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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > New York - The Boroughs   My handle says it all. You need it? I can host 24/7.

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Old 1st April 2022, 06:23 PM
Join Date: Mar 2022
Posts: 3
My handle says it all. You need it? I can host 24/7.

Dudes, I'm ready to go to town on a macho pipe 24/7, pretty much.. I don't mess around, I'll be here if I say I will. Short notice okay, we'll both be very happy if we dont waste time...

(Fuck yeah, I'm good at it. I only recip if I'm crazy about you..)

In Manhattan, Riverside & W. 150th. Have a place, and I like vehicles and safe public areas too.

BONUS: Be tall or be married or both. Discrete. All on your terms

One-Time, Often, On Schedule, or Roommate Seekers ALL OKAY.

My phone is yours on request. If you have to block for privacy, just say "I need some attention now" when I pick up. (Or, in two hours, or at 6 am tomorrow -- whenever you can be around RSD/150th. Partial face pics okay, but I do need a clear idea of what you look lIke physically.

No need to be a pretty boy ...

WHITES preferred, face not important , just be strong. Taller the better.
ARABIC Look like you hang out in a weight room
LATINO Caucasion types, I like thick ones
BLACK I have a certain type, have muscles and I'll know right away if I like you. I don't think I've seen anything to large to deep throat if I give it a good try.
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