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Old 2nd January 2006, 01:00 AM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65
Foamy lub

Alright mate, I know what I'm asking here may turn some of you off so to each his and let live.

First of all, my fuck buddy likes do it rough and nasty, no worry mate I can take it. Now he wants to do me raw. I held out and said no way. Finally he compromised, he cum on my ass and took a few photos with his cam phone as it dripped down my crack. Sort of simulated raw fuck with my puffy asshole and his foamy cum slowly dripping as if out my ass.

Problem is that we reviewed the photos and he was not entirely satisfied. He produced lots of foamy white cum and it was all over my ass and dripping down as well. Good but he said there's none in my gaping hole though there's plenty of slimy lub. It made an obvious contrast that said it was faked raw sex.

Though I tried to stop him, he tried to rub some cum on my hole but the foam had already gone runny and slimy.

I am a little worried, is cum rubbed on a freshly fucked hole dangerous? I don't see any blood stains when I wiped with the towel. Very rarely but sometimes, I do get fine pink stains that I don't know came from where because I don't feel any skin tear that fine. This time there isn't any such skin tear but still, is it as bad as being fucked raw?

I don't know if it's his intention to break down my resistance since if it's as dangerous as being fucked raw, I might as well do as he wanted.

Yeah mate, I heard some of you said just leave him. He's treating me badly. Let's just say he's one bad habit I can't resist. He knew it and I'm just as bad a habit he can't resist. That's why our sex together was so incredible.

I did some thinking there. If he wanted the foamy look in my ass, I thought why not use foamy soap of some sorts? Or maybe even lub that's nice and foamy after being churned by his cock inside me? ( In fact that's how we used to manually make foamy cream from milk at the farm.)

I went to the pharmy to look for a suitable lub but found all are clear and slimy. Anybody can help telling me if such lub exists?

I tried foam shaving cream and milk too. But they are too white and definitely looked faked.

Any ideas mate?
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Old 2nd January 2006, 07:29 AM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 11

Try mineral oil (baby oil minus the smell) and aloe vera gel...both at your local may find the aloe vera under first aid or skin care and mineral oil under digestive aisle. Whip em up and it'll look like the real thing. The mineral oil also makes a great lube for JO duty.
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Old 2nd January 2006, 01:36 PM
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Nice to see you still hanging around, Vers -- been a while.

A friend of mine fakes cum when jerking off on his webcam by using a mixture of hand cream and clear lube. It's pretty darn effective. Jergen's or what-have-you will do nicely.

(Interesting aside -- he does this because he had testicular cancer and is sans one ball -- since his radiation treatments, his semen is totally clear ALL the time. I would have thought ONE functional testicle would still keep his cum looking natural, but... he suspects something got fucked up with the radiation. Having had sex with the dude myself numerous times, I can attest that his cum IS, in fact, clear and watery EVERY time. Damnedest thing I ever saw.)

Regarding your question as to whether or not it is "as unsafe" to rub fresh cum on a recently fucked asshole as it is to be fucked raw...

Well, probably not, but it sure pushes the limits of safer sex, dude.

The absence of blood means little. Anal sex instigates many micro-tears on that delicate tissue. You do not have to see blood to have an open source area for HIV to enter the body (or any other STD for that matter).

Yeah, "regular" bareback sex is EXTREMELY risky -- but what he is asking you to do while posing for these photos is sure not "safe," either.

I won't pretend to understand your relationship with this dude -- I don't get it at all, and I'm not sure if he's the same dude you have been talking about for a couple years now. But I know better than to lecture you about it.

See if maybe he'll take these fake photos BEFORE fucking you, at the very least -- seeing as you have many valid concerns here. I doubt he'll go for it, though, just basing this assumption on what little I do know about you two, if my memory serves.

You can also try shaking up water-based lube. It does tend to get more foamy. Hell, if you are going to go that far, maybe try whipping some air into it in a small bowl with a kitchen whisk!

Finally... and this is rather gross, but...

I once posted about OLD lube going "bad." Cheaper brands, if left to sit for a month or two, tend to become watery AND develop thick clumps of white goo that float around in the liquid. It looks EXACTLY like cum.

A guy once posted here with this same problem, wondering if a trick of his had put cum in his lube bottle for some reason. Then, about a year and a half later, I found MY bottle of lube with this cummy substance floating in it, but I KNEW no one tampered with it. Then it happened again with another bottle of lube. I can only conclude that lube goes bad and gets like this.

So go get some generic lube and if you both have the patience, let it sit for a while and you'll see you've got a substance that looks just like cum floating around in there.

Again, no lecture, but... DO hold your ground, dude. You want to LIVE to keep on having hot sex, right?
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Old 4th January 2006, 03:29 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 4

How about posting some of the pictures so we can help you "critique" them.

P.S. Always enjoy the graphic details you posts.
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Old 10th January 2006, 09:26 PM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 65
Solution so simple

ScruffyCub, right mate I hang around sometimes. But recently this site is getting very very slow.

I don't think I can wait that long for lub to turn bad. After experimenting about, I think that hand cream and clear lub look closest. Still it looked a little too white and oily.

I mixed some in a bottle and proudly showed it to him. Can you imagine my surprise mate when he told me he'll tell me a simple solution after he's given me 10 smackers on my butts for being a dumb bull? That was in fact his hint. It's in my story if you like to know. It really made me felt dumb.

mypole4urhole, thanks mate for the interest. Sorry it's in his phone for his private viewing.
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Old 13th January 2006, 03:51 PM
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Will check out you story when I have a bit more time, Vers. I think it's got to be the longest-running and most viewed thread here at CFS!

Figured you wouldn't want to wait for the lube to go bad -- don't blame ya, but thought I'd toss it out there since it is kind of interesting at any rate.

Good luck, have fun, play safe.
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