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Old 6th August 2005, 06:22 AM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 10

Sorry for the mispelling on the previous thread. Has anyone living in Thailand ordered porn videos from DTG? If so, how do you order and were there any problems? Do I have to worry about the Thai Police?
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Old 6th August 2005, 02:14 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 68

Send an e-mail to listing the CDs you require. Mention that you wish to pay by way of Bangkok Bank. You will receive a prompt reply in Thai giving you the cost (as on the web-site) together with an account name and number. Make the payment at any branch of Bangkok Bank and e-mail him with the receipt number. Delivery has always been very fast by EMS.

I cannot help with your last question.

I haven't ordered anything for about a year because, having seen DVDs, the VCDs are not great AND now that he seems to imprint '' on every frame, the quality is even worse.

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Old 7th August 2005, 07:14 AM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 1
I always order from them

Hey there , I always order cd from DTG
My last order was last month
and i did it for almost 2 yrs , no problem at all

Just pick your favorite and send them the number thru the form or an email (It's up to you to choose the bank to make a payment)
Payment detail will come to you shortly
but if you using hotmail , u need to check in junk mail box also since their email may go to that one.

After payment , send them an email with the detail of your payment. After their checking process (should be only a day after reading your email) , They will send cds to you by EMS. Normally 2 days after checking process if you live in BKK. 3 if you live outside BKK (depending on Thailand POST).

About the last question , i cannot help you but the cd they sending you has no cover at all , only CD and the number of that movie on little piece of paper, so i guess thai police dun know what is it.

But All info they sent me was in Thai , i dun know if they have an english version (in case you cannot read Thai) So find someone who can help you on that

Hope this can help you. Enjoy!!!
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Old 8th August 2005, 07:38 AM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 210

I have ordered from DTG four times with no problems in the past year. But about 2 or 3 months ago I placed an order and received no reply. I waited nearly a week and sent the the order again. And again...nothing. The third time I sent the same order I received a reply, written in Thai, that said the service was only for Thais living in Thailand! I wrote back, explaining that I live in Thailand and had ordered from them before. Why couldn't they send me VCDs? Didn't they want more business? No reply since then. Has anybody else ordered from them recently? Don't sure what weirdness is going on over there.
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Old 9th August 2005, 05:58 AM
Gany's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 93

I buy regularly with DTG. No problems so far. I've been shopping with them for a few years now. You don't have to worry about the brown clowns. (Not more than usual, that is. )

The quality is something else. Very often one or more CD's are not quite okay. Sometimes they send some CD's you didn't order.

But then, if you consider the price and what is being charged on the street: DTG does a nice job. Could be better, but they are okay.
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