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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Illinois   Heads Up: Excellent Oral Service weekend of Feb. 10-14, 2006 in River North Hotel

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Old 12th January 2006, 01:44 PM
Join Date: Oct 1999
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Heads Up: Excellent Oral Service weekend of Feb. 10-14, 2006 in River North Hotel


I have been asked to give as much notice as possible about the next oral service get-togethers in Chicago. So, here you are:

I will be staying at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago's River North (on E. Wacker) from Friday Feb. 10 through Tuesday Feb. 14, 2006.

During that time, I will host an afterwork gathering on Fri. Feb. 10 and a lunchtime gathering on Mon. Feb. 13.

Let me know if you can attend. If you've never been before, please (when you email) include your age and your statistics. A photo is not necessary but is helpful.

Looking forward to servicing the men of Chicago in a month's time!

chicagoservicemaster in exile
Just a "heads up" for
chicagoservicemaster in exile: 5'5", dark br hair (thick, cut short), hazel eyes (glasses),clean-shaven, clean-cut, very Irish-looking (fair skin, freckles, mostly red body hair); moderately hairy; muscular thighs, calves, ass, back; stocky build (170#); hung short (5 1/2", cut, a little thicker than average, red bush, big, low-hanging balls). I'm 54.
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Old 16th January 2006, 06:36 PM
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3

sounds great!!!

I'll be there....the more, the merrier.........
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Old 19th January 2006, 11:13 AM
Join Date: Oct 1999
Posts: 99


Thanks for the vote of confidence in the chicagoservicemaster! Looking forward to seeing you if you can attend---

gotten about 14 responses so far, looking for more, both from guys who have previously attended AND from guys looking to try this out for the first time.

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Old 1st February 2006, 12:23 PM
Join Date: Oct 1999
Posts: 99

Thanks for the vote of confidence, Mr. ChicagoBud32!

Coming all the way from NYC to get blown in an oral-service get-together in Chicago...that should give you newbies some idea how much fun we have had at previous groups.

Please let me know if you're interested in attending either group. The times are:

Friday, Feb. 10, afterwork: 4:45-6:30 p.m.
Monday, Feb. 13, lunchtime: 11:30-1:30 p.m.

If you've never done this, please send me your age, stats, and a photo if you have one. We have 14 hot guys set up for attending one or the other group. Join us.

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Old 3rd February 2006, 07:11 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1

Chicagoservicemaster is the BEST.

Was fortunate to attend this event in the past. But had met CMSTR some years earlier. Never had a better BJ. He is an EXPERT.

Live in West Michigan now, and hope to attend again in the future. It would be WELL WORTH the 2 hour trip to enjoy his skills, and also the other hot guys that attend.
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Old 4th February 2006, 05:52 AM
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Mr. Kiyoatee,

Thank you for those very kind words. May I quote you?

And, because this specific gentleman has responded, let me make this appeal to the men of Chicago:


There are several guys who attend these get-togethers who definitely have a "thing" for redheads....and there are NEVER enough of them.


(and others, too, please...)

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Old 7th February 2006, 06:40 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 10
Smile gonna be HOT!!

Looking forward to shooting many a load this weekend with the servicemaster. For those guys out there that are not sure about coming to this...... do it! You wont regret it! BEST HEAD EVER!!
36, 175#, 5'10" white guy..... Into older guys. Like groups too!
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Old 7th February 2006, 08:21 AM
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Posts: 99


Today is Tuesday, Feb. 07---on Friday, Feb. 10, the first oral service gathering will be held at the Hyatt Regency in my hotel room from 4:45-6:30 p.m.

If you want to attend, you're going to have to either email or pvt me. In that way, I'll be able to send you the room number once I check into the hotel on Friday.

Thanks, Mr. Chicagobud32, for making the trip from NYC to come to the gathering...

Still looking for some REDHEADS.

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Old 12th February 2006, 07:57 PM
Join Date: Oct 1999
Posts: 99

In all, there were eight men serviced on Friday afternoon.

AZ, 29, 5'10", 160#, blond, smooth, a repeat one-on-one guy, came at 1 and let me spend a long time sucking his cock, working over his balls (which he loves) and eating out his ass. When we had gone around the world several times, I turned him onto his back, started massaging his prostate, and swallowed him whole and drained him dry.

At 3, Chibud32 from NYC came, and took a shower and then came out to bed, where I proceeded to work over his cockand balls and ass. We were joined by EJ, who is a fuckbuddy of both Chi and mine. He stripped down and the three of us had a wild old time. Unusually, EJ was the first to shoot his mancream. Then we both ganged up on Chibud and stole his spermsupply. Amazing sex.

At 4:45, PJ knocked on the door. He's 30, with a fairly smooth and solid body with some of the best legs around. He was almost no sooner naked than the door knocked again, and we greeted OJ, a medium-height, stocky-solidly-built African American fellow with a fat cock. It was his first time in a group; PJ and I worked together to help him get off, because he had to catch a train. He shot a very generous load and left.

He was replaced by DR, an Asian American who is slim, smooth, with tennis-player legs (can you tell I like good legs? ) and a nice slim hard cock. All three of us were going at it on the king-sized bed when the door knocked yet again, and in came IM, a tall, slim, verywellhung man who was also a previous attendee. He came in and stripped down, showing off that big cock of his, and PJ was lost to the rest of us... LOL...he started deep-throating IM with zeal and devotion.

At that point came one last knock, and in came AJ, a newcomer, in his 40s, with a very thick cock. He stayed around awhile and seemed to have a good time, but he also needed to catch a train, so he dressed and left.

That left the four of us; we moved PJ and IM onto the bed with DR and myself. PJ was deepthroating IM; I was sucking gently on DR. It was an amazing double-orgasm, with both of them shooting noisy loads into us. Then I had IM and DR get on either side of PJ, and they dealt with his mouth and his tits while I massaged his prostate and took his sperm away from him.


Nothing elsehappened on friday or saturday because I had to work all that time. On Sunday afternoon, I had the privilege of servicing a new fellow, in his 40s, short, slim, smooth, about 6" cock, very hot tasty ass, very sensitive nipples. I spent a very busy half-hour working his body...and eventually he, too, made a donation to the spermbank.


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Old 13th February 2006, 12:36 PM
Join Date: Oct 1999
Posts: 99

Monday was INCREDIBLE!!!!!!

At 11:32, walks my buddy GD, whom I haven't seen in at least a year and one-half, followed almost immediately by AP, a tall AsianAmerican guy with smooth gold-brown skin and a big uncut cock. For a while, it looked as though we three might be it, so I invited the two of them to strip down and get to business. Neither of them were shy about it, and the cock-sucking, nipple-licking, ass-eating was going on apace.

PJ (see the Fri. notes) showed up next and made haste to join in the party. The three of them made incredibly good use of that king-sized bed. (I don't need photos...the living porn is engraved on my brain.

Then two tall guys came in one after the other:
GTC and CJ, both tall and pretty smooth and very well hung. CTG was having his first time here, while CJ had been in a group a while back. That made five men all sucking and kissing and licking and kinda going wild. I worked my way around the edge of the clump of hot men, eating ass here, sucking dick there, working someone's nipples in another place...

Then came in BL, a regular (average height, shaved head, nice compact frame and nice cock) and another regular, CCC, tall,furry, blondish-brown, nice big cock, very hot man). That made seven!

GTC was the first to shoot his load, which he sprayed with incredibly vigor all overCJ's chest and shoulder. I, as a good host, made sure to clean it all up GTC had to leave for work, but was followed in short order by

CG1, who was a first timer for our group. He actually came in after CJ, BL, and CCC all had shot and were cleaning up. But PJ, GD, and AP were all still going strong, so there was a place for CG1 to plug into...the chemistry was very, very good and guys were having a very, very hot time. Eventually, I sucked PJ off, and CG1shot all over AP. That left GD and AP, the first to arrive and the last to cum. GD shot a HUMONGOUS load all over the beatiful golden skin of AP's chest and stomach---which then triggered AP to shoot ANOTHER giant load all over himself...which I, again wanting to be a good host, dealt with.

OK Chicago. That is it for me with you until May. I'll give you plenty of advance notice for the next trip, since so many of you said that was of assistance to you. Thank you for wonderful sex and wonderful memories.

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Old 13th February 2006, 12:39 PM
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 2
is it too late

i can attend but its already 1pm. i am asian 6'190. i will strip nude and suck all.
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Old 13th February 2006, 12:43 PM
Join Date: Oct 1999
Posts: 99

Dear Character,
Sorry to have missed you this time. I'll be back in May--watch the Illinois message board for the next set of oral service get-togethers in Chicago hosted by the chicago service master.
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