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Old 19th December 2006, 03:34 PM
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 45
Lymphocele on the penis

After a marathon masturbation session on a web cam with a way younger guy than me I noticed a knot just below the head and on one side of my penis.

It doesnet hurt, but hasnt gone away in a couple of days. It looks like an engorged blood vein and feels like a piece of cartilage.

What research I have done suggests it's a lymphocele and is harmless.

Why now? What can I do to prevent them again?

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Old 23rd December 2006, 10:00 AM
mine's double-wide
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The same thing happen to me. A marathon jack off session on cam, when I went to bed everything looked fine, the next morning my dick was as thick as my wrist and looked deformed. Mine cleared up in 24 hours but I'm still sore.

It's the first time it's happen to me and I have marathon jo sessions all the time. Will it happen again?
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Old 14th January 2007, 03:50 PM
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Maybe, maybe not, guys.

Sorry there isn't a better answer for you.

Can tell you two things:

1) This happens to a lot of guys, most infrequently, and generally doesn't pose a problem or return each and every time a dude jerks off a whole lot. If it keeps happening, you'll need to discuss it with a doc, or at least try to not jerk off for so long and see if that helps. If you are not using lubricant, by all means -- do so.

2) As I mentioned in another post, I have had some extremely long jerk-off sessions, albeit most without cumming, for "training" purposes. But I've not had this happen to me in a LONG, LONG time. When I was a teenager and jerking off four or five times a day, I noticed that same fluid retention, which always went away quickly and with no long-term effects.

I wouldn't worry much about it, but do keep tabs on things.
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Old 10th September 2007, 06:02 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 4
lymphocele? thrombosis?

What is with this hard, knotty vein along the top of my penis that splits off into both directions right at the corona under the glans? It feels like a piece of cartilage. It doesn't hurt but is a distraction. I've heard it called a lymphocele, a superficial vein blockage (thrombosis) or even penile Mondor's disease. I've read that they occur after prolonged erections and strenuous sex. Do ED drugs contribute to this condition? I've read that they self correct after days or several weeks. If not, it's surgically excised (ouch!). It's been 4 weeks and I'm getting impatient and I want to make sure that's what this is. I went to a urologist but, he was called away on an emergency and I had to reschedule. I would love to know what constitutes a urological emergency.
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