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Old 12th May 2006, 09:29 AM
Join Date: May 2002
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Question Nose Irritation From Poppers

First, I love using poppers! They get me so horny and hard. Second, they make me feel so slutty and do help alot when I'm trying to fit something big and fat into my tight butt hole!!
The problem that I've had recently with poppers is that my nose gets very irritated around the nostrals and it takes several days and sometimes a week for it to heal up -- actually looks the worst 2 or 3 days after I use poppers. I usually use Jungle Juice. I was wondering if I put a little vasiline on my nose before using whether that might help.
I try not to get any on my nose when I inhale but it he middle of it all it's hard not to!
Any suggestions or comments will be appreciated. Thanks.
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Old 12th May 2006, 11:23 AM
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try this

personally, i don't use them anymore, but i've seen guys inhale them thru there mouth. take the bottle and cup your fist around the opening and inhale thru your mouth. i'm sure this will help.
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Old 12th May 2006, 04:47 PM
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Agreed: using your mouth to inhale them will help, but... generally speaking, you get a better rush when you use your nose AND your mouth, hence the problem. However, when I've had the same issue with nose burns, I WILL use my mouth ONLY for a few days and this seems to do the trick.

Better yet, avoid poppers entirely for a while if you can, but I know this is not what you want to hear.

Oddly, Jungle Juice is the ONE brand that does NOT burn my nose until they get very, very, very old -- month or longer. Almost all other brands fuck with my skin -- and stink in general, too. If I HAVE to buy an off-brand, I will ONLY use it for a couple days, then ditch it.

There are several types of JJ, too. I use the original, the large size bottle, the same kind you can purchase from retailers linked to CFS. Use this kind if you are using a different one.

Avoid any poppers that list isopropyl as a binding agent. This shit burns horribly.

If you can manage it, and are in private places when you are having sex, see if you can keep a moist cloth nearby to wipe off your nose. Or at least a dry one. This isn't always practical, but if you can... go for it.

In a previous post on this topic from many months ago, some guys said they had success with the Vaseline such as you described. I personally disagreed with that, having tried it myself. The Vaseline seemed to TRAP popper residue and actually made it worse for me. So I guess it will be a case by case basis. Try it if you want, but... I didn't like that solution.

However, applying a thin layer of any sort of moisturizing cream after the fact will help healing. Just be SURE that your nose is clean and there is no residue from the poppers before you use the cream.

Two weeks healing time seems very long. Any health issues? Usually poppers burns heal for me in a day or two, max. But... if you keep using poppers while trying to heal, obviously this will lengthen the time it takes.

Good luck, dude.
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Old 16th May 2006, 08:44 AM
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Smile Thanks for the info

Scruffycub, I appreciate your advice -- it's nice to know someone else likes poppers as much as I do. My nose usually heals in two or three days -- I guess you misread my post. I'll try and ensure I get the good JJ next time. I'm going to Charleston in a couple of weeks and I want to make sure I have a supply of the good stuff!
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Old 16th May 2006, 03:31 PM
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Yeah, you're right: misread your post, sorry! Two to three days is pretty normal.

And, of course, I also forgot the most obvious thing of all -- if you can, keep a tissue, towel or rag handy and wipe off the rim of the bottle! Sometimes I notice that after being stored a few days, the rim tends to get sticky. Usually for me, wiping it off when opening the bottle the first time is enough.

If you ever have trouble finding the good JJ, just order it online from Picture Brite. Great prices, fast, discrete service -- they rock.

Have fun.
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Old 19th May 2006, 09:49 PM
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THANKS. You are very helpful. My nose is like hamburger jerky. I been using lip balms [ smells nice ] pre pop and never considered it may be making the burns WORSE. I will try healing up, keeping it fresh and wiping down the lips. You really think JJ the best ? I like the smaller bottles when I party for portability. I could decant the big square JJ bottle into my small brown neck thong'd bottle though ? THANKS CSS

PS. I find fresh warm piss in my face the best balm for popper nose.
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Old 20th May 2006, 03:25 AM
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Guess brand-name popper choice is a personal preference, buddy.

For me, JJ does the trick and so far... haven't found one other that I like better. From time to time I try out new ones to see.

Sure, I also frequently pour JJ into a smaller bottle for ease of portability. Though I do prefer using the large, square bottle if I can. The increased surface area of the liquid allows for better evaporation. But... small bottles work just fine and in fact, I always keep a few empties around for just this purpose.

JJ rarely burns my nose, unless I go seriously nuts with it for many nights in a row (lucky, lucky, lucky). When it does, usually it is very old and I've abused the shit.

An EXTREMELY light coating of Neosporin before bed is OK, but heaping on a lot of petroleum-based products can make it worse. Need air to heal properly. Using Vaseline WITH the poppers sort of allows it to adhere to the nasal area more easily.

It doesn't seem to be just me who likes the JJ. During my stay in NY, 90% of the guys who used my poppers always asked: "Dude! Where'd you get those? Good shit!"

Mail order from Picture Brite -- you won't be sorry. I've used them since long before they became a CFS sponsor. No affiliation here, just like to promote great businesses with great service.

Be cool.
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Old 20th May 2006, 12:21 PM
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I LOVE THE POPPERS because when I have a big fat cock all the way down my throat they make me DIG on what little gag reflex I have left.

SO I am going to try big square bottle Jungle Juice and keeping it in the fridge decanting it to single outing bottles. No greasing nose before pop. Wiping down the bottle top before woofing and my nose after. Maybe some neo sporran [ New celtic healing ointment.] or something on nose later.
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Old 22nd May 2006, 12:48 AM
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I find that I have no problem with fresh poppers but old ones give me a sore nose around the nostril inlamed and crusty - not attractive.

One I split old poppers up my nose and I got the nose plus a red sore above the lip THEN my cock got red and itchy and then all the skin came off my cock - I kid you not!

When the medics decided it was not Herpes they said it was an allergy and prescribed Corsodyl 10 mg one a day about Bt150 a box of 10. I think it helps. Now I buy the Thai generics, Loratadine is the chemical name, and this costs between 30 and 50 baht for 10.

I think I'll try that through the mouth but I suspect that it won't work as well. Surely some is absorbed through the nasal passages. Stuff does get absorbed quickly there. I have even heard of people snorting Vodka!
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Old 22nd May 2006, 07:36 AM
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Cocksuckerslut --

I liked your neo sporran joke ... wonder how many people got it, lad?

Anyway, I've found that a thing layer of bacitracin really helps heal "popper-nose".
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Old 23rd May 2006, 12:14 AM
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Sometimes bad spelling werks.
Got fresh JJ for my last outting and even though my nose was not completley healed it didn't get any worse and is almost fine now.

Had a great time at club Z the high point of w was the cute boy fucking my face while getting a big cock in his ass, I was able to play with both sets of balls and fucker mans ass.

Originally posted by Bayshore33611
Cocksuckerslut --

I liked your neo sporran joke ... wonder how many people got it, lad?

Anyway, I've found that a thing layer of bacitracin really helps heal "popper-nose".
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Old 23rd May 2006, 07:20 AM
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I have found that Jungle Juice Plus gets me high and keeps me harder longer. Jungle Juice Platinum is stronger and takes away the hard-on fairly quickly. As long as they are fresh though and I don't use them several days in a row, I dont have any nose problems. But if they get old.....terrible effect on nose and lips. Also, inhaling through the lips gives you a REAL rush too!!!

Does anyone get "cold-like" symptoms after using poppers too much or using old poppers? Sometimes if I hit them too much i get congested, stuff nose etc. Anyone else?

How long do I have to wiat to use viagra if I have used poppers? A few hours? few days? please advise.
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Old 23rd May 2006, 07:22 PM
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JJ Platinum is nowhere near as good as the "regular" JJ. Neither of them burn my nose, but the Platinum just doesn't have the same powerful kick to it. The store where I get my poppers when in NY only sells Platinum now -- it's better than the other crap that's out there, but... too expensive for not enough pop.

Yes, I get the runny nose and sore throat as well if I use too much poppers. Sniffles, sometimes coughing. Usually a day or two without poppers clears that up -- or just taking it easy on them, of course.

I also find that nasal spray is helpful for drying out excess mucous. Reduces inflamed nasal passages. BUT... you have to use caution with nasal sprays -- they can become addictive in that overuse can actually swell the nasal lining even more. Use very sparingly if you try it. Pure saline sprays are NOT addictive, but they are mostly for adding moisture to dry noses -- they don't do much to reduce congestion or dripping.

I take Claritin for seasonal allergies and find that it is also helpful for dripping, etc.

As for your Viagra question... go to Look it up, there should be plenty of info regarding how fast the drug is eliminated from your system.

Personally, I'd wait a solid 24 to 48 hours just to be on the safe side, though I'm sure Viagra's blood-pressure lowering properties are gone long before that. And do remember, Cialis and Levitra stay in the system much longer, so act accordingly.

A while back, I'm quite sure Dr. Danny gave a proper, medical response to this. Can't remember it, though!
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Old 24th May 2006, 09:11 AM
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You can safely use viagra or cialis immediatly (matter of minutes) after using poppers. Poppers don't linger in the system, they are eliminated very quickly. And it does take some time for the ED drugs to get into your system. THE OPPOSITE IS NOT TRUE. The ED drugs stay in the system anywhere from a few hours (Viagra) to several days (Cialis). So you MUST wait anywhere from 24 hours to 3 days before using poppers AFTER using an ED drug. Of course, everyone is different, and not everyone will die from using poppers after ED drugs. But do you want to take the chance?
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Old 24th May 2006, 03:33 PM
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Hey, Indy:

Thanks for clarifying that. Again, I misread another post!

Obviously, I was giving the info for using poppers after Viagra, not the other way around.
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