Vernon Jones credit. Way to go Danny, you pretty well summed it up. |
Well, since everyone is throwing their two drops of cum in on this subject, I might as well too. I have long felt that you could put all of the true sex that happened as a result of CFS into a tea cup, so we might as well have political agruments. It is generally much more entertaining reading than: "Hot bottom in Acworth seeks 12 inch hung top, under 20 years please!"
The Atlanta sex scene has changed (For the worse, meaning less of it.) because we have changed and the city has changed. You might argue that this is either good or bad, either way it is a fact. You really can't blame Shirley Franklin, she hasn't done anything. The various sex clubs: SEMCO; Steam and Eros all closed for different reasons and many rumored ones. If a place isn't up to fire code it should be closed down. I don't want to fry getting my cock sucked because the electrical work is shoddy or the fire doors are bolted shut. Many of the old cruise spots are long gone. Remember Dutch Valley off Monroe? Posh condo's there now. Remember when you could drive through Piedmont Park and get out and do it in the bushes with 60 other guys? You can't find a parking space ten blocks from the park now. Politically we are becoming a one party city, state and nation just as surely as the old Soviet Union was. Atlanta is a black island in a sea of white. Think you will ever live to see a Republican mayor or city council in Atlanta or most of Fulton and Dekalb Counties? Not if you were born yesterday. You will however see various black politicans trashing gays and raiding movie theaters inorder to court the black religious vote. Think you will see a Democratic governor or General Assembly in Georgia anytime soon? Oh, maybe in thirty or forty years. You will however see white and black politicans kicking the dead dog of gay marriage and ending funding for state subsidized HIV drugs for the poor inorder to court the rural and church vote. Think you will see a true two party system in Washington anytime soon? Probably not. The Republicans seem to have the Congress, the Presidency and the Supreme Court sewn up and in their control for many decades to come. We need a big, daddy sheriff to protect us from the twin scourges of Christian civilization: Muslims and homosexuals. They will play this card as long as they possibly can until the house of cards the whole fallacy is built on comes tumbling down. The Democrats are only slightly less worse than the Republicans only because the latter have all the power. What I can't quite understand is all of the Republicans, gay and straight, who can do nothing but whine, complain and victimize themselves. You won baby! It's your ball game now, lock, stock and WMD! We have had Republican Presidents for 18 of the last 25 years. (Clinton won despite himself, it was Bush I's to loose.) You have had control of the Congress for the last 11 years. The majority of the Supreme Court Judges were appointed by Republican Presidents. What are you belly aching about? Still you must have a boogey man and if you can't think of anything else to call it, call it "liberal." The people in control now, be it the local courthouse, statehouse or the White House have no political philosophy right or left. It is all about POWER! And they will say anything, do anything and kill anybody in order to keep and maintain it. |
well said!!
p |
dried up?
Always laying the blame is victim mentality. It will keep you being a victim. Grow up. Take responsibility. All I ever hear are whiners complaining about and blaming Bush, Cops, GOP, Religious Right, etc. They never take the blame for having sex in public places and getting busted - no way, it couldn’t be our own fault. Look around - new housing going up everywhere, like the gentleman said, more taxpayers = more infrastructure, including police, politicians, and public do-gooders. But I also see grown men having sex in public places. Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the excitement as much as you do, but if I get busted it’s my own damn fault. I won’t blame administrations, organizations or the Gestapo. So take it somewhere in private. Be safe.
They overwhelmingly disapprove of his Social Security proposal. They disapprove of his handling of Iraq. They believe he lied to get us into the war. They disapprove of his environmental policies. They disapprove of his stand against abortion (except late-term). They disapprove of his stand against stem cell research. Even the idiotic Frist -- who diagnosed Teri Schiavo by video -- today opposed Bush on stem cell research. We're likely to see more of the latter kind of distancing for one simple reason: midterm elections. |
But you need only compare the platforms of the two parties during the last election. It is absurd to accuse the Democratic Party of the same excesses of homophobia as the Republican Party. You will recall that Clinton actually pressured Kerry to move further to the right on the issue of gay marriage and he refused. |
The "flypaper argument" you make died last week, anyway. Two of our allies -- Spain and Great Britain -- have both been attacked by al qaeda. Obviously, fighting in Iraq doesn't keep the terrorists from extending their fight to other countries. The State Dept's own survey revealed that terrorist attacks since 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq have doubled around the world. Of course, they immediately tried to block publication of the survey. |
Comparing the religious right -- the people who want to re-criminalize sodomy and re-authorize the police to enter your bedroom to arrest you -- to the Democrats is absolutely absurd, though it seems to provide plenty of catharsis to do so. It is certainly true that there are plenty of homophobic Dems, just as southern dems led the fight against racial integration, but I don't know a single Dem of importance who has campaigned against gay people the way Republicans have made gay rights their "wedge" issue in their self-proclaimed culture war. The fact is that if they DID, they'd have a much better chance of being elected. We do see covert complicity, like Shirley Franklin's, but nothing on the scale of what Republicans are advocating and have won in their state-by-state campaign to "protect marriage." It is bizarre to read these harangues about <B>politics</b> that expect ideological purity of Democrats. It's politics, not religion. Or it should be! |
Im sure the number of attacks have increased since those numbers they keep include terrorist attacks IN IRAQ!
The attacks in Spain influenced the election, so they are no longer in Iraq with us. Lets all hide our heads in the sand and those bad guys will just go away and leave us alone. There is a seat for you too ride the" Vegetable Oil" bus with Jane Fonda. I guess we will have to stop calling her Bagdad Jane instead of Hanoi Jane. |
Re: You folks are funny
Oh, and remember: It was the State Dept. that wanted to put our heads in the sand by not publishing the report. As for the attacks in Iraq...uh....DUH. Who are they attacking? Their invaders. Double DUH. |
Now that I've got politics out of my system....
I think there is a simpler explanation for the sex panic that's gripped Atlanta and many other cities. You might want to check out this site of a 1997 conference: I believe I met the webmaster, Keith, at that conference. A hint: Are you aware that a few years ago the city that reported the greatest number of arrests for sex in public bathrooms was West Hollywood, the only gay-run city in America? Much larger cities didn't even come close. (That's from Michael Warner's "The Trouble with Normal," which also addresses this issue brilliantly.) The point is that the shift to a conservative ideology, as was observed at this conf. in 1997, isn't just in the dominant culture. It's also true among gay men, arguably to an even greater extent among us. (And god knows you can see it in a broad way in this very thread, even if it isn't uniformly extended to sexual behavior.) As gay men try to become assimilated, they adopt more of the dominant culture's views about sex, marriage, love, etc. I'm willing to bet that most of the complaints police hear about public sex, sex clubs, bookstores, etc, come from other gay men, not from heterosexuals. (In fact, police reports corroborate this.)Some of you may remember that it was gay men who blocked the opening of a bath house on Amsterdam Ave. some years ago. This was also the case when the Eagle had a very, um, vibrant sex night a few years --much more active than the current Thurs night one. I'm not saying the religious right, Shirley's constituency, isn't part of this, but I think many mainstream-minded gay men are playing right along because it doesn't look good for us to be sexual beasts when marriage has become our main agenda. And I do think it's also about a change of values. I'm betting the average age of the person who feels like his sexual liberties have been severely limited here is over 40 or close thereto. People of that age -- my age -- typically depended on public sex venues like the parks and semi-public ones like bath houses not only to have regular sex when they first came out but to actually learn <B>how</b> to have gay sex. That's not the case much any more, especially not with park and bathroom sex. Also, I think an effect of this agenda of mainstreaming ourselves has created a new kind of closet. Gay men who go to sex clubs aren't as open about it even among themselves as we were 20 years ago. Because we're all supposed to get married and live behind picket fences, it's considered skanky to defend recreational sex because it presents an unflattering PR picture to the culture that controls our civil rights. |
Atlanta is not dead for cruising!
! There are plenty of new places to cruise and meet other guys in Atlanta but they are no longer being listed on anymore. I know because I get plenty of cock at them often. They are out there. We have evolved once again back to a old reliable method that has always worked. To find out where new cruise areas are it will take turning off the computer and getting out asking other gay people. Even read the grout between the tiles!! They will tell you. Finding gay cruise areas has gone back to a old reliable safe method \"WORD OF MOUTH\". Most of us real fags do not feel comfortable cruising places that have been heavily advertised online anyway and never go to them. Every gay person I talk to at a cruise area hates what the (Internet FRONT PAGE WORLD WIDE NEWSPAPER) and (GWB church & company) has done to gay cruise places anyway. The ones they know about. Hee\' You will not find any of the new cruise places online for now and hopefully never because once they are listed its the same old - same old thing every single time, they quickly are crashed and busted by the usual SICK cops-antigay-religious..etc. or whatever and not only that - they are overloaded just before the burn every single time! One of the stupidest things in the world is to try to stop people from having sex because its not ever gonna happen and one of the best things that can happen is a cure for HIV disease and others but that is NOT ever gonna happen either because they makin by \"FAR\" too much \"money\" off maintenance HIV drugs to cure it and cut off the MONEY highway. I think heterosexual people around where I live need to come out of denial and face the truth about just who in the human population carries the majority of HIV infections and it is not gay people here where I am. Say if they were to board up and stop all gay cruising everywhere, what and who will they blame for the continuing rise in AIDS after that? One thing for sure is that nature will always find a way no matter what and gay cruising is not about to evaporate no time soon.
Well said, Gaywillow. You are sooooo right!!
Ok, honestly, this board explains why America is getting screwed over. I try not to judge people, but the stupidity level on this board is staggering. Some rants:
1) WTF is with it with the people on this board saying its all the Muslims fault? Can you say racist? As a Jew, this kind of rhetoric is kinda familiar, just now its directed towards another religious group. Anyone who says its all the Muslim's fault, is frankly, without a doubt, one of the most ignorant human beings ever. 2) Bush is an idiot. I'm not saying he doesnt have smart people in his administration (think Colin Powell) who help him guide the country, or saying republicans are all idiots, but honestly, most if not all of my republican friends and family admit that Bush himself is probably one of the most ignorant and idiotic presidents we've had. This admission is only usually plied out of them in private. The republicans who dont admit this are just in denial. 3) Bush's administration manipulated the war intelligence, and lied about WMD's. Think Wilson-CIA leak, and recent charges against high Bush administration officials. Also, its been proven that Cheney pressured the CIA. And yes, I believe that purposely ignoring intelligence officials who said that its highly unlikely that Iraq had WMD's, and ignoring Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), who said repeatedly they have no evidence showing WMD's in Iraq (which lead to the US trying to oust him as director, which failed. Thats hilarious) is lying to the American public. 4) The war in Iraq, which Bush has lied about repeatedly, has increased terrorism in the world, and hasnt made us safer. Listen to the thouands of intelligent officials who said this before and after the war started. 5) In clinton we had a giant surplus, and stopped deficit spending. Which the Republicans supported and bitched about (having a deficit) Haha, now, we have record deficits. So shut the fuck up about our economy please and how Bush is doing such a great job. Listen to Lou Dobbs just once please. 6) I wrote for a conservative newspaper for a few years. Even among my colleagues there, Fox news was an open joke. 7) If one person says You're unpatriotic one more time ill scream. I hate it when people say that when people complain about the war. They bring up that your unpatriotic and your not supporting the troops. First this is censuring our first amendment right. Secondly, This argument is akin to saying your not supporting our workers if their working in a dangerous work environment and your trying to get the plant owners to fix it. As you can see, this argument makes no sense. 8) Bush has increased religion in government and by doing so has violated the seperation of church and state. He has done this by allowing religious organizations federal money when they refuse to stop discriminating based on religion (who they hire) or refuse to offer a secular alternative to their services. I hate it when people argue this country was founded as a christian country. The idiots need to wake up. A ton of the founding fathers were in fact Deists. not atheists or christian. Read this It is now more favored than not by historians that in Washingtons' later life he practiced Deistic beliefs. Jefferson, among the other founding fathers, were Deists (Think Paine) There are a lot of other things I can say, but I have so much stuff I need to do, I'll stop here. People need to wake up or do their homework. And yes, I have done my homework since about half of my family are heavy-duty influential republican backers, and whenever we see each other, political arguments fly between me and the rest of them. Whoever isnt on the ball gets destroyed. I can safely say I piss them off on a regular basis. Thank god for a near-photographic memory. Also, im not a "flaming liberal" not that there's anything wrong with that. I'm more conservative on fiscal matters (and by conservative i dont mean I back Bush's policy. Traditionally, Conservatives used to believe AGAINST having a deficit. Not this new crap that Bush is spouting. The old-style republicans are seething over this) and I'm liberal on social matters, and by this I mean I think that the conservatives on social matters have become busy-bodies and should back the hell off. My policy is that as long as your not interfering in my life, you can do whatever the hell you want. This includes abortions (its a womans body, not mine), gay marriage (im bi, and probably going to marry a woman, but i dont care who marries who), etc. My rant is over. |
May I say, "Amen"
I say Amen to all that you have said. I am no longer a proud American. I would prefer to move to Spain. and who wants to marry me there?
Yes it is a sad state of affairs....
Your govenment lies to you openly and spins what truth there is into something else. M3 money is not longer being reported by the Federal Reserve as asian nations start to buy oil from the middle east in Euros. Possibly crashing the Dollar and taking the U.S. economy with it.
Homeland security is watching you on security camers most places and anything you type on your computer is audited. Talking about Founding Fathers they revolted for a lot less government taxation and intervention than we have today. I am so unhappy I am planning an exit stratey myself....I don't want to be here when the entire U.S. becomes the bunker mentality that was NOLA after the hurricane. Off topic I know but cruising pastures must be greener elsewhere. |
Hey Dennis, please explain to us what is keeping you from going? I'm sure they are counting the minutes till your arrival. You can probably get a discounted ticket out too, this being the holidays!
Just be careful on the trains. They tend to blow up over there. As for Bush being an idiot, well, I just wish I were half the idiot he is. (Oh, he had a higher GPA at Yale than Kerry, but the Boston Post is reluctant to talk about it) And you are right about the muslims, mikron. Those of us who know better know it was the Swedes all along who are the real terrorists. God damn lying country , that Sweden, putting all those guys onto the planes to blow up the Trade Center in NY, and pretending they had Middle Eastern Names. I hate liars, and I hate Sweden. Good lord, both of you go suck someone's dick, you'll feel better afterwards. |
This thread is back alive.....just like KING KONG.
Bush was a cheerleader in college.....and then a drunken drug abuser afterwards. Moral is.......coke snorting ex-cheerleaders don't make good presidents. |
If Hairylegs hates liars, he must really detest Dubya and ALL the Republicans.
Too bad we have more than 2 more years of the dark ages to deal with. We gotta VOTE these scumbags out of office starting next year! |
musclebrains, please explain to all these poor people how Flex can stay open on an "exception" if you know so much? What, pray tell, is the "exception?" That they are paying off city officials? You got a lawsuit, if you can prove that. That they somehow got "grandfather" status and the rules don't apply?
Please explain, give it real good, so I can either laugh my butt off, or I can defend any other club that was shut down for being illegal in and of itself. |
It's been a fun thread but time to rest
This thread's been fun and it's time to move on. I'm locking this thread and will delete any attempts to revive it in another thread.
Thanks, Bobby |
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