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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Sex Advice: Ask and Give Advice   Would you circumsize?

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Old 9th May 2010, 08:52 PM
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Originally Posted by pike View Post
Speaking solely from my experience this is incorrect. I have several 'hot spots' on my skin that I would miss very much if I were cut. As a young 'un I could make myself cum in seconds just by pulling on my foreskin.

It is interesting that in primitive societies circumcision seems to be more prevalent when polygamy is practiced. Perhaps it originated as a way to terrorize young men when they came into puberty to keep them from messing with the elders' wives.
In the primitive societies you spoke about, cleanliness wasn't a watchword and having it cut would prevent a host of problems that couldn't be taken care of. It's better to make it mandatory and be done with it than to try to deal with epidemics due to poor foreskin hygiene.

But in this day and age, IF your taught proper care, you should be fine. Even putting on a condom has to be done differently, but if done properly, then it's no problem. I wish that I hadn't been cut....
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Old 20th June 2010, 07:08 AM
Join Date: Oct 2004
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Uncut Cock

My parents were adament about me being raised with an intact foreskin. My older brother was mutilated when he was born without my parents permission. It makes no sense to mutilate innocent babies when they have no choice about losing a peice of their body given to them from God. Al the stories for penile mutilation are crap. I will take an uncut cock over a mutilated cock any day. Cut cocks are ugly, and the scars on most guys and dried out glans are gross. Nature intended the forskin for a good purpose, too bad so many of you guys have been mutilated.
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