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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > New York - Southern & Connecticut   Orange Racbrook COP ALERT!!

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Old 21st July 2011, 04:47 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 10
Angry Orange Racbrook COP ALERT!!

In response to recent complaints of indecent exposure and activity of a sexual nature occurring on the Racebrook Tract walking trails on Racebrook Road the Orange Police Department assigned officers to investigate the activity.

On Wednesday, July 20, male officers dressed in plain clothes were assigned to patrol the area. Officers observed that several males were also entering the walking trails. At about 1:50 pm. one of those males approached an officer, began a conversation and then grabbed the officer's chest.

The man, Francis Martino, 46, of 367 Pine Tree Drive, was charged with fourth-degree sexual assault and disorderly conduct.

Nearby a second male approached another officer, began a brief conversation and then exposed his genitals to the officer. This man, identified as Joseph Anderson, 48, of 44 Obtuse Road, Newtown was charged with disorderly conduct and public indecency.

Martino was released on $250 bond. Anderson was released on $500 bond. Both are scheduled to appear at Derby Superior Court 8/01/11.

On Thursday, July 21, the officers returned to the Racebrook Tract and again patrolled the walking trails. At about 12:25 p.m. a male walking on the trails approached one of the officers, began a brief conversation and then exposed his genitals to the officer.

The man, identified as William Butlin, 64, of 1038 Johnson Road. Woodbridge was charged with disorderly conduct and public indecency.

Butlin was released on $250.00 bond for court, Aug. 1.

At about 1:10 p.m. one of the officers was approached by a male on the trails. The male began a brief conversation before grabbing the officer’s chest.

Police said Jackion Voss, 53, of 62 South Rolling Ridge Road, was charged with disorderly conduct and fourth-degree sexual assault.

He was released on $250.00 bond for court Aug. 1.

The Police Department will continue random assignments and patrol of the Racebrook Tract to address these issues.

Racebrook Tract is a recreation area used by individuals and families. Unlawful activities will result in arrest.

Police have no further information to release. No photos are available.
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