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Old 19th July 2004, 06:29 PM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 17
Wink Ogoplex/Roplex

Has anybody heard about this natural(?) drug that is supposed to be really big (no pun intended) in Europe? From what I understand it is supposed to give you bigger & longer organisms, and the recovery time is suppose to be shorter. It's not cheap...I think about $40.00 for 30 pills. But would like to know more about it. Thanks!
Play safe!
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Old 20th July 2004, 07:53 AM
ScruffyCub's Avatar
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No one needs bigger and longer organisms. Generally speaking, organisms have evolved to their appropriate size to maintain their quality of life. For example, a three foot long paramecium would have great difficulty finding suitable living environments in which to contain their vast size. Twenty foot tall human beings would soon need to abandon their current dwellings and construct new ones. Eight foot ceilings would no longer be sufficient. Food supplies would quickly dwindle -- bigger organisms need to eat much more to survive. Let's not even discuss the matter of waste products produced by these new bigger, longer organisms. Bovine flatulence is already a concern for the depleted ozone layer, just imagine what would happen if the size of cow intestines suddenly increased!

Bigger and longer ORGASMS is an entirely different story. Probably there are a lot of guys out there who would enjoy that.

What's sad is that these days, everyone just wants to take some sort of magic pill in order to gain something that otherwise can be accomplished with a degree of hard work and effort, mental and physical training, a tuning of mind and body.

And, of course, if something is trendy in Europe -- well, damn! It HAS to be for real, right? Here in America, our damn government denies us anything that might be fun or easy. Everyone knows that Europeans are so much more free-wheeling and receptive to human sexuality than us introverted and repressed Americans.

Better jump on the bandwagon. "When in Rome..." Right?

This product contains some Scandinavian flower extract (not named) and Saw Palmetto (easily purchased OTC in any store in the United States that sells vitamins and supplements). Saw Palmetto has had some studies which show it can be beneficial to the male prostate -- but by itself, Saw Palmetto doesn't cost $100 for a three month supply, even when purchased as a "summer special."

Some preparations of this product also include vitamin E. Whoo-hoo! I take vitamin E -- it cost me $2.59 for 100 capsules.

Take a look at any of these offers and just pay attention to the terms and conditions and stipulations of sale as well as the fine print regarding "money back" guarantees if you want a good indicator of what is bullshit and what is not.

Some sites selling this stuff have a disclaimer which states that since "individual results may vary," no guarantees can be offered. Others are offering a guarantee only AFTER you have used their product for a full twelve months -- this, even though their ads claim the product will provide results after about one week of use. So why the year long wait? Do you think these websites will still exist in twelve months? I highly doubt it.

Scams like this appear daily online. Sites are created, hosted, money is charged to the credit cards of gullible individuals, and after a short time, the sites vanish, along with the company.

Reading even more of the fine print regarding guarantees, if they exist at all, there are many exclusions and various ways to "void" your guarantee. For example, if a company offers you a special pricing arrangement a short time after your initial purchase ("buy three more months worth of our stuff at a discount"), your guarantee is null. Oops!

What kind of company offers valued customers product discounts which void money back guarantees? If I buy a new computer and Best Buy says I can get a webcam to go with it for only $1 more, that sounds good. Until they tell me that if I take advantage of this offer, I no longer have any guarantee on my entire computer. Sounds, smells, feels, tastes and looks like a big pile of steaming bullshit to me.

Also -- and this is very important -- take a look at credit card sales conditions. Invariably what happens is that once you use a credit card to make a purchase, you have essentially agreed to allow future charges to be made to your card for new shipments of product in an ongoing basis. Unless, of course, you cancel the sale before it is shipped. The trick is actually being able to REACH the company and cancel the sale. Try it sometime -- see if the phone number they provide makes it fast and easy to cancel. Odds are good you'll be battling with busy signals and disconnects and/or getting the runaround from telephone operators.

A few online health stores show that they have discontinued sale of this item, but don't give an explanation as to why this is.

The sites that are selling it still and which promote "unbiased" reviews are still SELLING it.

So... does it WORK? Well, what do YOU think? Not having tried it, I can only give you the information that is posted here and let you decide for yourself if this sounds legit.

If anyone is willing to try this stuff, I'd STRONGLY recommend payment with MONEY ORDER only. NEVER give your credit card number and don't allow anyone to see the routing numbers on a personal check.

My personal suggestion would be to study and learn about your body, get in touch and in tune with your mind and your sexuality. Learn how to control your penis, learn how to communicate with your partner, learn how to appreciate great sex and expand upon each experience you have.

Do magic pills exist? Don't count on it.
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Old 22nd July 2004, 10:17 AM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 17

Wow!! Thanks for the info!! Never knew that "organisms" could be so informative (should have used spell check). All kidding aside, I was more curious about this anything else...having heard about 2nd hand...and the possibily having "bigger & longer" orgasms is tempting...oh well
Play safe!
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Old 22nd July 2004, 06:13 PM
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Just ribbing ya about the organisms, for the record. The image of a giant paramecium was too hard to pass up. Glad you took it with good humor as it was intended.

Also for the record, this is just my layman's opinion of the stuff. There are so many trigger points for suggestive sales in the ads that it reeks of bullshit to me. Your query was the first I'd ever heard of it.

It does seem fairly harmless, despite the invocation of the websites that it might not be a bad idea to ask your doctor first (saving asses from potential lawsuits). I'd guess it's about as safe as a sugar pill -- and equally as effective.

But since I haven't tried it, if anyone would like to cough up $100 and buy a three months supply for me (summer special, you know), I'll be happy to guinea pig the shit for you guys. I promise to write a lengthy review after the elapsed time!

Eh. Maybe I'll just stick to my vitamin E.
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