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Old 7th December 2009, 02:04 AM
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Would you circumsize?

Given an increasingly larger number of established gay couples adopting children, infants or conceiving children via surrugate mothers, would you opt for circumsion or leave alone what mother nature dealt for the child? Why?
5'9", 160#, S&P brown hair/blue eyes, 7" cut, 52yo, HIV neg. Mostly top but can be versatile.
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Old 7th December 2009, 05:35 AM
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I am a firm believer in not messing with nature if there isn't a compelling reason to do so. I did not have my sons circumcised when they were born in the 1970s. It drove most of the pediatricians at the hospital bonkers. (The doctors were Jewish and it was a hospital in NYC so circumcision was pretty much automatic to them. One, though, was like "Right on, man!" and told me that it's shame so many boys lose their foreskin.)
I have a need for seed!
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Old 7th December 2009, 09:44 PM
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Yes, I would

There are substantial health benefits associated with circumcision, and it generally does not effect penile sensitivity. I quote one medical expert in the field, but there are many more supporting positions:

Morris BJ.
School of Medical Sciences and Bosch Institute, Building F13, The University of Sydney, Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia.

Circumcision of males represents a surgical "vaccine" against a wide variety of infections, adverse medical conditions and potentially fatal diseases over their lifetime, and also protects their sexual partners. In experienced hands, this common, inexpensive procedure is very safe, can be pain-free and can be performed at any age. The benefits vastly outweigh risks. The enormous public health benefits include protection from urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted HIV, HPV, syphilis and chancroid, penile and prostate cancer, phimosis, thrush, and inflammatory dermatoses. In women circumcision of the male partner provides substantial protection from cervical cancer and chlamydia. Circumcision has socio-sexual benefits and reduces sexual problems with age. It has no adverse effect on penile sensitivity, function, or sensation during sexual arousal. Most women prefer the circumcised penis for appearance, hygiene and sex. Given the convincing epidemiological evidence and biological support, routine circumcision should be highly recommended by all health professionals. BioEssays 29:1147-1158, 2007. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
PMID: 17935209 [PubMed - in process]
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Old 7th December 2009, 09:56 PM
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My personal experience

I quoted a medical opinion above, and I would like to bolster that with my personal experience.

I was cursed with an excess of foreskin which my Mother opted not to have removed for financial reasons. I seemed to be the only uncut male in our extended family (I was raised by my Grandmother along side five uncles), and in my school gym class. I was very aware of the difference, and the target of jokes. Raised without a father, I was never instructed in proper care and cleaning of the uncut penis, it is a chore. The excess skin made it more difficult to use condoms, and made the erection look smaller than it actually was. I had more than one girlfriend, and male lover too, freak out at the sight of a hooded erection.

I have serious concerns about possible STDs and penile cancer in my later life.

I personally have no problem with cut or uncut lovers, but would opt to have any son circumcised.
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Old 7th December 2009, 11:20 PM
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I was born and raised in Europe. Save for the Moslems and Jews no one around here is cut.

I have not noticed that any of the males I know (and I do know quite a few guys...) are suffering from any neg consequneces of being uncut.

None of my Asian friends are cut either, and unless they are Moslems, most Asians (we are talking hundreds of millions of males here!) are just as uncut as are those couple of hundred million European males, too. And by the limitless grace of God, we do survive, have sex, make Mercedes, BMW, and Porsche cars and enjoy our lives, too, all in our uncut state of dick!

I have little doubt that there are certain medical advantages to being cut, as the medical establishment poised to make some income out of the procedure will never tire of telling us.

I also have very little doubt that quite a few men do not like being cut at all. Some are complaining that the their sensivity has been reduced; the others are concerned with the aesthetics of it all, etc...

Circumcision is first and foremost an ancient custom strongly linked with the notions of religious identity. Since I do not belong to any such religious community, I see no reason to "cut" on anything!

Most Europeans by far, do not see any issue with being cut or not! One way or the other, either you have a good, hard dick or you don't. Since by far, most are uncut, I'd go with the flow here!

And last but not least: I would not want to make such a decision for anyone else, including my son(s)!

Restorative surgery is rather complicated, expensive and possibly even hazardous. Circumcision on the other hand, is much simpler, far less dangerous and far less expensive! If a guy chooses to have his hood cut, once he reaches the legal age, he can still be easily circumcised. Sure, there is more pain and discomfort involved but if a guy wants it, he'll man up to it and do it!

This is a much lesser evil than going thru the restorative surgery, isn't it?

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Old 12th December 2009, 10:41 AM
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No loss of sensation from circumcision?

Speaking solely from my experience this is incorrect. I have several 'hot spots' on my skin that I would miss very much if I were cut. As a young 'un I could make myself cum in seconds just by pulling on my foreskin.

It is interesting that in primitive societies circumcision seems to be more prevalent when polygamy is practiced. Perhaps it originated as a way to terrorize young men when they came into puberty to keep them from messing with the elders' wives.
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Old 13th December 2009, 02:42 AM
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Grumpybear I'd like one thing for this community

I'd like grumpybear to disclose a proper shower/cleaning technique for those who are not circumsised. We do not know how many young adults are subscribing or viewing this site. Take this request as a PSA request.

Guy's that a Public Service Access request and not the prostrate test.
5'9", 160#, S&P brown hair/blue eyes, 7" cut, 52yo, HIV neg. Mostly top but can be versatile.
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Old 13th December 2009, 10:01 PM
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Proper care of the uncircumcised penis

First, I am not a medical doctor, and offer the following based only on my personal experience and research. If you have a specific problem, ask your doctor on a routine visit. He will be happy to advise you. Parents should always allow children, male or female, privacy to ask their doctor questions, especially once they reach puberty.

Secondly, each of our bodies develop differently. Take the clues your body gives you.

The foreskin is an integral part of the penis. In newborns and young children, the foreskin is more firmly attached to the head of the penis. While foreskin seperation can occur in the womb development (rare), it will normally occur anytime between age 3 and 18. IMO if foreskin seperation has not occurred by age 15, a doctor's opinion should be obtained. Before seperation, normal washing of the groin will be sufficent. NEVER FORCE THE FORESKIN TO RETRACT BEFORE IT IS READY TOO! This may result in serious injury including scarring that may adhere the foreskin to the penis head. Most doctors also recommend that you do not use soap or alcohol to clean under the foreskin before natural seperation occurs.

Seperation will occur as the cells lining the inside of the foreskin and the head of the penis gradually shed off producing smegma. Boys also learn that pulling on your penis will produce enjoyable sensations. This will also lead to gradual seperation.

Once the foreskin can retract in comfort is when cleaning becomes important, especially in males with an abundance of foreskin. The accumulation of smegma and stale urine under the head of the penile head can lead to offensive odors and infection. I learned at an early age to skin my penis back when urinating to prevent excess dribbles and urine burn on the sensitive skin. Imagine a young man with his first chance for sex, male or female. He pulls out his penis and his partner is met with the smell of stale piss and sour smegma, and the telltale underwear stains of dribble. No love for you!

Skin the foreskin back, and simple soap and water around the head and at the base of the head where the foreskin attaches is enough. Rinse completely. You don't want to wash your partner's mouth out with soap either.

Now a word about "ballooning". With an excess of foreskin which seperated at an early age, I could actually pinch the end of the skin shut and piss till the skin swelled like a balloon. Release and the fluid bursts out, a childish distraction but I was a child. When I got older, I realized I could jerk off till I was ready to climax. Then I could pull the skin up over the erection and pinch it off as I nutted into the foreskin sac. A quick trot to the bathroom, and I could dump the load in the john without messing my sheets. The first time another guy jerked me off and let it fly, it was ten times more intense. I never pinched it off again after that.

Summary: until the foreskin retracts naturally, simple external cleaning is all that is needed. Afterwards, just skin it back and clean with soap and water and rinse clean during your bath or shower. If the foreskin does not retract once the youngster goes through puberty or if an erection causes uncomfortable stretching of the foreskin, consult your doctor. Treat your penis with care and respect, and he will give you years of enjoyment and fun.
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Old 14th December 2009, 07:46 AM
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Well Done!
5'9", 160#, S&P brown hair/blue eyes, 7" cut, 52yo, HIV neg. Mostly top but can be versatile.
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Old 21st December 2009, 10:33 AM
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re: loss of sensation

See maxximus1973's post on Caverject in the Getting & Staying Hard group, posted on 19 December 2009.
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Old 27th December 2009, 08:09 PM
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That's the ticket and the way your dick was meant to be cleaned, IMO. I never had any troubles with odors or surficial infections until I started pulling my skin back to pee. I took me a while to realize that I should go back to doing that and once I did those problems went away.

My father was cut while I was uncut so I never had any instructions about how to care for myself. KewlDude, how about if you pass along what kind of self care practices are taught in the lands where the foreskin rules?
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Old 27th December 2009, 08:22 PM
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The health value of circumcision

See here for an analysis of why what works in Africa may not be the best policy for the developed world.

Also, see comment #9 for an opinion on whether an intact foreskin protects you better than circumcision, from both AIDS and other STIs.
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Old 1st January 2010, 08:49 AM
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Happy Feast of the Circumcision everybody!
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Old 1st January 2010, 09:18 AM
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There is no 100% protection against HIV. Any and all procedures that give a little advantage should be employed ALONG WITH A CONSTANT PROPER USE OF CONDOMS!!! I do not advocate circumcision as the cure all.

As for the comments in the links on the "barbaric" mutiliation of non-consenting infants, get over it. Parents make decisions on a daily basis as to the future of their offspring. Should we delay dental work until the child is of legal age, he may prefer crooked teeth over the pain and discomfort of braces. Education and religious instruction (including moral values) fostered on a child by parents may not be the same views of the grown child. A child can not grown up in a vacum. Parents are responsible for the decisions necessary to raise the infant/child in their standards until the child can make his own choices.
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Old 2nd January 2010, 08:38 AM
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It should be obvious but...

There are diverse, even contradictory, opinions on the internet and I do not endorse all of them, even if some of them happen to appear on links I provide.
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