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Old 22nd January 2007, 09:50 AM
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Exotic Adult Books Roselle update

They've rescinded the $5 paper token purchase and when I was there the door to the arcade was simply propped open, no having to get buzzed in. Apparently you still do need to enter from the store not directly. The direct entrance has a sign saying it can be used for exit but I was leery since it had one of those alarm things on it. Presumably that's turned off but I didn't try it.

Still the same issues with not enough people going there. Hope their rethinking of the policy will up their customer flow.
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Old 23rd January 2007, 12:35 AM
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It is actually great. No fee, no minimum, and although when I was there last the crowd was sparse, I still hooked up with a teen (I sware) with a nice 8" cut cock that I sucked on for 20 minutes before getting a mouthful! This at 2:30 in the afternoon! Schweet!!
Love sweet, smooth, legal-aged boys that want to be tied up and used.
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Old 31st January 2007, 02:15 PM
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Thanks for the update Str8. I, too, hope that more guys show up and that the guys that do show up really want to play and not just walk around which was a issue before the browsing fee. I hope we can get the best of both: good cruising and lots of guys.

In a previous thread on Roselle someone mentioned that the only thing missig from here is gloryholes. Here is the website for Roselle: They have a 'send comments' part. I sent in a request for gloryholes. Maybe if they think it'll improve the bottom line they might put some in. And, for anyone new to the place, there are some pics of the booth area. The product and video pics are a bit mis-leading. They make the selection look much better than it is.

Send in those gloryhole requests!

I'll be there Friday 2/2 around 1pm, hope to find some guys looking to play.
mwm, 31, 5'8", 170lbs, 6.5" cock w/ big head, vers, love bookstore hookups. Looking for 30+, married fuck buddies.
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Old 1st February 2007, 04:15 PM
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Try to be there Friday

Hey NorthShorebi I'll try to be there Friday around 1pm. I'll be wearing blue jeans, blue jacket and black hat. Hope to connect would enjoy taking of that big head of yours.
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Old 5th February 2007, 03:25 PM
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Well now since they got rid of that, maybe Ill muster up the guts to go in there. Im still new to all this, and I want to become more comfortable to get my cock sucked. Ive had it done before, but was extremley nervous. Maybe I could chat with one of you guys on here, and then go from there. Feel free to drop me a line
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Old 10th February 2007, 11:51 PM
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I think there would be a lot of activity if someone took the initiative to create some gloryholes there.
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Old 11th February 2007, 01:32 PM
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Hot. My cock is so hard right now- I am new- only sucked 1 cock ever NOW I WANT SOMEONE ANONYMOUS DISEASE FREE cock to ****** in my fucking mouth for the first time. I love wearing panties, am 5'9 150 and want to suck at the bookstore. I will be there at 9 p.m. tonight, any takers for my first?

I have short hair, goatee. Good looking, just want a huge hot load for my FIRST TIME!!

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Old 11th February 2007, 01:34 PM
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Or if there are any takers in the n burbs near Gurnee sooner email me its in profile I am on all day!!!!!!!!
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Old 13th February 2007, 07:48 AM
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I have been here a number of times but there never seems to be much action. I have tried different times, different days but it always seems like the place is empty or near empty (which is suprising since it is a great place with a great setup). So I guess my question is, what is the best time when they are more people there?
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Old 13th February 2007, 11:10 AM
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I don't know what the busiest times, I'm only there during the day on weekdays around lunchtime to mid-afternoon. It really seems to just depend as to how busy it is. I've seen 10-15 guys back there, but I've seen only 3 or 4 as well. If there's a pattern to it, I haven't figured it out. It seems to mainly be guys on break from work looking for a quick handjob or blowjob. Some guys do like to play around more, but mainly quickies. Which is the same with any ABS.

I also think its a great area and more guys should be checking it out. I'm not sure if it has less guys than other places or if that it's so big it just feels like less guys? Either way, there is a lot of room for more cruisers. I hope posts like this get more guys coming out.

I hope that helped a little bit. I'd love for some night time guys to chime in. Very interested in the night or weekend action.
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Old 13th February 2007, 02:26 PM
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Hey guys. Im new to Chicago but would love to hook up at the Roselle ABS. Email me to set up a time. Im new to m2m and looking for a fuck buddy.
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Old 19th February 2007, 04:23 PM
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I'll be there tonight

I plan on checking out the store tonight after 8pm.
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Old 7th March 2007, 07:27 PM
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feast or famine

You know, I'll go there one time and nothing will be going on. Then, I'll go there another time and there will be plenty of guys to take care of. Went there two times in a few weeks, and took a couple facials each time. Then, nothing. Haven't been there since they tried the minimun. Maybe I'll try tomorrow night.
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Old 8th March 2007, 12:46 PM
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Purely a guess on the crowd

This is just my oppion on the 'feast or famine' aspect to this place. I, too, have been here with a lot of guys and just a few. It seems that this place draws more of the married, suburban, commuter crowd. Y'know, guys who are ducking out on the wife. So, it seems the busy time correspond to that. Good crowd at lunch and just after work. Guys running errands or off during the day. Mabye I'm just reading into it, but the night and weekend crowd just always seems thinner. Anyone else have any idea?

Oh, it's not all married dudes. I've gotten some fem-boys and single gay guys as well.

I've been there since the browsing fee got pulled and the crowd was pretty good, but I could have just hit a good time.
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Old 16th March 2007, 11:42 PM
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I like Roselle. Sucked a few while there, been sucked a few, but that's about it. Lots of people peer in, but must not like the fact that I'm not exactly the chisled type (hardly a chub, but more of a line backer build).

Been to Mannheim... utter waste... every stands there, no initiative.

First time at Galaxy had a great time with some one coming in, working me over, slipping on a rubber and bending over for me. After that, a whole lot of nothing... Lots of gapers when I leave the door partially cracked, but again... no initiative.

Or am I just doing something fundamentally wrong when I'm looking to get sucked off.

When I've been in the mood for a load, I simply go to an open door, peer in, if I like it I walk in and help myself.

The process sounds simple enough I'd imagine to get some reciprication.
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