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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Illinois   MEN'S play party Sat. night, Feb. 18

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Old 18th February 2006, 01:32 PM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 23
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MEN'S play party Sat. night, Feb. 18

It may be cold outside, but the hot men at BearNaked/Chicago will warm you up at tonight's play party, Saturday, February 18, at the Cullom House location in the Lincoln Square area of Chicago's North Side. The door will be open for entry from 9:00PM to 10:00PM ONLY. BYO stronger beverages, poppers, rubbers, lube, etc., while BNC provides soft drinks, munchies, 6 slings, HEATED PLAY SPACE, and anywhere from 50 to 70 hot hairy horny friendly MEN who are eager to play and ****** a few loads with you and the others. No sponsor is needed for you attend as a guest. If you don't bring a bag with you to store your clothes in, we'll provide plastic bags for you.

For more info, visit You'll find a description of what to expect in "About BNC", and directions for getting to the Cullom House in the "Newsletter" section. Come on over and stay warm with us! And since Yahoo deleted our old gaybearnakedmeninchicago group, you can find us at
Always a sucker for big ol' dick attached to big thick mustache! Well, OK--I can be a willing ass, too!
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