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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Sex Advice: Ask and Give Advice   need a queer eye for a queer guy

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Old 9th October 2007, 03:35 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 12
need a queer eye for a queer guy

I have lost 40 pounds (yeah for me) and need some fashion advise. My "look" has always been somewhat masculine, T-shirt, blue jeans, work boots, ball cap, goatee, etc. However, my clothes now drap on me. Since I have to buy new clothes anyway, What look do you look for in a guy in a cruising situation? On a 40+ year old man, is it still t-shirt or polo shirt ? blue jeans or khaki ? tennis shoes, boots, or flip flops? goatee or clean shaven?
I know this might sound trivial but we are judged by our looks, unfortunately. I want to dress "age appropriately" but still be neat and masculine.
Please help.
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Old 10th October 2007, 06:42 AM
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I mix things up with jeans, tees, polos, sport shirts, dress shirts, Hawaiian shirts...whatever happens to suit my mood and won't look out-of-place for where I'll be.

As for "age-appropriate" I would steer clear of anything that's emblazoned with the manufacturer's brand, such as Abercrombie & Fitch stuff. I think guys of any age who wear things with ostentatious labeling look like idiots. Ditto for anything tight-fitting, walking shorts higher than mid-thigh, Speedo minis, or those cheesy Crocs shoes.

Come up to DC sometime...I'd go shopping with ya.
I have a need for seed!
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