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Message Board > Our Archives > Sexual Politics   What is scat?

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Old 19th December 2000, 02:48 PM
Posts: n/a

I have a question for toeman (or anyone else out there who is into scat). What do you actually do with shit and how do you incorporate it into sex?
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Old 19th December 2000, 03:42 PM
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Well, as I see it, "different strokes for different folks". I'm not into scat either, but if you wanna do it in the privacy of your home, that's OK by me. Incidentally, you may be surprised how many so called "str8" people are into it.
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Old 19th December 2000, 03:51 PM
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The best part about SCAT is the smell. I love seeing the shit come out of the hole and then getting a whiff of the freshly manufactured feces. It's a turn on because it's dirty and forbidden. I'll lube up my dick with it and fuck the guy. Or, I'll just rub it all over both of us. Some guys like to eat it. I don't. I do get off seeing another guy eat my shit.

[This message has been edited by toeman (edited December 20, 2000).]
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Old 20th December 2000, 10:32 AM
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OK, I'm going to puke.
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Old 20th December 2000, 01:13 PM
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I had a girlfriend who loved to be fisted and shit all over herself while I fisted her and fucked her ass. We would rub the shit all over her body while I pounded her hole. It was pretty sick, but I think that's what turned us on so much - the thrill of going completely over the top. She also like having me piss inside her pussy and ass. So, yes, there are heteros who also love scat/w/s

FYI - with reference to some of the comments made earlier, "open-minded and acepting" means not being critical of other peoples choices. Be nice . . . I'm sure you wouldn't like it if people told you your sexual preferences made them sick.
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Old 20th December 2000, 07:22 PM
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Ya, well here's some advice for ya. If you can't handle people's oposing opinions of you, don't share info. You see, not everybody has to make you feel warm and fuzzy about what you do, especially when it involves having sex using shit and pissing in your girl's pussy. I think that we live in a time when everybody thinks that it is incumbent upon the rest of the world to not hurt our feelings about certain things. Toughen up! I can have my opinion too. Besides, if you were really secure about your twisted sex play, you wouldn't really care what anybody else thought anyway. PC is for the birds. I'm not trying to hurt anybody, I'm just sharing. If the rest of our gay/bi community really understood this, we could spend less energy holding useless rallys and spend more energy advancing our agenda in a way that didn't make the rest of the world so leary of us.

Am I right or am I right?
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Old 20th December 2000, 08:04 PM
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I just think it's funy that you claim to be open-minded, yet you are openly hostile to things you personally don't care for. That's not really open-minded - it's narrow-minded and judgemental.

You are welcome to be and act as you choose, as am I. But please don't preach self-righteously about it and then act in a manner flatly contrary to your stated position - you just look silly. Moreover, being "anti-pc" shouldn't be an excuse for being an asshole - that just undermines an otherwise legitimate political and philosophical position.
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Old 21st December 2000, 12:39 PM
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ya ya ya, sorry your FEELINGS got hurt. Take some tissue and go cry in the corner. Maybe there will be some feces you can play with there. By your logic, if someone got a rise out of hurting others and rapeing, we ought to all just suspend judgement and just let them have their kicks. I mean, who are we to feel ill about the way he gets his jollies?

And since we're being so analytical here, doesn't it say something about one's self esteem and regard for others that one likes to play with caca?

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Old 21st December 2000, 01:40 PM
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I think you mis-understand me. My feeling aren't hurt at all. I fully recognize the fact that few people appreciate or can even accept the perversions I enjoy.

You are obviously trying to shift the discussion away from the point I was trying to make, i.e., that you are a hypocrite. I don't take issue with your right to criticize the likes and dislikes of others. I merely take issue with your assertion that you are "open-minded and accepting." Clearly, you are not. It's a shame, because you actually make some very interesting points about de-construction and moral relativity - issues of serious import and subject of considerable dialogue not just in these circles but in our society in general. The sad consequence of your hypocisy, however, is that the validity of your arguments is diminished and your own ignorance and stupidity are put in stark relief.

It is true that moral and ethical lines may and should be drawn. The point raised by moral relativists, however, is that those lines should be drawn with great care to reflect a broad consensus. Thus, killing and rape are generally illegal, because it is universally recognized that these acts infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others to their great detriment. (Even these rules are not absolute, e.g., self-defense is a perfectly legal form of killing).

The danger of being so vigorously hostile to ideas you personally dislike versus those universally recognized as distasteful is that those holding those ideas risk being marginalized. For example, you write a little book about how rotten the Jews are and the next thing you know, you've got the 3rd Reich. I know it's a "slippery slope" argument and we "free Americans" never seem to fear the erosion of our rights, but it's important to recognize that the reason our rights have remained sacrosanct is because the "pc" types, like the ACLU, have been extremely vigilant.

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Old 21st December 2000, 01:44 PM
Posts: n/a

This discussion is not productive. It's just argumentitive. This subject is closed.
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