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Old 25th February 2014, 06:15 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 335
New Attacks On Gay Rights

With all the attention on Russia's mistreatment of gays, we seem to be overlooking our own national trend to fence in and limit the rights of gays in this country.

FIRST, Arizona's legislature passed a controversial law to allow anyone or any business to discriminate against gays and lesbians by simply stating that lifestyle is against their religious beliefs. This is the second attempt by the Arizona legislature to curtail equal rights for gays. Last year, the measure failed. While it is still uncertain it will be signed into law by the Gov., it is frightening that such a proposal could even be considered. Imagine if they expanded it to include allowing discrimination against unwed mothers as an affront to someone's religious beliefs. Even today, some religions promote separation of races if not outright suppression of certain races. Would racial bias be legally justified under this dangerous law? Nor can we hope for Federal anti-discrimination laws to provide a cushion.

While some stupid businesses have openly discussed posting signs after the bill is passed stating they reserve the right to refuse service on the basis of sexual orientation; there is one business that deserves a tip of the pink chiffon hat. Tucson-based Rocco's Little Chicago Pizzeria posted a photo on its Facebook page of a sign with a message for state lawmakers: "We reserve the right to refuse service to Arizona legislators." Make mine with pepperoni, Rocco.

Arizona lawmakers pass controversial anti-gay bill -

SECOND: In light of the NBA's Brooklyn Nets hiring Jason Collins, Washington lobbyist Jack Burkman announced plans to push for Federal legislation prohibiting the NFL or any of its teams to hire openly gay players. He stated that if the NFL could not find moral guidance to ban gays, then Congress should impose moral standards on it. It should be interesting to note that Burkman's brother is openly gay.

Previously, Burkman urged on his radio show that parents withdraw their children from Boy Scouts since they now allow gay Scouts to join. His campaigns are not limited to gays alone. Previously, he advocated that women should not only be barred from serving in the military but also barred from being doctors or lawyers. He stated women should be confined to home to raise the children only.

While I realize these stupid ideas have no chance of succeeding, I have to question his motive and the approval given by his followers and clients. Faced with mounting backlash, he has reversed course with a statement it was all just for attention. Is it suppose to make gays or women feel better that they mean nothing to him but targets for his attention generating attacks.

Clients 'Flabbergasted' With Lobbyist's 'Bizarre' Push To Ban Gays From NFL | ThinkProgress
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Old 25th February 2014, 06:21 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 335
Footnote: The madness is expanding

After doing the research on the above article, I found out that Missouri has now introduced legislation into the State Senate to allow anyone to deny products or services on the basis of "religious beliefs". While it does not specify gays, it could be used to justify any discrimination if the offending party could prove they have religious justification for their actions.
Mo. lawmakers introduce ‘right to refuse service’ religious freedom bill – LGBTQ Nation
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Old 22nd March 2014, 09:31 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886

With the Arizona law I kept thinking what if I said it was against my religion to provide service to Blacks? Or Jews? Or Asians?

50 years after desegregation they want it back...
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