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Old 24th December 2004, 02:04 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
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- - - NastyStallion's Guide to Maximum Anus Stretching - - -
1. I originally wrote this in a thread helping a member to accomodate larger sizes in his anus or booty however you want to say it. Anyways, I don't know if anyone has seen that thread, so I decided to put it here also in order for others to see it also. I hope you all enjoy it and find it of help.

Personally, I feel like the king of anal stretching... at least, I would
think! Reason being is because I can accomodate a full grown ***** dick in my ass with ease. Well... let's just say I managed to take rather humongous objects anally in no time flat once I first started. The trick is to relax and understand the difference between pain and a stretch. As for the butt plug, I have used many of them and never damaged anything, even when I went well beyond what should have been my limits. I got over excited at that huge thing in my ass and couldn't help but take it deeper and further.

As for the guidance:
Go to and run a search for Triple Ripple Butt Plug and examine the medium and large versions, NEVER SMALL because it is a waste of time and you will take it rather easily. The reason I mention this site is because there you can get both for less than 20 where as in anywhere else you would pay more than 20 for each one.

The reason to get the Triple Ripple Butt Plug is because it is parted in 3
sections and each section gradually increases in size to accomodate your
previous stretches via the plug itself.

Anyways, once you have it, the FIRST thing you need to know is use LOTS LOTS LOTS of lube. If possible, bend over and put some sort of tube or squirting object in your asshole and ****** lots of lube inside, and also lube up the anus very nicely as well as the toy itself. The second thing is to remember to RELAX as much as possible. Once you've done that, start with the medium butt plug and slowly sit on it for it to start expanding your anus. Just go a bit at a time until you feel a nice stretch. Once you feel the stretch insert the plug as far as you possibly can and once you can go no further, no matter what DON'T GET OFF OF IT. Just relax on it and let your anus grow accustom to accomodating the large size of the butt plug and after you feel it relaxing and opening some more, ease on down a little more. Every now and then come off of the butt plug up to the tip still being in your anus and go back down on it to simulate an in & out penetration movement. After you can relax the whole time you do that, you can start coming completely off of the plug and going back onto it. NOTE: This will cause a very intense sensation that will make you go faster and faster and want to take it deeper and deeper. Do so!!! As you do, you will notice a bit more stretching as you take it deeper and you will also notice that you are taking more and more of it much easier as your booty is getting accustomed.

Once you do this a good bit, you will notice that you have 1 or 2 sections
fully inserted. Make your anus clamp and tighten on the plug as you come off of the plug a bit to make your anus be taking maximum width of the largest part you managed to take so far, and KEEP IT TIGHTENED on that spot as much as possible. This will set your anus to a sorta of freeze gape which will make it hold itself open for a good bit after you come off the plug until you tighten it again, in which it will still be a little loose for a few minutes to a few hours!!! (NO this is not permanent, and NO nothing will fall out, stop believing myths, I do this ALL THE TIME.)

After you relax the grip you are struggling to hold, you will notice you can
take MUCH more of the plug and you will be too tired (in the booty area from holding the grip so long) to tighten it as well as before. This is a VERY GOOD thing. This will allow you to take it much deeper, and gradually you can take the full plug.

I started off with the Triple Ripple Butt Plug Large and managed to take it
comepletely within 30 minutes with no harm, and the sensation is the greatest of anything I've ever experienced anally so far.

PLEASE PLEASE, if you are going to follow my guide and get these toys, or even if you have found my guide helpful email me at NO EMAIL ALLOWED IN POST/and let me know so. I would love to help guide you in stretching your anus if you need help, or more personal assistance.
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Old 26th December 2004, 12:20 AM
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Taking more in the ass

I do not btm that much but oddly when I do I go whole hog and do tend to search out the monster-monster-monster cocks (monster truck reference).

A friend who fucks me now and again told me to try some of this stuff he had for a non-sex related injury. It is a vaselinish paste which has the same content as the pills heart patients put under their tounge, nitro glycerine. He tells me it is a great smooth muscle relaxer and is not dangerous if you use just a small amout. Since I was dying to get laid that day I tried it and I am not dead but I am skeptical (nitro? exploding ass!).

It was quite sexy, since it almost felt like poppers since I got a head rush (he says it hits the blood stream fast) and did allow him in and to fuck me smoother (less OH, OW, OH, OW from me). Then again it is a thick paste like frozen vaseline or something so maybe I was just well lubed and horny as fuck (yes).

Any medical types want to comment here? My ass did feel funny after and was loose like a muscle relaxer was in effect (as he said) and I did love the fuck. I am just concerned about things with medication in them...

Any commentary? It was a hell of a lube but not enough to touch off an aneurism...
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Old 26th December 2004, 03:12 AM
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Well... I've never tried any sort of aids in the form of pills nor poppers, so I really can't comment on that. But if your looking for a thick lube that works rather well for things like fisting and aren't too sure what to use, then Crisco (the cooking Crisco) seems to be the preference of many fisters I've spoken with.
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Old 28th December 2004, 03:34 AM
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Not to go off on an un anus-stretching related tangent, but I always thought things like Crisco and Vaseline can throw off the biological makeup of one's ass or the "rectal eco-system", if you will (YES, I am aware of how incredibly silly that sounds).
Still, this is what I always read.
Doctor-shouldn't people being using lubes specifically made for sex?

I know vaseline shouldn't be used for sex as it can damage a condom. But what about for dildo butt play, fingering etc.?
Cute 20 something country farm boy wanting to escape the watchful overbearing restrictive eyes of his christian parents and have sloppy naked sinful fun with you in the splendors of God's nature ...and/or in a mensroom
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Old 28th December 2004, 09:55 AM
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I do agree. I'd stick to basic lubes over anything that's not meant for it. Probably would be a good idea to get some of that lube they use in hospitals too. If they use it that worldwide, it can't go wrong... I'd guess anyways.
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Old 28th December 2004, 10:53 AM
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It would probably be a very good idea to refrain from using topical nitroglycerin cream as a sexual lubricant.

While odds are good that an otherwise healthy individual would escape any serious complications from doing this, it is best not to take chances. Nitro is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream in whatever form it is prescribed. This fast response is essential to the treatment of the specific symptoms -- usually angina.

The thing is, anal absorption of medications can be risky. A measured, prescribed dose of nitro for a person who needs it is not without its own accepted and expected risks and side-effects. But squeezing out a glob of this stuff and rubbing it into your sphincter by repeated sexual thrusting -- and probably using much greater amounts that would be prescribed for an actual patient... well... it doesn't take a genius to figure out the inherent dangers of such a thing.

Mixed with Viagra or poppers or worse -- both... this could lead to potentially very nasty results.

As for other, non-sexual lubricants -- yes, they can disrupt the normal intestinal bacteria flora, but in most situations this isn't going to be anything so serious as to cause major problems. Lots of fisters use Crisco with no ill effects. It would, I presume, be a bitch to clean up. Yet barring any pre-existing conditions or propensity toward infection in an individual with a healthy immune system -- it's probably nothing that requires a dire warning.

That being said, for all intents and purposes, I see no reason why we cannot stick to sexual lubes which are made specifically for sexual activity. Other stuff is fun and MOST of it is harmless, albeit sometimes sloppy. But there are tons of different lubes out there. Elbow Grease is a pretty good alternative to Crisco for most folks, though serious fisters have mentioned that they would never use anything BUT Crisco. Water soluble lubes are, of course, easiest to clean, though they have their own drawbacks such as faster drying time.

Just please purchase TWO cans of Crisco if you are going to use it -- one for the bedroom which will STAY in the bedroom, and one for the kitchen which will STAY in the kitchen. Pubic hairs found in your pie crust can be a serious breach of etiquette at a dinner party...

And I'm not the resident doc nor even a "medical type." But the general info here is sound, I believe.

Here's a link to some basic, non-sexual info about topical nitro:

Anus Maximus -- wasn't he a gladiator? I think I saw a Discovery Channel show about him. Or maybe I'm mistaken...
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Old 30th December 2004, 06:14 AM
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point well stated. I didn't know that about the nitro, etc. being in medical lube. Good thing I did say I would guess, as I've never used it,

As for anus maximus, lol, I never heard of him or was that a joke?
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Old 30th December 2004, 12:33 PM
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Yes, my friend; it was a joke.

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Old 1st August 2021, 05:01 AM
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You can't "stretch" if you don't get penetrated, so what I do is this: First, you have to be clean inside. I mean SQUEAKY CLEAN! I have a bowel movement, then I flush myself out repeatedly with enemas until I am clean. Then, I use vaseline as a lubricant. It doesn't take a lot, and it doesn't dry out. It is actually very soothing, so it will keep you from getting raw. My next step is to use a dildo that I know will penetrate. Fuck your ass for a while with this dildo, then lube up a bigger one. Once you feel loosened up with that one, move on to a bigger one, or use a butt plug that is fairly thick. Dildoes that get progressively larger as you insert them are good for stretching. Finally, move on to the biggest dildo that you are wanting to take.

I can't say enough how important it is that you must keep the dildoes in motion. Don't insert them and not move them. For me, the fucking motion not only relaxes my ass, but it takes my mind off the temporary discomfort. And lastly, once you have done this a few times, your ass will open up automatically when you insert a big dildo. No, your ass isn't "permanently stretched," but it will remember the bigger dildo, and it will let you use it without going through the stretching process again. Right now, I can take an 18" long dildo that is 3" inches in diameter. That is bigger than a soda can! Of course, you can't do anything about length because you can only slide in as much as your body will allow, but the thickness can be increased through stretching.
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Old 1st August 2021, 07:46 AM
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I enjoy a fist, if it isn't huge, popping in and out of my ass. I accomplish this while smoking weed and sniffing poppers.
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Old 2nd August 2021, 03:18 AM
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Haven't had a fist before, although, I have been with Asian women, and their hands are small. One had three fingers in my ass, and I could barely tell she was in there. I am sure her whole fist would have penetrated me no problem.
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