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Old 14th December 2005, 12:26 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 59
Stupid Question Alert

Hi guys.

I've seen some profiles of guys who say they use 420 and/or pnp. What are those things? I know poppers. Have used and enjoyed them. But have no idea what the other stuff is. Just looking to be educated.
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Old 14th December 2005, 04:46 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 59
If you don't want to go where you don't want to be....

it's a most sensible question.

The term "420" refers to someone who wants to smoke pot. Everyone says the term is derived from the time school let out and to which all the "potheads" anxiously awaited. I have always wondered why the term is not "320." I assume that "420" is the time when one is dismissed after serving detention.

As for "PnP," that is a term that means "play and party" and it generally involves sex with drugs (other than pot)."
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Old 15th December 2005, 04:31 AM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 103

Agree 420 means the person enjoys marijuana. I've also heard it has to do with the time school lets out (agree, that is kind of late, if you ask me). But I have also heard it has a connection to April 20th (4/20) but I can't remember the connection. Somewhere in the foggy recesses of my memory, maybe something to do with a "smoke in" back in the 60's or early 70's on April 20?
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Old 15th December 2005, 06:38 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 59

Thanks for the info, guys. The 420 significance is interesting. I agree that if it is supposed to coincide with when school lets out, it would seem 320 would be more appropriate.

Regarding 420 applying to April 20th, that's interesting too. The only significance I know of from that date, is that it happens to be Hitler's birthday. Yikes!
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Old 15th December 2005, 09:18 AM
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The obvious note of discretion:

Be wary of guys who insist on PnP -- these days, they are generally looking for crystal meth, also referred to as "Tina." Sometimes a guy will ask: "Know where Tina is?" This is his way of asking for crystal meth -- a hint that may come in handy for you.

Many PnP'ers are also looking for crack or coke.

I find all of these things exceptionally dangerous and they tend to promote LOTS of unsafe sex. I personally consider ALL these guys to be extremely high risk and I will NOT get together with any of them.

Those seeking grass or who want to smoke a little weed... eh. I don't care if they are buzzed, but I sure don't provide that for anyone. I do find, however, that most who INSIST on grass with their sex are pretty much immature kiddies who are rotten in bed anyway -- but that's just my own experience. I've met a FEW adult men who smoke grass moderately and ARE great in bed, so it's a crapshoot.
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Old 16th December 2005, 04:21 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 59

Thanks, Scruff. As usual, your comments are thoughtful and very helpful. Call me a wimp, but anything beyond poppers scares the shit out of me.
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Old 17th December 2005, 01:57 PM
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Don't blame ya, dude.

Poppers are OK in my book. Grass a few times a year, no big deal. Couple beers, whatever.

Anything else is just DUMB.

And... it's great you had the balls to ask a question that may have had an obvious answer -- best to always be armed with the facts these days.

Happy holidays.
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