anyone have any experience w/ one of those online testing services? when you do a search for anonymous std testing you'll see some. It seems what happens is that you call them up send them money and they will order the tests from a nearby medical test clinic (like one of those that you go to, when you get a job that requires drug testing). Then you call them for the results. I was wondering how legit these guys are and if anyone had any experience w/ them. I'm looking for quick anonymous std testing in the boston / worcester area.
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Buddy, don't do one of those on-line testing things, I'm sure they're not legit.
Google the Fenway Community Health Center or Mass General Hospital. Both have anonymous STD testing and treatment, free of charge. If you want more details, private message me and I'd be happy to give you the information you need.
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Mascguybost, why do you say that you are sure that they aren't legit? Many places do NOT have anonymouse STD testing (I'd be surprised if you do, actually ... anonymous HIV testing, yes, but most places do NOT have anonymous chlamydia/gonorrhea/syph testing ... ).
I have used these services before, and they certainly appear legit ... they have you go to a lab and have blood drawn, it gets sent to them (probably to a 3rd party testing facility), and they transmit the results back to you, both verbally and faxed. If you have information that really makes you sure that they aren't legit, then please share it?
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If this guy has access to anonymous testing and treatment with very established health care facilities in his own back yard, why not do that instead? Yes, it is anyonymous here. They will send the "results" to the state department but not your personal information and the staff at these places will out right tell you they won't "check your ID" so you can put a fake name.
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One just has to look for it.
All of the hospitals in Ohio affiliated with a medical school offer anonmous testing for STD's including HIV if that's what you prefer. You get an ID number. A GLBT newspaper is a good resource and it usually indicates whether anonymous testing is available. This aside, this is the 21st century. Why not share your sexual orientation with your physician and go to him with your concerns. He/she can provide you with anonymous testing. If you have clamydia or gonorrhea, often the symptons are enough to warrant treatment without a test. Finally, if someone is calling you with the results or sending them by facsimile, that's not really anonymous unless you receive the results at telephone number that is not listed in your name.
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So your original comment, mascguy, was based on a hunch? What I was asking for was why you said that you were sure that they weren't legit. Bi_0001 was asking if anyone had EXPERIENCE with an online testing service. If anonymous testing is available to you guys, that's awesome, and I'd use it instead ... for one thing it's a heck-of-a-lot cheaper.
Since I don't live in Mass or Ohio, I wouldn't begin to say what is or is not available there, but It ISN'T available in my county, or neighboring counties. And it's illegal for your doctor to offer "anonymous testing" here. I was just wondering what led you to the conclusion that online testing was a fraud. And (duh), it's at the discretion of the patient whether or not they have the results faxed to them. Like any other anonymous test, you call an 800 number, provide them your tracking number, they provide the results. BTW, in my county the anonymous testing from the health dept takes 2 weeks. If you want it sooner you have to provide your name/etc. Anonymous testing via a kit bought at the pharmacy takes 3 days. Statistically, almost 50% of the people never call back for the results ... so I am of the OPINION that it's better to strike when the iron is hot. Spend the $60 on the kit, get the answer in three days. But that's just my opinion ... based on my own experience. I did the two-week waiting thing once and was pretty much out of my mind by the time I finally got the results.
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Yes Bayshore, it was a "hunch" or more like a "knee jerk reaction" to the "idea" of on-line STD testing. Since I noticed the guy lived in the Boston area, I figured I'd steer him in an easier route that I can confirm is a legit and confidential process.
One of the benefits of posting here is we all learn new things through the discussions back and forth, so I did just that today.
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Cool, thanks! I sure wish we had anonymous STD testing here. We actually did at one point, but they did away with it ... I dunno' why. Budget cutbacks, I guess. I'm glad that you didn't take offense ... I was trying my best to not sound snotty, 'cause that wasn't my intent!
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