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Old 5th November 2004, 12:03 PM
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PNP Questions

I was wondering can you use poppers while using ecstasy? Also, can you use Viagra while using Ecstasy? I know you can't use Viagra and poppers or you will end up in the grave. I am used to using poppers to get high. But I am trying ecstasy this weekend, and wanted to know if should even bring them. Gentlemen?
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Old 6th November 2004, 07:13 PM
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It's already Saturday night and odds are good that you are already rolling, so probably this comes too late...

The thing is, you can't know WHAT is actually IN the ecstasy you are taking. It's supposed to be -- I don't know... GHB or MDA or some other three letter synthetic drug, I think. These are EXTREMELY dangerous all by themselves. It becomes even more dangerous to do X because X tabs are almost always NOT just one "pure" designer drug. Usually they are mixed and cut with WHATEVER. Could be some coke in there. Some crystal meth. Some Valium. Some acid. Could be anything, dude.

Poppers aren't going to react in any dangerous way with hallucinogens like acid or pot. But who the hell knows what can happen with anything else and who the hell knows what, exactly, you are taking?

If the descriptions I've read concerning X are true (I have never tried and never will), you won't NEED poppers anyway.

Leave them out of the picture.

We can't predict what will happen to YOUR body, either. Everyone reacts differently to different drugs.

I won't lecture you to avoid X, but I hope it's OK if I say I'd rather you don't do it again.
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Old 7th November 2004, 03:30 PM
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Originally posted by ScruffyCub
It's already Saturday night and odds are good that you are already rolling, so probably this comes too late...

The thing is, you can't know WHAT is actually IN the ecstasy you are taking. It's supposed to be -- I don't know... GHB or MDA or some other three letter synthetic drug, I think. These are EXTREMELY dangerous all by themselves. It becomes even more dangerous to do X because X tabs are almost always NOT just one "pure" designer drug. Usually they are mixed and cut with WHATEVER. Could be some coke in there. Some crystal meth. Some Valium. Some acid. Could be anything, dude.

Poppers aren't going to react in any dangerous way with hallucinogens like acid or pot. But who the hell knows what can happen with anything else and who the hell knows what, exactly, you are taking?

If the descriptions I've read concerning X are true (I have never tried and never will), you won't NEED poppers anyway.

Leave them out of the picture.

We can't predict what will happen to YOUR body, either. Everyone reacts differently to different drugs.

I won't lecture you to avoid X, but I hope it's OK if I say I'd rather you don't do it again.
And if you chose to mix these substances I would like to purchase a life ins. policy on you and donate the proceeds to my favorite charity.
Lookin' 4 more
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Old 10th November 2004, 10:09 AM
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wish there was a glossery

what is PNP? I've heard party-play, and thought it was maybe about smokin a joint and gettin kinky... but not sure how poppers might factor in... Please explain.
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Old 11th November 2004, 12:32 PM
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Yes, "party 'n' play" is correct.

BOTH of those words are subjectively defined, so no definitive explanation exists to your question.

It SEEMS that many guys who have asked me if I want to "PNP," when pressed to define their terms, have said they are looking for coke or crystal meth -- some are into crack, too. Naturally, that's all I need to hear in order to pass up their offer. But every now and then someone mentions smoking a joint or having a few beers prior to or during sex.

So it all just depends on what the drug du jour happens to be, what the dude is into, and probably what he can afford -- or get for free!

Funny, now that I think about it. MOST of these guys ask ME to provide the drugs. Yeah, right... Guess for some folks it's a way to get their fix AND their dick. Whore for drugs or something like that.

Well, not the guys who smoke grass. Most pot-smokers are highly tuned in to SHARING. Whoever has it, shares it! At least that's how it always was when I was younger, and I think that hasn't changed too much. I've had about six hits of grass in the last three years before sex and none any other times at all. I used to be able to smoke a nickel bag and barely stay buzzed. These days, two hits does me in for hours. The benefits of being an old fuck! Good for the wallet, too, though I don't buy grass myself.

Anyway, it's all whatever you want it to be. I do poppers with sex, but most guys don't seem to consider them part of the "party" portion of PNP. I think the original poster asked his question because poppers are rather ubiquitous, in fact. He was planning on doing his OTHER drug and just wanted to know if poppers fit into that plan.

And of course, the OTHER P, the sex play P, is also whatever you want it to be.

Does that help?
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Old 12th November 2004, 06:20 AM
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well as it stands we had to move the visit from my significant other back a couple of weeks. So it will actually be NEXT weekend that I will party and play. This will be the first time I will have partied, other than poppers. So, it should be fun. I know NOT TO USE THE POPPERS OR VIAGRA with the x. I wont need them accroding to what i read here. My significant other has my back though. I will let you know how it goes. Any other suggestions to great partying?
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