No, not THAT part.
My boyfriend is really, really (really) into getting his cock sucked. He can cum six times in a couple of hours, and he loves getting it sucked for a very long time. Okay, great, I'm having a good time too. It's been an interesting process from "I'm not really into that" to becoming an enthusiastic deep-throating cocksucker. At least with HIS cock. But -- I'm tired of the effect it's having on my body. He prefers to have me kneeling in front of him, but then things begin going numb. Recently, and much to my distress, body parts are taking awhile to come back to full feeling. My right thigh was numb for the better part of a week after one long session. This weekend was the worst -- I was wearing boots and kneepads. shifting position when I could, but when I got up I'd developed "drop foot" in my left foot. It happens when the nerve is compressed. Place your foot flat in the floor and tap it as if to a rousing square dance. See how easy that is? "Drop foot" means those muscles aren't working. The muscles are numb and two days later I'm still stumping around with my left foot thudding to the ground. I can't lift it to walk heel-toe, I keep tripping, and I really HATE knowing that I've once again hurt my body in the pursuit of sexual pleasure. I think this will recover, but damn it, if I've permanently crippled myself just to suck some cock, I'll be pissed off for the next twenty years. Is there some way I can kneel for long periods without compressing nerves? I'm sure this will heal, but this can't be a good thing to do to my body on a regular basis. Yeah, I know, I could also look for a different way of sucking cock, but that's going to mean looking for a different boyfriend. We do try different positions, but somehow I always end up back there. Damn it.
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