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Message Board > Our Archives > Sexual Politics   Former Deputy In Court This Week...

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Old 23rd October 2000, 01:07 AM
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Former Deputy In Court This Week...

The former deputy sheriff busted at the I-85 rest stop in Concord, NC, will have his first appearance in court Wednesday, October 25th. The Salisbury Post newspaper printed the names, addresses and occupations of some other men also arrested during the sting. One man, age 30, worked as a cook at a children's home and another drove big rigs for a trucking company. Wasted reputations and unnecessary money for an operation which could have served a more effective and useful purpose somewhere else, like out on the streets trapping the REAL criminals....

[This message has been edited by blackguy469 (edited October 23, 2000).]
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Old 24th October 2000, 10:59 AM
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Over the last year or so I have submitted comments similar to those of 'blackguy469' concerning the idiocy of sex-police entrapment. In my mind it is basically an easy way for the cops to do their job in the eyes of the public - sure is easier to chase after unarmed and easily intimidated guys - many of whom are married - than it is to go after the real criminals in the streets, child abuse and to deal with sometimes dangerous domestic dispute situations. A very interesting comparison blackguy469 is to check the 'Heads Up' section of C.F.S. You will notice that there are never any warnings for countries such as Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Sweden, Germany, France and Spain where there is obviously a much more enlightened approach to adult sexuality than in the U.S., Canada and Great Britain. The gay communities in these latter countries should get together and, with modest contributions from each member, a special-defence fund of several millions could be raised. This money could then be used to employ the very best defence lawyers in the event of cop-harassment and arrest to get any such cases thrown out of court and make the sex-police look like the fools they really are. Just recently Toronto, Canada male sex-cops raided an all female bathhouse event on the very flimsy claim that they were investigating liquor law violations. This kind of nonsense has got to be challenged and stopped if we are to have any 'respect' at all for those who call themselves 'protectors and defenders'!
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Old 26th October 2000, 02:26 AM
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I agree, on one hand even in Canada, certain laws have been passed protecting the rights, and supposedly a tolerance of gays, but in practice I see none of it happening. All too often the fundamentalists are gaining footholds....I suspect some authorities have an agenda when they disagree with acts passed by a legislative assembly or municipal council. A defence fund is definitely in order...but is it their point that sex should be kept in the bedroom instead of the parks, baths, clubs etc. New York had its Stonewall, San Francisco had its Castro....but the protests that encompass the G20, World Trade this the kind of street violence that must prevail to protect what gays have argued and battled for in the past...sorry, I ramble on but it really disturbs me where life is going.
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Old 27th October 2000, 05:26 PM
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The general public would soon sit up and take notice if they knew how many tax dollars were spent on stupid sex entrapments. If those figures were published - and compared to cash spent on neighbourhood policing - certain politicians and legislators would have their flabby asses kicked off the field.
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Old 28th October 2000, 12:19 AM
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The biggest sympathetic point to be made to the public is the "Lack" of enforcment due to
the lack of funds resulting from expensive decoyish entrappment, It costs taxpayers far more money to hire three people to set up a sting , wire themselves up, and dangle meat in front of a hungry lion [us] that otherwise might not have set out to break the law to begin with. Instead they can do what Massachusetts ,Connecticut Nevada and other states are now practicing, Law exposure,
Lued prevention, You see law enforcment is not trying to stop us from having sex at all, as a matter of fact their going out of their way to allow it to continue, By setting undercover traps they accomplish anonynimity
, the [in this scenaro] fictishous gay guy
out of embarrasment is not going to tell his friends he's busted, he's not going to fight it in court, [cops lie to the arrested all the time and tell them "no contesting gilty plea" will lower their sentence] IT DOESN'T !! Now tommorrow comes and your in more shame, your friend whent out to the same place and got busted, are you seeing the
real hoax here guys? No-one knows the sting is happening soon enough to aviod getting lured in by a cop breaking the law himself,
It's against the law for all of us to fondle INCLUDING COPS. Now take one of the 3 decoys, send him in to the park in a marked cruzer makeing rounds every fifteen minutes, and watch us dissapear !! If they didn't want us in the parks thats what they would do.
But satisfying their egos by entrapping us is a form of entertainment and a diversion
from dangerous duties. The only way the ACLU could possably win the entrapment woes is to preseant the argument in a "Tax dollar waisting" ego entertaining, and law breaking activety tone on the cops behalf.
We can't win with the "right to screw in public aproach" and personally I don't think we should be able to. After all I wouldn't want to be no-volitionally forced to watch two un atractive people have sex in a way that disgusts me. So it's not about the right of freedom of sexuall expression, it's about the bogus right of cops being able to break the law with lude conduct to atract lude conduct that otherwise wouldn't happen.
And the right of tax payers to demand our money is being well spent and not waisted on an homophobic bible bashing egotisticle form of entertainment. And last but not least,
There NOT TRYING TO ENFORCE PUBLIC DECENCY LAWS BY BEING VISIBLE , AND THATS WHAT WE'RE PAYING THEM TO DO. They deliberatly stay out of site for long periods of time in hopes we will return.
Now for my sting the stinger posting Stay tuned,
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Old 2nd November 2000, 03:02 AM
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Is it my imagination, or has this which hunt become more intense since our friend Jean is the gov?
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Old 2nd November 2000, 03:11 AM
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sorry guys it is early witch!
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Old 5th November 2000, 07:31 AM
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just a quick note...
while I agree that mooney is better spent on dangerous criminals...

look up entrapment...
it is when a cop gets you to do something you would not ordinarily do...
so when you grab the cop's crotch in public... you are not being entrapped, you are there for jsut that purpose to get some cock... this is not something you would not ordinarily do...
the flip side is if the cop offered you $50,000 to run some cocaine over to the next state... this is probably not something you would ordinarily do... but the money was too hard to resist... this is entrapment

the sex stuff... NO you are already there for sex aren't you?
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Old 5th November 2000, 07:43 AM
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"the sex stuff... NO you are already there for sex aren't you?"

So what?

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Old 5th November 2000, 09:50 AM
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We've discussed the issue of entrapment before. We've covered this issue from several perspectives. Generally speaking, entrapment is not the issue when the person commits the crime of sodomy (oral or anal) if they have a predisposition to commit the crime of sodomy. I need to emphasize here that being gay or bisexual is not a crime. What does predisposition really mean? Typically, a predisposition to commit a crime means there must be a pre-existing pattern of criminal behavior or criminal actions. When a person(s) is/are observed by a law enforcement officer in a compromising position, such as engaged in either oral or anal sex (sodomy), there is no issue of police entrapment because what is observed is criminal behavior itself. Oral or anal sodomy is behavior. It is mutual or consensual behavior. Mutual or consensual behavior is a consequence of predisposition. But, what if the other person is a cop? Isn't that entrapment. If law enforcement uses force, intimidation, or coersion to effect a behavior in a person who has no predisposition to commit a criminal act, it is entrapment. Undercover cops or law enforcement sting operations target men at known cruise locations where criminal activity is known to have taken place. Men actively engaged in oral or anal sodomy break the law by virtue of their own actions because they are predisposed to engaging in that behavior which is criminal. When you're busted for actively engaging in oral or anal sex, there is no entrapment because predisposition towards that criminal activity is not at issue. Entrapment goes to the issue of predisposition, not to the specific criminal action itself. Again, I want to emphasize, being gay or bisexual is not a crime. Sodomy, be it oral or anal, is a specific crime in many states. In the state of Florida, for example, oral or anal sodomy is a misdemeanor crime regardless of sexual orientation. Do I believe sodomy laws should be rescinded? Yes. Do I think there is a public interest to control human sexual behavior out in the public? Yes. Do I believe law enforcement selectively uses sodomy laws against gays and bisexuals? Yes.
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Old 5th November 2000, 08:47 PM
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Why, SunnDogg, I am impressed! THERE IS SOMETHING WE ALL AGREE ON: Law enforcement is selectively using sodomy statues to unfairly target men like us! Man, you have taken my breath away, this is better than a heart attack!
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Old 12th March 2001, 01:40 AM
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Hey, everyone, here's the outcome of what happened to that deputy who was arrested at a rest area sting about 25 miles north of Charlotte, N.C. I'm sorry that it took so long to follow up on this...and it's really sad...especially when we have to consider the stigma and tarnished reputation that this man will have to live with for the rest of his life! And yes, he was married too! You'll find the final story at:
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