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Old 29th November 2005, 03:18 PM
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qualities of a good suckee.

Everyone knows the quality of a good sucker but what are the qualities of a good suckee in order to get the best of a sucker.
sex with humor is fun!
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Old 30th November 2005, 01:20 PM
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A good suckee makes it clear what he wants... whether he wants it slow, fast, rough, gentle, balls included or not. He can do this either by saying it directly, especially if the sucker is doing something the suckee doesn't want. And anytime the sucker is doing something really wrong, he should give the suckee a chance to improve it. Personally, I like to have my face slapped if I am doing something the suckee doesn't like. Also, a good suckee doesn't just lie back and let the sucker do all the work. He should show at least a little energy and move his body, fucking-style motion. If he likes to fuck the sucker's mouth he should take into account how big his dick is. If his dick is more than 7 inches he should go slow into the throat. If he goes fast the sucker is just not going to last. Some really experienced sucker's can take a 9 inch dick skull fucking, but not many. For this cocksucker there is hardly anything he likes better than a nice long dick snaking down his throat then backing out again. A good suckee should get hard after a few minutes. If he doesn't then what's the point? A good suckee also comes after a reasonable length of time. A good suckee keeps in mind the shape of his dick. If it curves upward, then it's not going to go down a throat if he is straddling a guy's chest and holding his head up to it--unless the dick is limp. He will do nothing but slide across the roof of the sucker's mouth. If it does curve upward one of the best positions is with the sucker upside down, maybe lying on the bed with his hed over the edge of the bed and the suckee standing. The natural upward curve of the dick will make it go down the throat easily and the suckee will have a good suck job. If it curves downard a good position is the suckee standing and the sucker kneeling. A good suckee should also follow the wishes of the sucker when he comes--whether he comes down his throat, in his mouth, on his face, on his body, or somewhere else.
Total btm. fuck/ suck/ cum facial/ jo/ service/ whatever you like
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Old 30th November 2005, 03:02 PM
mine's double-wide
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Who would think something as simple as a blow job could be made to sound so complicated.
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Old 30th November 2005, 03:20 PM
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I simplified it ..... you want the complicated version? Sometime you should read my essay on what to do with a nipple.
Total btm. fuck/ suck/ cum facial/ jo/ service/ whatever you like
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Old 30th November 2005, 04:17 PM
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Thank the Almighty that you don't want us to read your treaties on...

how to fuck a guy.

It may be longer than "War and Peace."
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Old 1st December 2005, 12:27 PM
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I wonder if they give college credit for your essay. Good response, youv'e done your go to the head of the class because I am soooooooooo rea...dy!

The war and peace response made me laugh!!!
Cool guys here!
sex with humor is fun!
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Old 1st December 2005, 10:04 PM
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Someone slaps me because I am not living up to what he wants and that fucker will lose his nuts-permanently. Oh maybe not, he'll have them down his throat, anyhow.
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Old 2nd December 2005, 01:23 PM
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There's nothing more of a turn-off than a suckee who is totally passive and "goes off" with nothing more than a sigh. When I'm being serviced by a hot cocksucker I let him know I'm in charge and I'm doing him a favor by letting him service me. I get away with it for 2 reasons: 1-99% of C/S WANT it that way and want to be dominated and 2- I have a beautiful 8 X 5.5 cut cock that C/S dream about. I'm not rough or mean, but you could say I'm FIRM but
I love a guy on his knees in the worship position, I let him unbuckle and unzip me and start working on my cock. I can tell real fast if he can go deep (my favorite). If he's good I let him know and then I tell him today's his lucky day and if he's good I'll give him my big load. After a few minutes, I pull back and let him admire and hunger for my cock, then I tease him a little before I tell him to relax, I'm going to fuck his face for awhile." I then put my hands on either side of his face and say something like "you're going to love this bitch" and I start slow deep thrusts down his throat.
When I get close, I ask him if he's ready for it and when he moans yes, I say "good boy" then "here it comes!"
After I've shot my ropes into him, I pull out and let him get any left over cum and I just love to look at his expression while he cleans me up and he gets the last taste of my swollen cock.
I put my tool away, while he rises to his feet, usually wiping off his mouth and fixing his hair. I say: "good job, the next time I see you I'll give you an even better fuck......later.
I never say thanks because I figure he should thank me......and many do.
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Old 2nd December 2005, 03:15 PM
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Well, I certainly like this topic for obvious reasons. I'll take some shit for it, but oh, well... I'm used to that: I'm OFTEN told I'm the best "suckee" many guys have ever had.

That may be just bullshit in order to get me pumped up to meet often -- or it may be true, or a combination of both.

I always work to improve myself and do things that the sucker likes.

I'll admit, I was never a big fan of fucking a guy's mouth, I always liked HIM to show me his skills. But not anymore. I STILL want and REQUIRE a guy to show me what he can do, but I will eagerly fuck his mouth as well and mix things up. Besides, it's hot for both of us. I can relax sometimes, HE can relax sometimes. I can tease my own dick by fucking his mouth AND tease him, too. Or I can sit back and let HIM edge the hell out of me.

I make NOISE, plenty of it. I agree: I HATE guys who have sex silently. Well, I don't hate the guys themselves, but I do find the sex very boring.

If a guy is going to work over my dick I fully intend on letting him know he is doing a good job.

I will TALK and SAY what I want.

I give high praise, I move around, I GET INTO IT and let go and have fun.

I have worried that the neighbors may call the cops when I cum (though for a change of pace, if and only if we BOTH agree to it, cumming gently and more quietly can sometimes be hot, too -- feels like a pulsing, easy release, yet still powerful). But I tend to make a racket more often than not...

Yet I don't FAKE anything. I DO hate fakes. I NEVER say the same thing over and over, I do NOT have a sexual hit list of phrases -- whatever I feel, I say or do, acting in the moment.

I don't have to take into consideration dick size or bends -- my dick is almost perfectly straight and my six-plus inches rarely chokes anyone, which seems to do the trick for both me and the guy blowing me.

I also rarely jerk off, so when a guy is taking care of my dick he gets a nice, big load. Most dudes say I have great tasting cum. Again, I have no idea, but as long as they are happy... cool with me.

One dude I don't see anymore got too crazy about sucking me off. I've told that story before, won't do it again. But once I asked him WHY he was so nuts about blowing me and he said: "I just love the way you RECEIVE head. No one else is like you."

So that was pretty cool. Too damn bad he had to flip out on me. He STILL holds the NUMBER ONE position of best blowjob of all time in my book. Stupid asshole had to go fuck it up!

Once again, though, I find I agree with GWT -- a blowjob is and SHOULD be a pretty simple thing. HOWEVER... it is best simplified when you just GET INTO IT and ENJOY it. We can get specific about HOW we do it and describe techniques, but generally speaking... if we just have fun and don't hold back, usually everyone is happy in the end.

I've been getting sucked regularly by men since I was about fourteen. Having my dick sucked is MY THING -- so I enjoy talking about it.

Unlike the above poster, who has HIS OWN THING (and that's cool), I DO lean toward being thankful and appreciative. Most guys DO thank me for sharing my dick with them, but I thank THEM as well for the pleasure they enjoyed giving me. I am often tender and romantic, seldom rough.

But I WILL do things if a guy specifically asks that are a bit out of character for me. I would NEVER slap a dude on a whim -- that's just stupid. But I HAVE been forceful and rough and (kind of) slapped a dude who has ASKED me for it. Or I'll fuck a guy's mouth MORE than relax and let him work on me if he WANTS that. I like to make sure my cocksuckers are happy guys -- this way, I get it more often and hell... I LIKE making them happy, so why not?

Just don't call me "daddy" when you are sucking me off. Not yet, anyway. Give me another ten or fifteen years, OK?

Now I've taken the heat off the guy who wrote the first essay. You can now all make fun of me and my long posts once more instead.

Thank me later, dude. I, for one, enjoyed reading your cocksucker/cocksuckee manifesto.
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Old 3rd December 2005, 08:42 AM
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I have a different approach since my plumbing has been rearranged. I like being rimmed first since it takes me a little longer to come around. The last time was at the river this summer. It was still warm, after 5 or so and only one a youngish guy with a smallish bubble butt came out of the tree cave and said hi. After grabbing my 6, all I did was lay over one of the rocks and he got me going really quick by starting on my dick quickly working down the frenum part then whooooaaaa into the hole with his tongue. My word! that did it! he moved up to my dick again and I spasmed out entire bladder full. He really seemed to fill up.

We then went into the river to clean up when I told him he will probably not sleep tonight because of all the vitamins I take, better than any enerizer he could buy. With his bubble butt so close and me stilll very much errect, I slid it between his legs. But, not in. We went to his little tree cave, did the essentials whereby I slid into him easily. 15min later I blew again, his little 4 incher was hard as a rock so of course I had to accommodate him which I rarely do. But I was so horney anything went. I'd like to do that again sometime.

Any little dick, small bubble butt, smooth guys like to do me like that guy. He gave me his email but I can't remember the damm thing.

A little different than cum but more of it and super healthy for you.
sex with humor is fun!
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Old 7th December 2005, 07:05 AM
mine's double-wide
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Sounds like y'all have the world divided up as suckers and suckees. My ultimate goal when I'm cruising is to get sucked off but along the way I'm going to suck some dick too. I'm a queer, that's what I do. I like cock and I like them in my mouth.

I have no desire to dominate anyone, I just like to swap blow jobs and have a good time. I rarely meet a guy that sucks that doesn't want to be sucked.

Just getting sucked all the time? Now that would be boring to me. Don't get me wrong, I love getting my dick sucked, but just that and no variation would be boring. And no amount of "talk" would jazz it up. I hate sex talk. If I'm sucking cock I don't want to hear "yeah, suck that cock" about 30 times. If I'm getting sucked I'm going to sit back and enjoy the ride.

Call me a pig but if you're sucking my cock I'll assume you're having a good time or you wouldn't be doing it. I've done my job and furnished the cock.

If I'm sucking cock I'm doing it because I like the taste, smell and feel of a dick in my mouth. If you the suckee doesn't like it then move on.
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Old 7th December 2005, 04:12 PM
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I think when a guy is getting is cock sucked he should concentrate on it - fuck the sucker's mouth, or just hold his head, or even just play with his own tits and groan.

I find it really sad to see men getting blow jobs in bars/parks and their eyes darting around to look for someone else. If you don't think you're getting good quality head, you don't have to go on. And if it's good, it means you don't know how to appreciate it and you'll be doing the same with the next sucker.
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Old 8th December 2005, 02:11 AM
mine's double-wide
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I find it really sad to see men getting blow jobs in bars/parks and their eyes darting around to look for someone else.
Maybe the someone else they're looking for is the police or an innocent bystander, Bars and parks are public places.
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Old 15th December 2005, 09:34 AM
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GWT has every right to NOT enjoy so-called "sex talk" when he's getting busy on a hard dick.

Just wanted to point out for the record, though -- I'd ALSO hate to hear OR say "Yeah, suck that dick," over and over.

That's just fucking sad.

To me, sex talk is something very different. It is never the same. When I talk, I say whatever comes to mind given the individual situations at hand.

Most guys who are, in fact, submissive cocksuckers, will ASK me what I will say to them. I tell them I can't really answer that: I never say the same shit over and over and I have no idea what might pop into my head.

I think mostly what we're talking about here is the difference between dudes who just sit or stand there and say and do NOTHING at all, giving NO indication that they are enjoying themselves. I don't know... to me, that's an insult to the guy blowing me. If he's going to work hard at pleasing me, I rather WANT him to know I love what he's doing. That doesn't mean I have a litany of oft-repeated phrases to use, but it does mean I definitely get into it and respond TO him and WITH him.

But sex is certainly different for all of us. And even for me, in certain cruising scenes, I act VERY differently than I might in the privacy of my "cocksucking room" at home.

At home, I let loose and make no bones about it. In an ABS booth, I'm admittedly more on the quiet side and will express myself in other ways. Eye contact works well, body movement, etc.

And, yeah... I DO love to get sucked more than anything else. But, just like GWT -- I'm a fag and I like dick, too. SOME dick I fucking LOVE, but I am a bit picky. If a guy has the right stuff to turn me on, I have no problem giving him lots of pleasure, and I do it very, very well (so they say). But for me... sorry, I can't get turned on blowing a seriously queeny dude. Just can't do it. But I CAN let a more femme type of guy blow ME.

I guess it depends on my mood, too. There are days when I know I could have a femme dude sucking me off, but I just don't feel like that. I want a butch guy instead. As discussed in the other thread about cruising at a buffet of men, we all reserve the right to pick and choose as necessary.

Finally, as for the "masculine" bit as mentioned in online profiles -- yeah, I'd say MOST who list themselves as "masc" are full of shit. But certainly not all -- I've met plenty who ARE as advertised, so it would be foolish to reject EVERY ad you see with a guy who claims to be masc as being a fake. You might miss out on something worth while. And if you find he is not what he says -- you can send him packing or let him blow you and never see him again. And we've ALL been there before, so one more time isn't going to hurt.

Frankly, I have no problem clicking a check mark in an online profile to describe myself as masculine. I wouldn't think to leave it blank and I sure can't be honest and click anything else. When I was a very young fag, I worried that I'd somehow "become" fruity as I got older. This was a huge concern I had. Today, however, I'd say at least 80% of dudes who meet up with me make some kind of comment later on saying that they enjoyed being with me because "you're a regular dude, man."

I kind of like that.
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