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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Sex Advice: Ask and Give Advice   Smart Phone Gay Sex Apps

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Old 25th November 2018, 12:25 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
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Originally Posted by TrailBlazer72 View Post
Now, on an android phone at least, you cas easily Un-Install the apps when you're done using them for the time being. Then re-install it and log back in when you have the chance. I have a problem with someone looking at my phone so I've adapted to hide better.

You can also uninstall them on the iPhone - however they will remain in your install history.

What I wish was there was some way to change the icon for an app - so you could download one and hide it as "Weather" or something nondescript so if someone looks at your phone they don't know what it is.

Originally Posted by TrailBlazer72 View Post
I worked in a sex shop for years up until 2016. Each holiday brought a certain set of travelers, like Thanksgiving or Christmas. Each year the groups of guys and regulars got smaller. Guys using the apps meet somewhere else for free. There are no clubs or gay bars here so I've determined the apps as being the cause of the lower attendance. most of the cruising spots are forgotten as well.
There are a few adult book stores still around - I always thought it would be fun to work in one - see all the guys cruising - maybe make some friends - however I know a guy that did work in one for a brief time and he said that mopping the booths at the end of the day was disgusting! LOL
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Old 26th November 2018, 07:33 PM
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You got that right! Bet I can "top" that though...the drunk boys would come in and piss and shit in the booth, yea had to clean all that up, too!

I will never Unsee the friggin 9 inch cucumber some guy left on the stool. I can just imagine that hilarious look this guy had buying groceries and making sure he got his cucumber LOL.
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Old 4th December 2018, 11:01 AM
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Originally Posted by TrailBlazer72 View Post
I will never Unsee the friggin 9 inch cucumber some guy left on the stool. I can just imagine that hilarious look this guy had buying groceries and making sure he got his cucumber LOL.

Thanks a lot - with one post you have managed to ruin vegetables and anal sex for me!
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Old 19th November 2019, 11:37 AM
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"squirt and especially adam have proximity details down to 100ft!"
yeah good example how it doesn't work for a pc. I chatted with a couple who were in the 100ft range. (This would mean they were in my yard or in front of my house!) They were always several miles away. (5 and as much as 20 road miles)
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Old 21st November 2019, 11:09 AM
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Originally Posted by Lupine56 View Post
"squirt and especially adam have proximity details down to 100ft!"
yeah good example how it doesn't work for a pc. I chatted with a couple who were in the 100ft range. (This would mean they were in my yard or in front of my house!) They were always several miles away. (5 and as much as 20 road miles)
On Squirt I have done a search "within 5 miles" and had people in other states show up! I assume the search is done by zip code - either lots of people enter their zip code wrong or they have major issues with their search engine.
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Old 21st November 2019, 03:04 PM
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Bob S: Administrator / Manager / Editor
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Part of what happens is that unless a PC **asks** for your location it will probably do a lookup to cross-reference in IP Address in a database table with IP Addresses and latitude/longitude pairs (which specify the location). These are often inexact, sometimes a few miles off, sometimes many miles off.

For me in the Houston area they might place me within one to five miles, but several times they placed me in Kansas or even New Jersey! I think those were cases where probably my IP Address wasn't in their table, so it pulled up a default address. The Kansas one was close to the middle of the Lower 48, so there was a sort of twisted logic.

This is also why in the CFS Sex Listings the page asks for permission to access your location. That lets your computer or mobile device tell us where you are so that the Quick Search can try to find places near you.
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