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Old 10th May 2004, 07:36 PM
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Cailis Question

I've used viagra before,a dn it works, but the window is small, 3-4 hours!

I'm wondering how Cailis, which lasts 36 hours, stacks up to Viagra in Viagra's ability to give you a fast and steel hard erection.

Answer here or PM me. My email doesn't work.

Will meet with discreet men w/large erections, true 7"+ & hard. Will sit down on your hard-on while you stroke me, or get on my hands and knees, reach back and massage your balls while your cock's up my asspipe. Like prostate massages and sucking. I always have enema before playing. Very clean only. No kissing or hugging, etc. Just sex.

If your cock is big and hard, I'm truly interested.

Northern California, Coos Bay, Ashland, Medford in Oregon, and other places.
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Old 11th May 2004, 09:43 AM
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I've prescribed Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis. Almost everyone loves Viagra. Haven't had a single patient say a nice thing about Levitra. Cialis is getting high marks.

The guys do seem to indicate that they get harder with Viagra than with Cialis, but there is no real complaint. It stuff does last for days, and the guys usually wake up with a boner for the next 3-4 days, which they haven't experienced for years. I have had no bad reports back from the drug.

Personally, I enjoy Viagra. Tried Levitra only once, and that was enough for me. The headache lasted 2 hours, as did my flushed face. I was no harder with L than with V, and my desire to continue messing around with that pounding headache and the rosy cheeks became almost non existent. I seem to be getting the same report from everyone I've given it to, and I no longer prescribe it, or accept samples.

I haven't tried Cialis, since I am personally a little afraid of the stuff. Yes, I miss my college days, AM boner which embarrassed the hell out of me at the time. But I am a little leary of coming into contact with nitrates during the next 3 days. Life's a trade off.

Dr Danny
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Old 11th May 2004, 11:37 AM
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Have tried them all

I have used viagra since it came out as I had prostrate cancer at same time and resulting treatments caused impotency.

Levitra gave me the hardest and longest lasting hardons and seemed to last about 12 hours. Very slight headache at first but not noticable after couple hours.

Cialis didn't appear to last as long as levitra! I know its supposed to be other was around but.....what can I say.

Viagra definitely gives me a headache and upset stomache. Good hardons but only about 3 hour window.

So there - one man's experience over a 8 month period!
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Old 11th May 2004, 04:44 PM
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Hey, I'm glad it works for you, and if you were my patient, I certainly wouldn't hesitate to offer it, if nothing else worked. It's just that on average, you are the exception. Just out of my own professional curiosity, what dosage are you taking?

Dr. D
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Old 11th May 2004, 05:25 PM
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Viagra 100
Cialis 20
Levitra 10
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Old 11th May 2004, 06:55 PM
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Listening to Dr. Dean Edell on the radio today, he mentioned a new product that should be arriving soon. He didn't give too many details, and if he mentioned the name of the drug, I'm afraid I missed it. He stated this was an offshoot of another medication, wherein it was discovered that a side effect was long lasting, stronger erections.

Supposedly this will be something administered as a nasal spray, not a pill. Additionally, it functions directly in the brain unlike the three drugs currently available. He did not mention if this difference in mode of action would allow for concurrent use with nitrates, though. Of course, not all nitrates are simply poppers; so maybe this will be beneficial for men who can't take Viagra, et. al. because of other medications which contraindicate their use.

I'm guessing this may take a while, but then again... with the popularity of erection enhancing drugs, it might show up sooner rather than later. If I get more info I'll mention it, or anyone who has more or better details can certainly give us a heads up.
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Old 12th May 2004, 09:43 AM
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I'm not aware of anything in particular that is in the pipe line, but this sounds like apomorphine. (Racemic isomer of real morphine, the pain killer. This stuff has no narcotic effect, but it will make you vomit! In fact, if I'm not mistaken, it's the main ingredient in ipecac) Did some marketing research a few years back on the stuff. The consensus of my buddies was that this stuff will never fly! If this is what I think it could be, you can be sure I wouldn't want to snort the stuff, and then go to work blowing my best buddy. I like spewing sperm as much as the next guy, but there is spewing and there is spewing.


I'll keep you posted if I hear anything else.

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Old 12th May 2004, 02:53 PM
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First, I think it's very important to point out that Dr. Edell was NOT discussing any sort of recreational or illegal drug. His radio show commentary was directed at a NEW form of prescription medication for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Nasally administered medications are nothing new -- certain vaccines are given this way and other drugs can be taken nasally instead of orally. My dog's recent kennel cough vaccine was nasally administered, and I'm fairly certain I saw flu vaccines being administered this way on TV last winter, just to give a couple examples.

I'm no fan of cocaine or meth or whatever it is the kids are snorting these days. I tried that shit was I was about 18, felt it was boring and a huge waste of money, even at that young age. I never cared to try it again. I'm not entirely sure, and I know guys snort coke and make claims to fucking all night long, but I also know that some men put a few grains INTO their urethra to numb the penis. I also know that this is not a wise idea and that excessive coke use can lead to temporary impotence, having the opposite of the intended effect (it can also lead to permanent stupidity, but that's another story).

Dr. Danny -- I checked out Dean Edell's website, but as you may or may not know, it's HUGE and finding stuff there can be time-consuming at best. I did run across a video webcast discussing the topic of ED, and only at the very end did Dr. Edell mention what he discussed on yesterday's broadcast. He said the "next generation" of ED drugs will be utilized to work within the brain instead of hard-wired to the genitals. He never mentioned vomiting, and to be honest, I can't imagine any new ED drugs in the works where vomiting would be a side effect. Like you said, this would be even more distressing to one's date than even ED might be! Anyway, I guess we'll find out more as time goes by.

If this new med is indeed the real deal, and it can be used by men taking nitrate drugs for other conditions, that would certainly open up a big market and be beneficial for a lot of ED patients who can't use what's currently available. Incidentally, a lot of guys don't know or don't care, but Norvir and Crixivan contraindicate the use of Viagra, etc. HIV+ patients taking these drugs would have something new to try. And let's not get into all the stuff about spreading the disease -- I agree with that aspect of it, but there ARE indeed HIV patients with partners who deserve sexual pleasure.

Here's something interesting from Dr. Edell's site, which gives a good perspective on the three drugs and also correlates with what Danny has said here. So many guys ask which one is best for what circumstance. A survey was conducted of ED patients and the results said that 88% chose Cialis for DURATION, 89% chose Levitra for HARDNESS and EASE, and 60% chose Viagra for FEWER SIDE EFFECTS. (We don't need a total of 100% here, this is the opinion of men who have tried them all and put each into a different category.)

I personally wonder if any of these would be beneficial to me. Not that I have problems -- when I'm sexually turned on, I can obviously mess around for hours at a time. But that's the key here -- these drugs don't work without sexual stimulation. So that's what makes me wonder... Any time I DO have a problem staying hard, it's because I am bored, because a guy can't or won't do anything I like, or simply because I am not attracted. To me, that would be the ABSENCE of sexual stimulation. If I'm not aroused, would these medications make any difference?

I guess I'm more or less asking because it seems to me that a lot of guys out there are interested in these drugs because they either want to spend hours or a weekend fucking everything they can, or because they see ED drugs as a panacea for bad sex. To be completely honest, there have certainly been times when it would have been nice for me to be able to "save face" and just get hard, get off and get rid of a guy who wasn't doing a good job rather than to go limp, have to explain it all, then have bad feelings on both sides.

I don't believe this is a good enough reason to try to get these drugs -- and I can't afford them anyway. But I do think that some guys might be well advised to consider just how important proper sexual stimulation is to THEM. For some dudes, it doesn't matter what kind of QUALITY sex they get -- a willing hole is more than enough for them. For others... not so much. Those of us in the "not so much" category may or may not benefit. Or is this not true? Is simply taking the drug and having a partner all that is necessary no matter what? Are these drugs THAT powerful? Will guys who are not turned on GET turned on? Will a boring partner become unimportant to a raging erection?

I'm perfectly happy with my own sexual response, and I don't really have any actual NEED for these medications... but I have to be honest: I'm rather curious just to find out what it feels like.
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Old 19th May 2004, 01:36 AM
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I tried Calias and seem to ahve similar expereinces with it. It's good, hardons almost as good as viagra, if not as good, last a really long time. Horny as fuck for like 7 days.

Could you take Calias and then later on viagra if you wanted?
Will meet with discreet men w/large erections, true 7"+ & hard. Will sit down on your hard-on while you stroke me, or get on my hands and knees, reach back and massage your balls while your cock's up my asspipe. Like prostate massages and sucking. I always have enema before playing. Very clean only. No kissing or hugging, etc. Just sex.

If your cock is big and hard, I'm truly interested.

Northern California, Coos Bay, Ashland, Medford in Oregon, and other places.
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Old 19th May 2004, 09:32 AM
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I guess you could, but I don't think you would get any additional benefit; both molecules work on the same receptor site, and if you are already switched to the "on" position, pushing harder on the switch shouldn't make the light any brighter.

That said, as the blood level of Cialis drops, you probably would get some minor benefit from a lower dose of Viagra or Levitra.

If your question is, can you take V 3-4 days after Cialis, the answer then is yes, you can.

And if any of you guys have gotten married up in Mass over the past few days, all the best! As to the rest of you, turn off you computers, and go out there and make history!

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Old 21st May 2004, 01:29 PM
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Question Question for Dr Danny


We all know the dangers of using poppers with any of the ED meds. But with Cialis staying in the system so long, when do you think it might be safe to use poppers again. Now I doubt Eli Lilly did any research on this question, so I realize anything you say is only a "best guess". But what would your advise be?
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Old 22nd May 2004, 01:23 PM
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Actually, the research WAS done

The Cialis insert states specifically that under No circumstance, none, can any nitrates be administered within 72 hours of injesting a single cialis tab. Now that's a little scary if you are a cardiac patient, and might need nitroglycerin in an unexpected emergency situation. Certainly gives me pause at the thought of prescribing it.

Poppers are no different from nitro, although it is more potent. The danger lies is a sudden drop in your blood pressure when the two drugs are combined. It isn't as if there is a toxic interaction that will kill you, but there is no way to predict just how low your pressure will drop, and how sucessful medication will be to get it back up if needed.
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Old 27th May 2004, 10:27 PM
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viagra & pot??

Hey doc (or anyone else that may know):

We know poppers and Viagra are a no go...What about pot and viagra? Have a new bud who likes to smoke weed now and then and I use the viagra occassionally and want to know about combination issues. thanks all.
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Old 28th May 2004, 09:00 AM
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On May 27, I wrote of my experience with Levitra in the forum "Viagra, Cialis, Levitra?" Rather than repeat my post here, you can check it out there.
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Old 29th May 2004, 02:25 PM
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Grass isn't likely to have any adverse effects when combined with ED drugs -- though it really seems like overkill to me. Though I sure don't smoke grass like I used to when I was dumb kid, if I manage to share a hit or two with a guy once or twice a year, I enjoy it mostly because the resulting sex is outstanding. Then again, it relaxes me -- but makes some people more paranoid and nervous, though this is unlikely to happen to someone who smokes on a regular basis.
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