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Old 16th October 2005, 11:28 PM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 400
Talking Screamin' for Poppers or What

Hey Guys:

I have been on the go for some 10 weeks now and came back home just before this weekend was about to start. So, I hit the popular 'stompin' grounds'. A few old faces and a few new ones, too. The usual mix.

I had some interesting encounters Saturday night but surprisingly, nothing major was panning out. After a while, one of my regular buddies showed up and I knew, I was in for some serious fun.

I met this dude, late 20's, 6'2", in perfect shape, six-pack, blue eyes, blue hair, amazing endowment, some two years ago. We quickly retreated into a private cabin and he gave me an absolutely awesome BJ. Olympian style. He knew all the tricks of the trade. When to go slow, when to speed up, when and where to lick, how to maintain eye contact. This dude must have written the book on the subject. At the end, he commented that he was very impressed with me and the fact that I was using condom for oral sex. He also said he was an MD and understood the risks well.

We kept on bumping into each other and he never missed a beat or an opportunity to get down on his knees. He always performed exceedingly well, gave me a little hug at the end and that was it. I figured out, the guy was not too much into conversation, so I was not going to push the envelope and possibly damage this 'relationship with mutual benefits'.

4-5 months ago, after giving me another 5-star BJ, he kinda coyly asked me, if I wanted to fuck him. I could not think of any top who would have said 'no' to an opportunity to plow the best looking bubble butt in town. He bent over, took a whiff or two from the little brown bottle and showed me that he knew how to take it up his back door like a pro. Again, absolutely everything about this dude was amazing, the looks, the muscle action, low moans, eye contact. 10 out of 10. After that, we established a new routine. He would give me his usual pro-class BJ and I would give him some serious rear action afterwards. We would hug and part our ways till the next time. Yup, and he would always have his poppers at hand before I rode in.

Saturday night, after the BJ, he asked me, for the very first time, if I had any poppers on me. I truthfully said, 'No, sorry, did not have any'. I have actually never used poppers. I tried once, did not like it and that was the end of that.

He said, 'OK, no problem', bent over, lubed himself and I went for the home run, just like I would always do.

His moans were a bit louder, but hey, the music was playing and I guess, dozens of guys in the backroom and in private cabins were going at it anyway, so, yeah, you would hear growls and moans pretty often.

He looked back at me and his face was contorted in pain. I slowed down the dicking action and started slowly pulling out. He quickly grabbed my butt and impaled himself to the hilt uttering another awesome growl.

I bent over and asked him, if he was doing OK. Yeah, he needed it now and he needed it hard. I went back to the full-scale dicking action when he came up with a scream that was good enough to wake up the dead. I do not mind public attention but this was going a bit too far, so I grabbed his jacket and told him to bite in it, if we did not want the bar people to start banging at our door.

Even with his moans somewhat muted, he was producing quite a bit of noise. His back action never slowed down or stopped and I saw no reason to interrupt the action. He did not want me to do so either.

As we were getting out, a whole group of guys was waiting to see, who was making all that crazy noise. Not that I cared, but I did feel weird (no pun intended).

Since I know precious little about poppers, I'd love to know, if they can reduce/kill the pain, to the point that without them, the guy goes into a freakin' screaming orgy? I am also wondering, if any other chems might have played the role here?


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Old 17th October 2005, 12:54 PM
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 29

From my own knowledge, poppers do make it easier to take a dick in the ass or deep throat by relaxing the smooth muscles. They don't deaden or relieve pain, but in fact simply make accomodating a large cock less painful. For me, they also bring out the animalistic nature in me. I don't get hornier or aggressive, just more desirous of sex.
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Old 17th October 2005, 09:55 PM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 235
Smile Popper Ignorance

I have never tried poppers although I have noticed that some guys have very intense orgasms when using them.

Some guys are sniffing out of a small brown bottle. Are those the same as poppers?

I have also noticed guys sniffing from these bottles and jerking off/edging in public. It's the liquid they sniff seems to help them maintain their hardons.

I would luv to try them. Any suggestions on types? Also, what can I expect from the experience? I've notice some guys get very determined to be sucked off or to fuck when feeling the popper's effect. Would it work for me as a sub bottom girl?

Cocksucking Crossdresser

i don't fuck guys. they fuck me (if im lucky ).

luv scenes in alleys, parking lots, between two cars. me on my knees, sucking your cock, or just bend me over and fuck me. sat nites/weds when i play. im a submissive bottom cockwhore. nsa ...
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Old 18th October 2005, 05:38 AM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 103

Everybody reacts differently. Some guys get real horny, some get a headach, others lose their erection (it lowers blood pressure....necessary to maintain an erection ) and some get a good (but short lived...less than 30 seconds) head rush. If you can time the rush with your orgasim, it can be great.

My favorite is Amsterdam poppers followed by Jungle Juice. Both are sold in the brown bottle. I tried the kind that comes in a spray can and it actually made me nauseous.......thought I was going to vomit. The first time or two with the brown bottle resulted in a headach for me, but since then no problrm. So give them a try, maybe more than once, and see how it affects you.
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Old 18th October 2005, 07:20 PM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 235
Thumbs up Thank You, Dear

I'll give it a try. It just seems that guys seem to really enjoy the experience. Thanks.

Pressure, hun, to maintain a hard on. I'm sure a pair of red lips or a tight ass would work, No?
Cocksucking Crossdresser

i don't fuck guys. they fuck me (if im lucky ).

luv scenes in alleys, parking lots, between two cars. me on my knees, sucking your cock, or just bend me over and fuck me. sat nites/weds when i play. im a submissive bottom cockwhore. nsa ...
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