wowpow, thank you for bursting the bubble of Gweilo's inaccurate and offensive self-confidence with your experience-based comments. Every point you make is spot on and a needed antidote to his dangerous (macho?) recommendations. The other point that can't be made too often is NEVER take poppers if you've taken Viagra. They both lower blood pressure and in combination can take you down to danger levels. YOU CAN DIE OF A HEART ATTACK ON THE SPOT. Bit girly to worry about that though, I suppose!
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If you are desperate for poppers in Thailand get it throught Internet from Holland at
http://poppers-shop.com From ordering to reception it took 5 days! If you order enough bottles at a time it can cost as little as 250 BHT per bottle (it used to be 700 BHT in Patpong 2). If you get the most popular brand (Rush) which has a little white pellet inside and if you keep it in the freezer it will never go stale or smell, irritate your nostrils and will remain powerful until the last drop. You also can keep new bottles for years in the freezer before they go bad. I ordered twice from that site with complete reliability and was charged the exact amount. The product is genuine and the bottles are full and not leaking. I saw some Thai guys in the saunas taking some very long, deep and frequent breathings from their stale popper bottle trying to get a kick. Then that scary!
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To Wowpow: herpes is a viral disease. It cannot be caused by an allergy to using stale (or fresh) poppers. Change your doctor mate. Some studies claim that poppers cause a temporary weakening of the immune system and link their usage to HIV infections. But if u're having unprotected sex with an HIV or herpes carrier, you're going to get infected with or without poppers.
Yes, poppers and viagra are a dangerous mix, but for people with serious heart problems only. I've seen several guys taking E, V and poppers at the same time and nothing happened to them. I've repeated the experiment on myself and am still alive. Yes, you might die if u try both, but u need to have heart problems to start with. If the bottles are not tightly screwed, then the liquid will evaporate (in the same manner as vodka). I keep some bottles on my desk for months and the stuff is still inside. It seems to me guys that you don't have much experience with poppers, but u're keen to express your views on the subject nonetheless. I'm not suggesting that poppers are great and everyone should use them. It's a decison everyone should make for himself. But the dangers of using poppers (or travelling in their company) are largely exaggerated by people who love to be scared in general (the same sort who would choose not to travel to Southeast Asia because one case of avian flu was reported). I don't think there's anything scary in the fact that guys in the sauna sniff poppers, but cannot get kick out of it 'cause poppers are no longer fresh. I think it's rather sad that they cannot buy new supply freely in Bkk. The homophobic gov would probably be happy to see that its polices against party drugs get so much support among guys who supposedly 'cruise for sex'.
GWM, 34 175 68 30w 40c muscled smooth blond topvers into muscled Asians
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As I read wowpow's post he was not saying that popper was the CAUSE of a herpes infection, but that lesions round the nose or mouth were taken to be a herpes infection by the department that was treating him, whereas they were, in fact, inflammations caused by popper burn. And if that has never happened to you, and you are a frequent user, it's very surprising. Your bullying superiority, certainty that you are better qualified to speak than those who disagree and your way of dismissing other people are as unpleasant in your second post as your first. I don't know about other posters, but I am certainly not inexperienced in the matter. Indeed, I was in there at the start, long before 'gay' popper came on the market and you had to get phials of amyl nitrate from dodgy chemists in the Kings Road, Chelsea (London). And I used it, on and off, for many years. Secondly, the point about the warning against using it in combination with Viagra is justified by the fact that many people who have heart conditions don't KNOW they have them. And even if they do know may be foolish enough to make a serious misjudgement. I do not see myself as a scare-mongerer, do not enjoy frightening myself or other people; I was merely sharing what I feel are not groundless worries. Anyway, you will do what you want to, I shall do what I want to, and others will be aware that they have a choice. Which is no bad outcome to a thread. (And try being a little less contemptuous next time, please.)
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When Doctors warn against the use of poppers in combination with Viagra, I think you better be safe than sorry, The advice is not that you will die if using it together, it is that you could die.
I hate the smell of the stuff and it does not do anything for me. When some one uses it in the sauna, I always move on. BRRRRRRRRRRRRR
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To Gweilo:
Sniffing stale popper the way I saw some Thai guys doing it in Saunas might not be scary but may-be disturbing. Only stale popper will burn the skin of the nostrils even if no liquid popper is in contact with the skin. I guess that when degrading, some harmful acid like chemicals become present in the popper. Experienced popper users always hold the open bottle when they sniff it in a way that the thumb and the index will prevent the glass of the bottle to touch their nostrils. But it is not much help with stale popper. Now think of what can happen to the inside of your lungs if you take deep and frequent breathings of the stale stuff. Some will hold their breath between each sniff and take 4 to 5 sniffs in a row to get an acceptable kick. So many are coughting after. I agree with you that if popper was more available here and cheaper these guys would not do that. The facts are that mostly bottoms use popper because they can take anything when they have a kick, no more pain because the muscles are relaxed and they are so horny! I had some guys asking me to wait for them to go to their locker and pick up their popper after seing what they will have to endure. Some cannot cum if they don't take popper before. Addiction? If people stick to the brands I mentioned before and use it with moderation, I don't think popper is dangerous but can be a lot of fun and gives you explosive orgasms.
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To Wowpow:
The structure of the sentences in the paragraph on herpes and poppers was such that it was not easy to figure out what 'it' referred to. I took 'it' to mean 'infection'. Now, I know that poppers were the source of a mysterious long-term allergy. Not a MD here, so not intending to comment on it. So many guys here are against poppers. It's perfectly fine with me. I respect people's choices regarding poppers and other party drugs and never make it an issue when having sex. I guess that most of the posters here (a WILD guess, I admit) are not exactly Greek gods (neither am I), so I find it hilarious that u refuse sex because your partner likes poppers.
GWM, 34 175 68 30w 40c muscled smooth blond topvers into muscled Asians
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Gweilo, you're a moron.
Read the postings here and you'll see that none of us is short of willing partners. But even if I were desperate, I'd still give druggies a wide berth. Snort away to your heart's desire, though, if that's what you need to have a good time. To me, you're no different from those dirty kids on Sukhumvit Road with their noses buried in glue-filled sandwich bags.
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Gweilo quotes ,
*** so I find it hilarious that u refuse sex because your partner likes poppers. *** Well , don't be so angry , just because I declined you as my sex partner , dear . ![]() ![]() I just don't have sex with smelly guys . That's all . Popper has unpleasant odor ( at least to me ) And I have never had sex with any Thai guys use poppers before in my lofe . And , as the most of readers here know , I HAVE SEX WITH MANY MANY THAI GUYS and VERY OFTEN . And I know more than 99% ORDINARY Thai gay guys don't use it . ( I am not talking about commercial boys , Silom Soi 2 & 4 boys who highly influenced by BAD HABITS from overseas ) NI MAI CHAI WATANATAM THAI , NA . ![]()
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As always you Thai guys are very helpful though a tad bit BITCHY. My nose is a bit raw now so this helps. I knew the stuff was lame when stale but not more caustic. I love to pop when I have some huge meat all the way down my throat because what little gag reflex I have left just disapears totally. Woof now I gotta go find some hard cock candy.
O there is some more ghood stuff HERE, CFS Sex advise thread; Nose Irritation From Poppers
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