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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Sex Advice: Ask and Give Advice   Cockrings and Cock Variety

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Old 6th December 2004, 05:43 AM
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 16
Cockrings and Cock Variety

If someone wants to see a good use of a cockring, go to Scroll down to "Free Friends," and hit "Amateur Boy Videos." Go down to the picture and caption "My Big Dick Video." In keeping with the other discussion of "ugly cocks," I would guess that you have never, ever witnessed a more beautiful, alluring cock, complete with cockring. Watching that short video clip--my of my! Reminds me of the old "Peter Meter" gag rulers floating around back when I was in college. On the short end it said something like, "Oops, It Should Have Been a Girl" while somewhere out there on the eight to ten inch end it said "Large Women, Small Cattle." This guy could really be a cowboy!
Being in late middle age, I especially enjoy fellows who prefer guys a tad older since we're often more interested in the total process including massages, etc, rather than simply quickies.
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