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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > New York - The Boroughs   MENINGITIS VACCINE RECOMMENDED FOR MSMs

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Old 15th April 2013, 11:51 AM
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 4

The NYC Department of Health is recommending that guys who regularly have sexual encounters through a website, an app, a bar or party to get vaccinated for meningitis. Its also recommended for all HIV positive men. There's more information in the following links
Meningococcal Meningitis
CDC - HAI - Multistate Meningitis Outbreak
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Old 15th June 2015, 10:08 AM
Join Date: Nov 2009
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@clear_41 -- great reminder, thanks for posting.
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Old 15th June 2015, 12:32 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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The CDC actually revised their page about STDs and MSMs just a little earlier this month. It's worth a look: Gay, Bisexual and Other MSM | STDs | CDC

Also, here's the CDC's page about vaccinations. The meningitis vaccine is just one of several that are recommended for MSMs. Be aware the recommendations are different for those who are HIV+ and those who are HIV-, as well as for those whose HIV may be at a different level. Look at the page but also talk with your doctor: CDC - Vaccines - Vaccines Indicated for Adults Based on Medical and Other Indications Shell

Last thing -- but maybe most important -- is a page showing a comprehensive guide to CDC resources for health for MSMs. Take a look: CDC - Gay and Bisexual Men's Health
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Old 24th June 2021, 04:15 PM
Join Date: Oct 2018
Posts: 34

Just FYI, meningitis has several different causes and there are different vaccines to get.

Men ACWY - Probably the one that was meant originally, in this thread. Still a good one for MSMs to get.

Men B - This is interesting. It's the same underlying organism as in gonorrhea. Studies find that Men B vaccine will, therefore, give a slight cross-protection to gono.

"Slight" protection means SLIGHT, as in, no more than a 30% reduction in your annual chance of getting gono. But my doc & I looked at that and said, Better than nothing. Ask yours.

Other good vaccs for MSMs to get:
- Hepatitis A
- Hep B

As to covid: Latest CDC data is that the vaccines cause a few more heart problems in young men than they were expecting. See here, especially slides 27 and 28:

THEY (CDC) still recommend widespread vaccination anyway. I personally would not. If you're in a high-risk or high-fear group, sure, get it. But my own calculation is different.

- Little-known fact: As of right now (6/24/2021), these vaccs are still "experimental medicine", still lacking Stage 4 studies, still even lacking FDA approval (they have Emergency Use Auth, which is not the same).
- I'm not in a risk group
- I don't live with, or caretake, anyone in a risk group
- I'd rather be sick for a week or two with the equivalent of a bad flu or cold, than have heart problems from a vaccine that Trump & Biden, between them, rushed out prematurely.

So I'm waiting for the Stage 4 studies to be completed. Again: That's just me. Consider your own situation & make your own choice.

Last edited by bla; 24th June 2021 at 04:26 PM.
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