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CRUISING for SEX - ATLANTA is DEAD.....moving into DARK ages

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studN2blow 17th July 2005 06:13 PM

ATLANTA is DEAD.....moving into DARK ages
This city has dried up. Unless you are a bar fly, gym bunny, church goer or enjoy playing bingo with drag queens...... this is not the place to be.

Cruisy t-rooms have all but disapreared, park cruising and street crusing/parking is gone, once new xxx bookstores have become over USED and scuzzy. How long will these dark ages last???

If you are in Miami or elsewhere and have the choice of moving to Tampa, New Orleans, Atlanta or Birmingham. All those cities MUST be gayer than ATL has become lately.

localpervert 18th July 2005 03:54 AM

it's not just the gay scene stud...
it's not just the gay scene stud... this whole state is turning into a police state. I just can't believe the things I am seeing...AND EXPERIENCING around here lately. A lot of people say i'm crazy, but I think this whole 9-11/terrorist thing was just a plot by OUR govt to finish destryong the bill of rights & justify turning the country into an orwellian 1984 hell. ALl we can do is keep fighting.

Yfronts 18th July 2005 08:57 AM

George Bush's one party government...
What we see happening here in Atlanta is not unique. It is happening all across the U.S. The Religious Right has and continues to take over. I am dismayed at what is happening in this country. Orwell was just took a little longer to happen. I have a least three friends that are planning their exit strategy now. Two have already bought land in Mexico and Costa Rica...the others are still traveling assessing options.

Taxes, civil fines, gas and utilities will continue to push the middle class further and further into debt till it all collapses in some financial armaggedon. The banks will seize everything and when they fold the govenment will assume their debt and essentially own everything. And with the Religious Right at the top of the food chain I don't want to be gay and be living in this all makes me very sad.

You can still find sex privately via computer, but beware they know everything you say and do on the internet. All of my emails were subpoenied in a civil court case. Earthlink informed me of the subpoeny but they could do nothing. I was told I could hire a lawyer to place a protest to the court but that that would probably not stop it. The court got all my email between my tax attorney and myself... every man I had chatted with...all pictures exchanged etc. Beware Big Brother is watching.

And on a brighter note who wants to trade blowjobs?

studN2blow 18th July 2005 01:14 PM

Well I got out today and actually found some hot cock. Good looking married guy at Morgan Falls Insurrection. Nicely looking married white lawyer looking dude in suite at Insurrection Clarkston.

And even had a pretty good time at the maybe all is not lost after all.

roccosiffredi 18th July 2005 03:28 PM

Yeah, it's GWB's fault that you can't get laid in a city run by some of the most sleazy, incompetent, corrupt, liberals (oxymoron there) ever. :rolleyes: That makes a lot of sense.

USMCemen 18th July 2005 09:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
i'm in DC (ground zero of NO-SEX CENTRAL), and I can guarantee you that it's worse here than even ATL or Lauderdale (I get to both regularly, and inspite of the crackdowns and setbacks reported here, the AJC and elsewhere, there's still more going on down there than here in DC; with cameras and police everywhere, DC is no better than a 50's bridge party.

Example: Last night (Sun) I went to the DC Eagle for the first time in over three years. Within two minutes of going in, while I was standing by myself nursing a bottled water (don't want the DC police to pick me up for .000000000001 blood alcohol, after all!), the bar owner comes up to me, and asks me to leave -- it turns out my 'attire' was too suggestive: me going commando and sporting SEMIHARD in my khaki military surplus cargos and formfitting black tee ('we don't allow visitors to disturb our patrons socializing' was what the owner slurred to me in drunken English -- too much for the magnolias in vinyl, I guess. I was told 'finish your cocktail and leave' (never mind my 'cocktail' was clearly a bottled water -- it was like that scene in the movie Hairspray where Tracy Turnblad is sent down to the principal's office for her "Hair-Don't" infraction.

Being thrown out of the DC Eagle? a Badge of Honor, which I've now earned twice -- the first time was eight years ago, when a barback caught a Canadian Air Force dude blowing me in the john -- 'LEAVE NOW -- THIS IS A RESPECTABLE ESTABLISHMENT!!!' is what the wagging-fingered barback yelled at us, as we laughed our asses out of there. (The DC Anti-Sex movement goes back years, well back into the Clinton era, btw, for anyone who thinks GWB is to blame -- the most notorious crackdown being the shutting down of the Green Lantern bar, which until it was closed by the preening Big City SafeSex Nannies was the best thing DC had going for hot sex cruise bars)

For the record, I was down in ATL just a couple of weeks ago, hung out and had a great time at the Eagle (my old stomping ground, along with The Cove, Bulldog and Heretic) in even more suggestive bulging garb, and not a problem. Still, the point of this thread is right on -- to my mind it's *both* the prissy bible thumpers riding on the 'homeland security' bandwagon *and* the know-it-all liberal safesexers who are ruining every possiblity of a good time between consenting adults -- a marriage between them made in hell.

I'm finding more and more hot times these days in rural areas, reststops, truckstops and smalltown vidstores (NC is especially good for that, especially the ones near the military bases); the only drawback is that mensroom gloryholes seem to be a thing of the past EVERYWHERE. As far as regions are concerned, Miami and West Palm are benefitting from FTL's Atlanta-like crackdown on sex; for consistently hot times, tho, I have to go West to TX, AZ, Southern Cal, and SF.

I *HAD* been planning to move from DC back to ATL (where I used to live), but I'm having serious second thoughts about that if 'the scene' down there (which truthfully has been gradually going downhill since The Cove closed several years back) keeps getting worse. Phoenix and San Diego are definitely rising on my list of move-to destinations once I get the hell out of DC for good.

localpervert 19th July 2005 05:00 AM

RE: "the move north
I have to dissagree there Bilo. I have BTDT.....& got the police record instead of the T shirt. I have lived up around Lake LAnier for the last 20 years and have just seen the "party places" turned into police stake outs. The parks around Lanier being a example (out of MANY others) Old AThens Park used to be a great hetro & gay cruising ground and the coves around it were crowded with boats/nudity & sex. SO they closed the park ...and it even got wilder. people would park & walk the trails. (which-thank god- MOST donut piggies are to lazy to do) as of last year the county put up about a dozen "no parking/tow zone" signs... Now that was public property - Fed & state - They can't close it, but they can use questionable tactics to prevent access. Then there is the Lake itself which is now patrolled by 4 counties, Corp of Eng, DNR, GA Parks, etc. you can get busted out minding your own business in a deserted cove - faster than you can cruising CHeshirebridge on a Sat night. ALL of north Ga is like that now.
more people = more taxes. more taxes = more cops. morecops = more busts. more busts provide the statistics that more cops are needed.........more cops = more busts........ just a vicious circle. What I DON"T see in all this is the public outcry for all these new cops/laws/busts. Pigs & politicians are not human, they are a virus. A self perpetuating vermen. I remember what we used to say back in the 70's "don't let the pigs see you having sex.... If they learn how to breed we'll be ass deep in them "

studN2blow 19th July 2005 07:05 AM

Well in spite of the LONG replies......the guy from D.C. was most interesting....I guess we can conclude that this is not just an ATL thing. Other places are in this DARK AGE also. Maybe it's a reaction to the whole gay marriage debate.

They are trying to push us back into the closet.....but we can't just sit still and let them do it

I'd like to see some safe outdoor cruising park/woods areas......a gay lovers lane where guys could cruise freely without police entrapment.... and a legit, clean theatre (such as the Tara) showing all gay porn. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO WISH FOR DOROTHY????

nthemiddle 19th July 2005 08:19 AM

Ga tracking HIV
Sorry, but yes it true Atlant has dried up! May be the reason is that HIV/AIDS has become such an issue. If you get your drugs for the State of GA. they are required to report where you live and what your activities are.

You think you have it rought! Well, I work in the Medical field with HIV patients and those people are tracked like dogs. If you go to a Title 3 clinic in GA. you are required to hand over sexual partners names, ask if you have had any of the following unprotected/protected sex with in the last three months, udate finanical doc. every 6 months. The requirements to report go on forever. Now the sad thing is that if your refuse to give details or don't comply with their rules you may or may not get your drugs.

I hate it for the way these patients are treated but the clinic guidelines are to gather and process and track HIV patients. Not all of us are infected but those that are hunted like dogs.
Like it or not HIV is still a gay illness with no cure.

I moved from Midtown about 12 years ago and it was the best thing I have done. I'm in Gwinnett but its not much better. So, weather you're in Metro or Northeast Ga. it doen't matter. What matters is stay safe don't do public places.

I'km sure there are many reason why the action has dried up in Metro Atlanta. Cops and gov have a lot to do with your going and cumming.

CapitalUncut 19th July 2005 12:46 PM

Actually, USMC, the problem with the DC Eagle isn't so much the religious wrong, as it is the bi-polar, schizophrenic mis-manager. I was a fixture there from about 1990 until '95, and was notorious for causing all sorts of on one up to group fucks both inside and on the deck. Cops occasionally came in to nab a specific individual they were pursuing, but they never gave anyone any grief (even if their dick wasn't perfectly concealed). If anything, they were polite, even friendly.

Things here (DC) really started going downhill when the (R)s took over the House, and took out that "Contract On America." That's when the wrong-wing began undoing what little semblence of liberty and respect that my generation had spent over 20 years fighting tooth and nail to garner. To compound the problem, it also coincided with a younger generation coming of age who felt they were entitled to party and tweak without any greater responsibility or obligation to the rest of the world ("what? me vote?").

Unfortunately, the sorry state of things these days (in DC or anywhere else) isn't likely to change unless large numbers of the under-35 crowd get off their asses and start voting and influencing the powers that be like the wrong-wingers, they'll find themselves in a world far worse than than anything Orwell could have written about.

N2it 19th July 2005 01:35 PM

Right on, CapitalUncut. This is all highly political. Wonder if all these people complaining are voters. Gjotta get these
people outta congress starting NEXT YEAR.
Please guys, get out and vote and dont vote republican!!!!!!!!

USMCemen 19th July 2005 04:00 PM


Originally posted by CapitalUncut
Unfortunately, the sorry state of things these days (in DC or anywhere else) isn't likely to change unless large numbers of the under-35 crowd get off their asses and start voting and influencing the powers that be like the wrong-wingers, they'll find themselves in a world far worse than than anything Orwell could have written about.
Hey Cap, good to see you on the GA board!! (GA is my second home, btw). I seriously doubt the under-35 crowd will *ever* get off their asses, since civics, personal responsibility, and a genuine understanding and appreciation of the Constitution aren't taught well in the public schools anymore. Instead, it's my belief that as long as coming generations of kids are brainwashed into believing that issues of safety and protection are to be left soley to the government, they will continue to forfeit their Consitutional rights to powergrabbing politicans of both political parties for hte sake of "safety" and "protection of their children". By nature I'm a strong libertarian -- I believe that BOTH the GOP *and* the Dems have caused MAJOR damage to the protection of our Constitutional rights in this Republic, by turning almost every issue into a democratic Majority Rules vote, rather than respecting the rule of law above and beyond what an insistent Majority demands.

As to the House GOP takeover after 1994: Having worked on the Hill for a long time (for both Dems and GOP Members), I can say with complete certainty that *all* politicians guard their turfs very jealously. That includes state reps and state senators, who have *never* appreciated Members of Congress meddling in the affairs of state gov't. Those very same state governments have only recently been trending (slightly) GOP -- the Dems having held the majority of state legislatures and governorships throughout the 90's, when the crackdowns facilitated by state and local police began. Add to that that most city governments are still Dem party strongholds, and I can comfortably say that anti-gay crackdowns have been egged on over the years by city, county and state politicans of *both* parties. They're not answering the call of Congress -- they answering the call of insecure, panicky parents who can't control their kids's web surfing habits, further fueled by the media hype generated by the 6 o'clock news ratings-whores hyping and exaggerating stories of dirty old men lurking in public bathrooms and parks. I refuse to surrender myself to the dictatorship of nervous parents and, as if we're ALL somehow responsible for babysitting their kids 24/7.

I also have little, if any, respect left for party politics and the politicians of both major parties -- out of principle I brand myself a Libertarian, as I refuse to surrender my rights (as much as I can resist it) to either the conservative bible thumpers *or* the liberal big government nannies -- both have done major damage to our Constitutional rights, and the dumbing down of education these days will ensure that little protest will ever likely follow as more and more Americans feel they need to somehow be 'taken care of' and 'protected' by the government.

BTW, it's bitchin' to see I'm not the only Eagle troublemaker! I definitely agree with you regarding the two (or more) wacky worlds that haunt the mind of the Eagle's owner. A truly (and sadly) messed up dude. It's too bad that the city is going through an EXTENDED anti-fun/anti-cruise/anti-bar period -- the DC Eagle *NEEDS* competition; Competition is a GOOD thing, and keeps the bar owners on their toes. As long as that half-baked dude sits (and shits) on the only game in town, the Eagle will continue its slide into the toilet.

hairylegs 19th July 2005 06:56 PM

AMEN BROTHER, and get ready to be flammed for having the gall to suggest the so called "libberals" are our friend! Nothing could be further from the truth. If ever the gay community had an enemy, it was the Dems. (Don't believe me? Name 1, just 1, piece of gay friendly legislation they have brought to the light of day, locally, at state level, or at Federal level. Just one! The only thing I can think of is Saint Bill's "don't ask, don't tell" That jerk sure felt our pain. How many more guys have been thrown out of the military based on that legislation, than were dumped under the evil reign of Bush I?)

Atlanta is so left wing, radical and corruptly liberal you want to puke. This crack down in Atlanta against the gay community is flat out the responsibility of the Democratic Liberal Left wing. The bible thumpers may be cheering, but its the libs and their saviour Mayor Franklin who is behind the crack down; it is they who control the police, the courts, and the media (which as you probably have chosen to forget, showed faces and humiliated the guys in the January bust at the Belvedere theater.) I think if I hear one more crack against the horrible republicans in their crusade against the noble libs, I will hurl.

USMCemen 19th July 2005 07:40 PM

Actually, to sum up what I said before, I think *BOTH* major parties have contributed greatly (and about equally) to the current disastrous state of civil liberties.

Forget about the bar crackdowns and gay issues for a minute -- look at the deafening silence coming from BOTH the GOP and the Dems in Congress regarding the absolutely DISGUSTING recent Supreme Court decision regarding Eminent Domain and the MAJOR damage it has caused to our Constitutional property rightrs as citizens under the Second Amendment. The GOP loves the Court ruling because its private developer political contributors and supporters want easy access to cheap land without the hassle and incovenience of holdouts who refuse to sell, notgiving a damn who currently lives there or owns a small business there. The Dems equally love the ruling because once the land is given over to big profit developers, the redevelopment generates MUCHO MUCHO tax dollars filling city treasuries that the local Dem-run city officials see as a Vegas jackpot to spend as candy and goodies in the form of targetted social programs for its city consituents... that is, those who haven't already been run out of the inner city!

In the end, the rights of the little homeowner and small businessman get trampled on by yet another political marriage made in hell between conservatives and liberals, with the end result leaving us all vulnerable to the violation of our Constitutional property rights. And without property rights, we're serfs to a government who can throw us off our land at any time.

Essentially, there's nothing to stop these takings now -- and if you don't believe me (to move this conversation back into a gay focus), just wait till some developers petition the greedy Fulton County commission or City of Atlanta councilmen and women to redevelop the area on Peachtree in Midtown, where there are currently some juicy properties that Bulldog, Backstreet, the Armory and quite a few relatively low taxbase businesses, restaurants and homeowners currently perch on. There won't be any court in the land to stop the property takings -- just ask the gay businesses on O Street, SE here in DC, where the Washington Nationals in cahoots with the Dem DC Mayor and City Council have all but grabbed the land to build the new baseball stadium. And good luck to them finding NEW sites for their businesses in high-rent DC! It's not a political party issue -- it's a greed issue that both parties share equal guilt in.

studN2blow 19th July 2005 08:16 PM

Well the Supreme Court has been fucked up for some time. Don't forget they were the ones who picked the current president.......
not the voters.

They also voted against medical marijuana for the sick. WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU EXPECT FROM A GROUP OF 80 YEAR OLDS
.........who have probably never smoked a joint in their life.

They can't even decide if displaying the 10 commandments is ok or not.

.....and now, Bush has the chance to fuck up the court even more
.......with probably at least 4 the next few years.

I think his legacy will be that he is one of the dumbest and OUT OF THE LOOP presidents ever. His approval rating in 3 more years will be around 10%. I believe Minnie Me could do a better job.

USMCemen 19th July 2005 08:28 PM

The Supreme Court has been screwed up thanks to BOTH major parties, and the losers they've each put on the Court over the years. The disastrous Eminent Domain decision was a 5-4 decision championed by the libs on the court over the conservatives.

I refuse to champion the cause of the Dems over the GOP (or vice versa), when in SO MANY ways they've each contributed to the erosion of our civil liberties. In a nutshell, THEY BOTH SUCK -- *EQUALLY*

localpervert 20th July 2005 04:35 AM

I vote with the same zeal as a snake handling baptist preacher & I find my time spent in the voting booths to be more & more scary & depressing. Why? Because 98% of all the voters I see fall into 2 catagories A)Senile (senior) citizens ( that would vote for Nixon were he alive & running) ...and B) (the most scary) well "monied" soccer moms with their brood in tow. These are the ones with the "M.A.D." tatoo on their ass, praising god for another term of Georg W. for keeping those godless dope smokers in prison. The only hope I see is that the old farts start voting their Social Security check & that "soccer mom" relaizes that her precious larvae are approaching cannon-fodder age. ....... Cause WE know the "gen x'ers on up are just to busy to be bothered with it.

roccosiffredi 20th July 2005 10:09 AM

Under 35 here, and I PROUDLY voted for GWB. He is the man.

This is an awesome time to be in the USA. All of you liberal idiots are beside yourself and I love it. The people are CLEARLY on the same page as GWB and it just pisses you off doesn't it.

:D :D :D

Awe, don't worry. Just go smoke a joint, read Creative Loafing and you'll feel better.

studN2blow 20th July 2005 11:11 AM

The people on his page are the RELIGIOUS IDIOTS and the bubba types who quit school in the 9th grade. His approval rating was around 45% when I last saw it. Everyone knows that Chaney and Carl Rove are running this country. Bush is just their puppet man.

He fucked up Texas when he was governor and now he's fucking the USA and the rest of the world. If I were him I would be unable to sleep at night.........knowing the 1400+ soldiers killed in Iraq.......were all because of his LIE.

roccosiffredi 20th July 2005 08:01 PM

The absolute LAST thing I am is religious. There is more to conservatism than religion :rolleyes: Nor am I a bubba, nor a high school dropout.

There you liberals go again, stereotyping. Liberals today are probably the most narrow-minded, hateful, corrupt, and just plain STUPID group of people you are ever going to find.

Speaking of 9th grade, the least you could do is spell their names right. It's Cheney, and Karl. Hmm, "Karl", there's a name you should already be familiar with, as a card carrying commie.


Originally posted by studN2blow
The people on his page are the RELIGIOUS IDIOTS and the bubba types who quit school in the 9th grade. His approval rating was around 45% when I last saw it. Everyone knows that Chaney and Carl Rove are running this country. Bush is just their puppet man.

He fucked up Texas when he was governor and now he's fucking the USA and the rest of the world. If I were him I would be unable to sleep at night.........knowing the 1400+ soldiers killed in Iraq.......were all because of his LIE.

xviewer 21st July 2005 02:13 AM

i agree that both parties are equally at fault for our current situation.
what tends to piss me off are heavy handed, HYPOCRITES who label an entire group of people in the same breathe as they themselves display the behaviour they point out...

[quote]Originally posted by roccosiffredi

There you liberals go again, stereotyping. Liberals today are probably the most narrow-minded, hateful, corrupt, and just plain STUPID group of people you are ever going to find.

this type of attitude is what tends to nudge me more towards the left. just a thought....

localpervert 21st July 2005 04:32 AM

3rd option
ya'll know there IS a third option..... Vote libertarian. "What!..and just throw my vote away" you say? Not so. I remember the Ga insurance commisioners race seveal years ago when Oxindine (sp?) & the other guy were a dead heat. In order to vote in the run off election you had to vote in the general election. it was obvious from the polls that the Dem/Rep voters weren't going to change their minds & most straight ticket voters would be a no show. The entire election was carried by about 700 of us libertarians. Believe me... we could have asked either candidate to come over & mow the grass & I believe they would have showed. A libertarian vote is not a vote for the right or left, it's a vote for LESS government. (BTW - Oxendine won & he is a total asshole/liar firmly in the pocket of the insurance companies his days are numbered) Rocco...I didn't know you were hispanic, Senior W is a moron that probably couldn't manage a Taco Bell..albeit thats exactly what he's turning the country into. I used to call him "baby Bush, but i'm beginning to lean toward Little Lyndon.

roccosiffredi 21st July 2005 12:04 PM

Just calling it (this board) like I see it. And blaming GWB because you can't get laid in public places (which is ILLEGAL anyway) is STUPID.

[quote]Originally posted by xviewer
[b]i agree that both parties are equally at fault for our current situation.
what tends to piss me off are heavy handed, HYPOCRITES who label an entire group of people in the same breathe as they themselves display the behaviour they point out...


Originally posted by roccosiffredi

There you liberals go again, stereotyping. Liberals today are probably the most narrow-minded, hateful, corrupt, and just plain STUPID group of people you are ever going to find.

this type of attitude is what tends to nudge me more towards the left. just a thought....

xviewer 21st July 2005 07:30 PM legal.

gee, with some congitive training you would make a great street car conductor.

btw rocco...based on your posts here over the years, you are the LAST person who should point the finger at those who have any type of sex, public or private.... but then that would be ANOTHER example of your hypocrisy....


Originally posted by roccosiffredi
Just calling it (this board) like I see it. And blaming GWB because you can't get laid in public places (which is ILLEGAL anyway) is STUPID.
umm, with three quotes from a vegatable do we get a meat?

GASlick 22nd July 2005 08:11 AM

Lets face the facts guys. Both of the main political parties are to the extremes. Its what is in it for them! I will have to give Bush the credit for placing more minorites in cabnet/leadership positions than the dems did during Clinton. It just pissed me off to see the dems try to destroy C. Rice in her conformation hearings. Here is a beautiful, brilliant, competent black woman being nominated for an important cabinet post and they are not for her?? I thought the Dems were the champions of advancement of minorities. I really think that they feel she should "stay in her place" instead of being an example of what they have NOT DONE for the black community!

Who ever said GWB is stupid is stupid too! Kerry is stupid too! and what about that rich bitch that JK is marred to...isnt she a fool! I loved the press on the release of their college grades. Kerry's folks starting the mess about GWB being stupid when their candidate had the worst grades in college. Of course Bush's grades were not deans list either! I say part of the problem there is Bush is SOUTHERN (even though TEXAS isnt really the south) and Kerry is from NEw England. There is always that bias. All of us sotherners are transplants dont get that greef if you dont have a southern accent.

Even though the dems give lip service to gay rights etc, that is only a voting ploy to win votes. They really dont give a shit and feel the same way about us as the right wingers.

Dont loose any sleep boys but things havent changed much and are not going to change rapidly. All will eventually work out but we might be dead and long gone!

xviewer 22nd July 2005 09:53 AM

well said.
thanks for getting me/us back on topic..

its all a crock of shit but someone (smarter than me) needs to find an alternative.

we can argue these OPINIONS all day long but it doesnt change the facts..this country is leaning more right extreme and that is NOT good.

the grey area is what im hoping will change. not TOO one extreme or the other but somewhere in the center of right.

roccosiffredi 22nd July 2005 12:02 PM


About 3 posts into this thread (originally about public sex in Atlanta), the predictable liberal whining started, blaming GWB for public sex not being as readily available in Atlanta. I know you liberals have attention deficit, but TRY to keep up, ok?


Originally posted by xviewer legal.

GASlick 22nd July 2005 12:03 PM

Well, there is a lean to the right for 2 reasons:

1). We all want lower taxes and our investments to make money. I mean we can talk all this philosophy and rights and stuff, but the bottom line is MONEY. Gay bi, straight....this is common ground.

2) If you have any sense about yourself, you are going to support those that take a strong hawkish stance against the islamic terrorism. Talk(diplomacy), counseling, appeasment does no good with these people. The left talks too much bullshit when they need to just get over it and blow these mf's away before they kill us! The Democrats laid back attitude and non support of a strong military is what got us here. The people that hang with their attitude all whine about Afganastan and Iraq...well hell, it drew all the islamic nuts to those areas to fight and have left us alone on our soil!

U are pretty smart just need to get involved in politics!

From the looks of that profile i would say smart and sexy!

xviewer 22nd July 2005 12:15 PM

thanks for the feedback.

i do keep up with the politics and understand how much biased is involved in opinion.

your points are good ones...but again, these are incorrect facts.
we are in debt BECAUSE of the current administration.

911 happened on bush's watch, because of his position on world defense and he has been CAUGHT red handed lying about WMD.

the debate 101 tactics rep. use of a generally poo pooing anyone with an opposing opinion are thankfully loosing effectiveness...obrien, faldwell, limbaugh...are good examples.

face it boys, bush is in office, he's takin the shit for his actions.
i think he can handle it. what you need to do is stop TELLING us what we are supposed to believe just accept that your OPINION is only that....a holier than thou position just turns most regular joes off...

anyway, i can see where this is going so...good luck..have a good weekend

USMCemen 22nd July 2005 02:45 PM

I'd word it this way: the CENTER of the country (what Libs disparingly call 'fly-over country,' which in fact makes up the majority of the country), is leaning more and more right, while the coastal cities and a few urban pockets in the middle are leaning equally strongly more and more left -- the politico-philosophical gap is widening and deepening, and politicans of BOTH major parties are taking advantage of average folks' gullibity and ignorance in most things political, historical or Constitutional.

With the political rhetoric (yes, including among gays, as well as those opposed to them) and news media hysteria ratcheted up to unprecedented levels, it seems almost unconscienable that Americans have reached a level of vitriol that we are actually expressing OUTRIGHT HATRED for each other, for our regional differences, for our political differences, our lifestyles, what kind of cars we drive, our religions, what our incomes are, where we choose to live, etc etc etc. It seems NO ISSUE -- not even the death of the late Pope, for God's sake! -- is beyond the digs, arrows, slings and attacks of some interest group or another craving its 15 seconds in the cable news limelight.

We are spending seemingly BOUNDLESS energy on destroying each other, and the framework that once made us and our Nation great -- our commonality and unity -- rather than focusing with dead-aim on those trying to destroy all of us in one fell swoop should they ever develop (or acquire) the technologcal means to do so. Good people of *all* political stripes can eventually come to terms, and there ARE political options -- we shouldn't limit ourselves to the increasingly extreme dogmas of the men and women currently in control of the Democratic and Republican parties -- what it will take is the courage of our convictions to say "Enough is enough -- we demand a third (fourth, or fifth) way! -- even if it means bringing new parties to power" And for God's sake, preserve the Constitution -- EVERYTHING that makes us a FREE people comes from that great document, not from politicans (or their blind followers) trying to score cheap political points with divisive rhetoric.

jojo62 22nd July 2005 03:44 PM

xviewer, your comments are so ridiculous that I don't have time to counter all of the insane points you're trying to make, most of the readers can do that for themselves.

It's truly sad when Americans think that all of our problems with blood thirsty Muslims are all our President's fault.

You think that when the Islamic terrorists took hostages at the Munich Olympics in 1972 that GWB had something to do with that? How about the Iran hostage crisis in 1979? Probably some plot by the Bushes to make money off of oil, huh? How about in 1983 when some peace loving Muslims crashed a truck full of explosives into a barracks in Beirut killing 241 sleeping Marines? That was probably because GWB lied about something, everyone knows. And to suggest that GWB caused in some way 911…

There are too many instances throughout history of Muslim evil to list. Go here to see if all for yourself.

Why can't you sissy Democrats see that were fighting for our very survival against people who want you dead? Maybe you can sleep at night knowing that Democratic leaders would rather send terrorists a strongly worded letter, but as for me I think God that our President has the balls to fight and defend us. If it weren’t for men throughout history with the guts to defend our nation you'd be living under a German dictator or be calling yourself a British subject. You liberals really scare me.

studN2blow 22nd July 2005 04:31 PM

Conde Rice is just a smarter Bush in a dress. That's why the democrats don't like her. She dishes out the same rhetoric that Bush does.....only she pronounces her words correctly and doesn't stutter. They both say........

!. Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.
2. The war in Iraq is justified.
3. The war is going great! We're kicking ass.
4. American soldiers who have died in Iraq
have saved us from terrorism and have not died in vain.
5. We are winning the war on terror.
6. Other countries think we are great and are behind
us 100%.

Obviously they don't live on the same planet that the
rest of us do.

GASlick 22nd July 2005 08:07 PM

Stud, you make some good points, but the reply that x viewer made on my last post were .........way out in left field.

It reminded me of the retoric that the ultra liberal establishment gets together and recites in unison.

The news media sucks it up and replay's it several times to program all the zombie followers........xviewer and his type. (no offense x. I still bet u are sexy)

in point 1 of my last post when I spoke of money ...that was meaning PERSONAL WEALTH. PEOPLE THAT HAVE INVESTED PERSONAL FUNDS. Republicans being more pro buisness attract those that seek to preserve/promote personal wealth from investments-----that doesnt include a savings account at a bank!

We are in debt of course because of the war. However , if you look at history, spending money by the government and increasing the national debt is what gets things moving again in the economy. What pulled us out of the great depression----government spending and DEBT. Check it out in your history book . The same has happened before with wars/conflicts too.

If the screwball from Tennesse (Gore) had won the election, 911 would have still happened.( he couldnt even carry his OWN STATE!) Those ISLAMIC extremist bastards would have still carried out the plan. I dont know that AL could have handled it as well as GEORGE. maybe, maybe not WE will never know.

Going back to the economy, the smart decision was made by Ronald Reagan to appoint Alan Greenspan to the federal reserve. The man is a genius! He is the reason that we had the longest period of economic growth in this country. This also shows how damn smart Bill Clinton is since he KEPT Greenspan in his position. Appointed by a Republican, a stupid democrat would have sent him packing. Not Bill. Smarter than most he is This was surely a decision that his dick didnt make!

Going back to stud's comments in my ramblings.

Of course Conde and George talk in unison. Arent you that way with your boss?

Of course we all know that 2 & 3 depend on what day it is. I doubt we are kickin ass but things are not as bad as the media makes it out to be. I truly belive that the majority of the media hate George Bush and do lean toward the left.. I am open minded my self and am college educated. I took a stab at journalism with a college newspaper. Those folks are left field at the college level and that extends to the mainstream media.

4) Amerian soldiers have NOT died in vain. They have kept terrorism off the streets in America by providing a theatere for the Radicals to fight Americans in the middle east. The more nuts they shoot over there the less they are to come over here!

5 no we are not winning the war on terror. A big dent in the war is when that Ben-laden asshole is hung by his balls

6. no, not a whole lot of countries are 100% behind us because we cannot protect them from terrorists. Many want to stay out of it and the FRENCH want to make a buck off of it! What friends they are to us. After all, they owe us alot. We are the reason that they dont speak GERMAN today!

I no longer drink french wine!!!

studN2blow 22nd July 2005 09:00 PM

You've touched on too many subjects there.....rambling about.

We already have personal investment accounts......they are called 401Ks. Anybody can open one.

We actually had record budget surpluses when Clinton was in office. Now we have record deficits with Bush there spending billions on this unpopular, unjustified war.

xviewer 23rd July 2005 02:18 AM

thanks jojo for giving a second example of extremist right responses to opposing view points. your lack of focus and inane examples reinforce my point.

btw, while reading through the thread i was reminded of how lacking in character these posts have become from the thoughtless right. please give an example of when/where i ever established myself as i liberal. i simply said, in one post, that these extreme positions of hatred and focus pushed me a little left of center.
this insanity of screaming LIBERAL as if it's a bad word reminds me of 5th grade bullies who yelled faggot that those who didnt move in line with "majority". shameful.

btw, im a registered republican here.
wake up! there are more and more of us who have a problem with the bulldozer like approach of this administration and it's supporters who don't have balls enough to accept opposing viewpoints.

studN2blow 23rd July 2005 07:04 AM

Thank you Ronald Reagan. He's the one who started all this conservative and liberal crap. PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE. One has one idea and view and another has the right to have his own opinion. All this labeling is just a bunch of Republican....HOLLIER THAN THOU....crap.

They are against gay marriage, but pro divorce, mistresses and religious right. They need to turn the mirror and spotlight on themselves instead of deflecting it on others.

Let's outlaw divorce......and make the republicans stick with what they promised GOD they'd love and obey. Let's outlaw abortion and make the republicans have to adopt 4 extra children per family. THEY'D BE SINGING A DIFFERENT TUNE THEN BROTHER.

cutguy 23rd July 2005 07:08 AM

The scariest thing about the "Bush lied" BS is how it so clearly demonstrates the ignorance of the person who utters the statement. If W did, then so did blessed "I feel your pain" Bill, Blair, Chirac, Kofi (where did you say Angola is located?) Annan, and Schroeder, Barbara Boxer, and Kerry. Just google the quote, don't take my word for it.

But be that abstraction what it may, let us consider the more practical consequence to the (gay) males in the newly reorganized Islamic Republics of France, Britain, Spain, and Germany.

There are going to be a lot of men who will either get their throats slit by these peace loving people, or the better alternative, in my humble opinion, we will finally get to see a lot of good looking European hunks getting circumcised, at long last. Your foreskin or your life. Think about it boys, that's what the liberal appeasers face. And I hear they don't use anesthesia.

Now do you see a practical reason to fight back? Appeasement=Circumcision! What self respecting gay man could EVER go along with that alternative?

(Actually, if history serves me correctly, the last time the Europeans fought for their foreskins was in 1492, when Isabella of Spain decided she had had enough (or not enough, as the case might be) with the Arabs, and got rid of lot in Spain.)

roccosiffredi 23rd July 2005 01:06 PM

Wow. There may be hope for this board yet.

The sick, vile culture known as ISLAM is responsible for the problems in the world right now, not GWB. He's doing all he can to fight it, and sadly I believe we'll have to go nuclear at some point before it gets better.

The seeds of this war were sewn in '98, on Clinton's watch, and on Carter's watch, for that matter.

FINALLY, we have a leader who recognizes the threat as THEE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE TO THIS COUNTRY, and is doing something about it.

What is mind boggling are the nitwits still crying "bush lied bush lied". Say what? :confused:


Originally posted by jojo62
xviewer, your comments are so ridiculous that I don't have time to counter all of the insane points you're trying to make, most of the readers can do that for themselves.

It's truly sad when Americans think that all of our problems with blood thirsty Muslims are all our President's fault.

You think that when the Islamic terrorists took hostages at the Munich Olympics in 1972 that GWB had something to do with that? How about the Iran hostage crisis in 1979? Probably some plot by the Bushes to make money off of oil, huh? How about in 1983 when some peace loving Muslims crashed a truck full of explosives into a barracks in Beirut killing 241 sleeping Marines? That was probably because GWB lied about something, everyone knows. And to suggest that GWB caused in some way 911…

There are too many instances throughout history of Muslim evil to list. Go here to see if all for yourself.

Why can't you sissy Democrats see that were fighting for our very survival against people who want you dead? Maybe you can sleep at night knowing that Democratic leaders would rather send terrorists a strongly worded letter, but as for me I think God that our President has the balls to fight and defend us. If it weren’t for men throughout history with the guts to defend our nation you'd be living under a German dictator or be calling yourself a British subject. You liberals really scare me.

GASlick 23rd July 2005 01:39 PM

Good reply roccosiffredi!

The other thing that gets me about the Bush lied thing is that during the Clinton years and the Sr Bush years, it was a popluar belief from intelligence that Sadam had WMD. We know he used GAS during the Kuwaiit issue in the early 90's . Maybe he did not have them anymore but he had constantly blocked and manipulated the UN people that were trying to verify such.

I can remember the news reports of the evidence they found during the first conflict with Sr Bush at the helm. I can also remember Clinton saying that SADAM had WMD's.

Maybe these brainwashed YOUNG democratic followers were too young to remember those reports and they eat up the lies that are being fed to them in the name of POLITICS.

And no, I do not consider myself a republican. I do not vote a party ticket. I vote for the best of the choices.

If the democrats had chosen Joe Liberman to run on their ticket he would have gotten my vote. He is the only one on the left side of the isle that says anything that makes sense. He has intregrity too!

USMCemen 23rd July 2005 03:16 PM

and further, I remain unconvinced that Hussein hasn't, in fact, effectively hidden and/or cast off the WMDs he had, and which remain to be found. He has a history of this -- during Gulf War I he hid a chunk of his air force in Iran, which had then until only recently been his mortal enemy. And this time around he had even more willing allies to give him a hand in the WMD shellgame, not just the Iranians, but the Syrians, Russians, French and possibly the Chinese as well. And the Baath party thugs who've managed to evade capture have done a more than adequate job of killing and/or intimidating the scientists (and their families) who were involved with the Iraqi weapons program from spilling the beans on where the weapons are, or what became of them. For my money, they're in Syria and, probably, Russia.

In short, simply because the WMDs haven't yet been found, it does not logically follow that it was all a "LIE" on the part of GWB (and for that matter, Clinton, Blair, Allbright, GHWB, Gore, Berger, Baker, Rice, Powell, the Kuwaitis, or the Iranians... and the list goes on) to claim emphatically that those weapons existed until recently.

I'm not a big fan of the war in Iraq -- not because Hussein didn't deserve toppling -- he DID -- but rather because the bog down has left us more vulverable to the even greater threats that both the Chinese and CRAZY North Koreans present to us. But that's what we get for trying to fight a war with the overarching milktoast philosophy of "political correctness" and "winning hearts and minds" of sworn enemies (and a fundementally anti-Western culture), rather than defeating them thunderously, soundly and by bringing them to their knees begging for mercy.

We needed modern-day Shermans and Pattons to end this thing, not PC and kumbaya.

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